I think CFB overtakes NFL in 20 years

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Yeah, I get it. I’m a sports junkie, so I can sit back & watch all football, all day. I can tell this board the only sport I can’t bear to watch anymore is the NBA.

Unfortunately, unlike the NFL, the NBA doesn’t have a Fantasy following. W/ the LBJ era of super teams, inflated scoring, load management, lack of competition, and a commissioner who’s passive, w/o that fantasy brand to spark interest, their ratings have plummeted.

It also hurt the league when the faces, LBJ & KD, both chose to join up w/ opps vs. building their own. Never in the history of the game from Mikan, to Russell, to West, to Kareem, to Magic to MJ to Kobe have faces of the leagues jumped to join opponents to win in the prime of their careers. It turned off the masses.

But back to CFB; I could swear several yrs ago when Miami was a punching bag that this board was complaining how bored CFB was, & that the bag schools make the game uninteresting. It’s funny how perception changes when ur team is the talk of the town. It’s y this fan base holds on so dearly to 2017, but now 2017 is a distant memory (thus far).
Spot on with the NBA

I think you and I are probably around the same age and we were lucky to grow up with the NBA we had

I can’t watch it anymore though the playoffs I’ll still keep up a bit here and there
“Nfl is a worse product” 😂😂😂
One of the main arguments for it being a worse product is that the NFL requires ELITE quarterback play. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough of those guys to go around. Like, not nearly enough.

That’s why you hear comments about how it’s gotten stale. If your team doesn’t have one of the Top 5 QBs, then good luck staying interested.
The NFL is a worse product, but college football is doing its damnedest to become the NFL, Jr. The best regular season in sports has been decimated and some rivalries becoming dormant. And of course, the deluge of players backing out of non-playoff bowl games.

I don't think college football could ever surpass the popularity of the NFL, but I think they could come close, if managed properly. First thing to recognize is they're not the NFL. Team fans are locked in, so you need to have as many schools involved as possible. Miami and FSU fans are not going to give up their teams and follow Florida as their "team" if Florida is the only one in a P2 league. I'd argue they need a minimum of 60 teams with an equal shot at the playoff.

Someone else mentioned it earlier, the P4 should come together and make their own division of college football. Negotiate TV deals as one large entity because conferences will vary in their strength over the years and OOC scheduling could be managed to maximize TV interest and make the regular season more competitive.
TV numbers & attendance say otherwise. The problem with ppl is they ignore data & insert their own feelings, views as facts.

According to data, CFB is 3rd in popularity behind the NFL & MLB, w/ the NFL lapping both combined. With Goodell’s international expansion plan, it has made the game even more popular globally. Do I, personally, prefer CFB over the NFL? Yes, but I’m not going to use my preference to speak for the masses.
Can’t disagree.
I just think hardcore football fans may drop off. The trend of ‘football with the stars’ may backfire.
About half the people on the site are Floridians and another 15-20% are from the remaining Southern states. We often forget that outside of these areas and Ohio, the NFL is prohibitively more popular than CFB.

That's not to say I like this fact, but it is what it is.

I seriously question whether MLB is actually more popular than CFB. I'd like to see some granular data on that one.
So many of you say college ball is better than the nfl, and then suggest changing every single thing that makes it better. It’s really weird. If it’s so great, leave it that way!
About half the people on the site are Floridians and another 15-20% are from the remaining Southern states. We often forget that outside of these areas and Ohio, the NFL is prohibitively more popular than CFB.

That's not to say I like this fact, but it is what it is.

I seriously question whether MLB is actually more popular than CFB. I'd like to see some granular data on that one.
I remember looking this up before as well. Gets weird because the MLB plays so many games and also the NBA is considered by some to be the 2nd most popular sport because the 2nd highest amount of people consider it their favorite and it’s more popular with younger demographics
I remember looking this up before as well. Gets weird because the MLB plays so many games and also the NBA is considered by some to be the 2nd most popular sport because the 2nd highest amount of people consider it their favorite and it’s more popular with younger demographics
Right. I've read a lot of these sports popularity studies and the results are very nuanced. The NBA has historically been widely followed, but rarely is #1 for people. But something like MLB might be #1 for a lot of people, but not followed AT ALL for the majority of people.

Then, of course, there's the depth of passion, involvement, etc. It's not an easy topic to measure or gauge.
The older I get the more I see the appeal of pro ball. Less kid stuff. But more and more I just see kid stuff in the league. May as well stick with college.
I doubt it overtakes the NFL but personally I’ve been watching less and less NFL and more college the past several years. The NFL is very stale I agree.
Stale and conservative. The games are no longer exciting. And like McDonalds over the years, a hundred incremental changes over the last thirty years have combined to make it a lesser product.
football may be unrecognizable in 20 years NFL or College.
A secondary factor is whether football as a
Sport becomes politicized, ie the injuries lead to states begin to ban tackle football. Or at a student level, there is turmoil over escalating tuition fees to allow colleges to pay players when that bridge is crossed.

But at a structural level, I’ve said previously that in a generation I can imagine a CFB world where a Notre Dame does not run “The Fighting Irish”, but has an agreement with an outside entity (perhaps an NFL owner) that runs the team. And if favorable terms are not continued, the Fighting Irish could move colleges.