I think CFB overtakes NFL in 20 years

Tbh they lost both and I just shrugged

I really think for me, and this is just my personality, but it started when we used to watch games with my boys and then all during the games people started talking about fantasy football. And then more people started talking about it that have no idea what they’re talking about

So I don’t think it’s really the game itself I just don’t really like dumb people liking the things I like
NFL fans are the least knowledgeable about their sport in the world. It's not even close.

I'd just really like to know WTF is happening during a kickoff. If the kicker is left footed and the ball is caught within the ten yard line during an odd numbered hour, the ball is placed on the 25 yard line. Now here are 17 other scenarios and where the ball is placed.
Understandable. Lol
I'll also add that I work very long hours and really don't like devoting a minimum of 3.5 hours to television. I'm a lifelong soccer fan, and other than elimination games in tournaments (potential extra time and kicks), the game is over in two hours.

You mentioned MLB. I'm 37. I consider my "age cohort" to be roughly those I went to high school with, so 34-40. NO ONE among my close friends gives a rat's *** about MLB. No one.
I don't watch any games outside the Dolphins. I have no interest.

Yeah, I get it. I’m a sports junkie, so I can sit back & watch all football, all day. I can tell this board the only sport I can’t bear to watch anymore is the NBA.

Unfortunately, unlike the NFL, the NBA doesn’t have a Fantasy following. W/ the LBJ era of super teams, inflated scoring, load management, lack of competition, and a commissioner who’s passive, w/o that fantasy brand to spark interest, their ratings have plummeted.

It also hurt the league when the faces, LBJ & KD, both chose to join up w/ opps vs. building their own. Never in the history of the game from Mikan, to Russell, to West, to Kareem, to Magic to MJ to Kobe have faces of the leagues jumped to join opponents to win in the prime of their careers. It turned off the masses.

But back to CFB; I could swear several yrs ago when Miami was a punching bag that this board was complaining how bored CFB was, & that the bag schools make the game uninteresting. It’s funny how perception changes when ur team is the talk of the town. It’s y this fan base holds on so dearly to 2017, but now 2017 is a distant memory (thus far).
Yeah, I get it. I’m a sports junkie, so I can sit back & watch all football, all day. I can tell this board the only sport I can’t bear to watch anymore is the NBA.

Unfortunately, unlike the NFL, the NBA doesn’t have a Fantasy following. W/ the LBJ era of super teams, inflated scoring, load management, lack of competition, and a commissioner who’s passive, w/o that fantasy brand to spark interest, their ratings have plummeted.

It also hurt the league when the faces, LBJ & KD, both chose to join up w/ opps vs. building their own. Never in the history of the game from Mikan, to Russell, to West, to Kareem, to Magic to MJ to Kobe have faces of the leagues jumped to join opponents to win in the prime of their careers. It turned off the masses.

But back to CFB; I could swear several yrs ago when Miami was a punching bag that this board was complaining how bored CFB was, & that the bag schools make the game uninteresting. It’s funny how perception changes when ur team is the talk of the town. It’s y this fan base holds on so dearly to 2017, but now 2017 is a distant memory (thus far).
The NBA is ******* morgue.
TV numbers & attendance say otherwise. The problem with ppl is they ignore data & insert their own feelings, views as facts.

According to data, CFB is 3rd in popularity behind the NFL & MLB, w/ the NFL lapping both combined. With Goodell’s international expansion plan, it has made the game even more popular globally. Do I, personally, prefer CFB over the NFL? Yes, but I’m not going to use my preference to speak for the masses.
Every source I can find shows that both NFL and CFB viewership are growing, but CFB is growing at a marginally faster pace. Sources and numbers differ but im seeing CFB grew roughly 20% in 5 years while NFL grew somewhere around 15%. Obviously the numbers are so massively different that there's no way that CFB can surpass NFL any time soon if that holds, but I predict NFL will start to stall out in comparison to CFB in around 10 years. Call me crazy. But the distance between the two definitely doesn't seem to be growing, but getting slightly smaller every year as it stands.
Might sound crazy but it’s the simple trajectory imo.

- NFL is a worse product, and seemingly getting more stale by the year
- College has always been a much more dynamic and fun product, and NIL is accelerating this.
- NIL levels the playing field, creates more chaos, we're gonna see teams like SMU bursting onto the scene
- NIL also blew down the door of allowing schools to invest directly in talent, which will be proportional to the economic value being captured by teams. AKA as college continues to get better and the NFL worse, the pay difference will shrink, more kids will opt to stay in college longer ala Ward.
- Eventually, years from now, we'll see the value of the NFL good down, and pushes to change the rules to allow students to stay in school and compete longer. Even the "student" facade will also eventually disappear in the next 20 years. The new football landscape will be regional city and state school teams, reminiscent of the Soccer club landscape in Europe.

Just a random shower thought I had to break up the regular board conversation.
College football was about 3.5B profit last year. NFL was 13B profit. Each NFL team earned a little over $400m last year. I love college football, but you're wrong.
Might sound crazy but it’s the simple trajectory imo.

- NFL is a worse product, and seemingly getting more stale by the year
- College has always been a much more dynamic and fun product, and NIL is accelerating this.
- NIL levels the playing field, creates more chaos, we're gonna see teams like SMU bursting onto the scene
- NIL also blew down the door of allowing schools to invest directly in talent, which will be proportional to the economic value being captured by teams. AKA as college continues to get better and the NFL worse, the pay difference will shrink, more kids will opt to stay in college longer ala Ward.
- Eventually, years from now, we'll see the value of the NFL good down, and pushes to change the rules to allow students to stay in school and compete longer. Even the "student" facade will also eventually disappear in the next 20 years. The new football landscape will be regional city and state school teams, reminiscent of the Soccer club landscape in Europe.

Just a random shower thought I had to break up the regular board conversation.
NIL will rapidly hasten college football's "mini-me" status of NFL


Also, why were you thinking about us when you were naked meng?

I mean we are flattered I guess...
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@305_separatist I feel what you're trying to lay out. Once you remove the personal blinders and look at the bigger picture, you see gambling and fantast keeps NFL #1.

I think you are expressing what I refer to as longtime football fan displeasure. I'm terminally ill with it. CFB was AWESOME when I was a kid -before the BCS, before playoffs, back when the B1G had only 10 teams (it was referred to as the Big 2 Plus 8) and back when it was the PAC 8. SMU was really, really good. Bowl games left controversy, but no one sat out and the games were exciting as ****. The NFL was on two days a week and could be found on CBS, NBC or ABC....none of this ESPN or Peacock crap. Jimmy the Greek (who wasn't Greek but was racist), made predictions and Howard Cosell (also racist) was the voice of MNF. The racism did not make it great. The singularity of it all did.

To the purist, like me, all the changes seem to be overwhelming, with some being unnecessary and others making for eye rolling. NIL? I'm all for the spirit in which Ed O'Bannon sued the NCAA, but what has resulted is a load of crap and most of us saw it coming. Giving 17 year old kids 6-10M before taking a college snap is just a bad, bad idea. Not that they don't deserve the revenue from TV, game tickets, jersey sales etc; but it needs to be done after the fact, after it's been earned. Reggie Bush deserved a piece of all those #5 jerseys that you stil see in the Coliseum on Saturdays.....but he deserved it AFTER he was making plays and AFTER the jersies were purchased, not beforehand. I could go on and on and prove to everyone on here a little more that I 'm an old man complaining, but I think you get the idea.

What's the end result? For me, I watch a lot less NFL. I have a family and limited time off. Sundays are for smoking meat (pause) and chilling out. Saturdays are for yelling at the TV screen in between naps and grouching at neighbor kids. Maybe I'm just getting old.
NFL will always be King for all the reasons already stated. I'm 45 and was born and raised on the Jersey Shore until I went to college so I'm a NY pro sports fan (Giants, Yanks and Rangers) and Miami Hurricane fan since I started watching sports on TV. Bears vs Patriots, Giants vs Broncos and Hurricanes vs Penn State are the earliest games I actually remember watching as a 7-8yr old. I have always preferred college sports more than pro sports. Maybe because I played football through college but I just appreciate college sports more. Live in Virginia since 07 so college sports really became a big part of our family affairs since Virginia is very into college sports not having any pro teams and not being in the market of all the pro teams I grew up rooting for I just really have lost the "fanatic" in me for the pros. I will sit all day Saturday and watch every and any college football game and have a blast. Come Sunday, I will throw the redzone on if Im home and doing chores but I really don't give a **** if I watch it
all pro leagues especially the NFL were all organized to give people something to bet on. Look at all the games. Stadium packed with fanatical fans who need something in their life kinda like the dems..
Exactly. NFL gets like 17M views on average per game. The top games in CFB every week get like 8M.

I can see CFB inching closer and closer but never overtaking. It is by far the superior product though.
And I assume those ratings don’t even include the number of people that watch the NFL on illegal streams, which millions of people do