Here comes the CRISTOBAL bandwagon.



Sorry for the caps, just ****ing them off.

Let's see if they close it out in the second half.

So a coach that improved 2-wins over his predecessor from the season prior and is about to win a major conference in year 2 with his 11th win and won national titles as a player and a coach (for the best head coach in the modern era) and you want to **** all over him? Why because he **** the bet at FIU and got fired for one bad year by Pete Garcia? Pete is a douche.

Sure the Quacks might regress some next year but so what? He is recruiting very strongly and should become the dominant team in their division.

Winning a major conference title matters a lot. This isn't some dude coaching in the Southland or Conference USA winning his conference.

We have done a lot worse.
It’s funny how this board didn’t want Cristobal and wanted to see him coach @ Oregon first. But, when Manny Diaz was being interviewed, they wanted Manny immediately (without a HC resume) 😐
...literally no one
Let's see if they close it out in the second half.

So a coach that improved 2-wins over his predecessor from the season prior and is about to win a major conference in year 2 with his 11th win and won national titles as a player and a coach (for the best head coach in the modern era) and you want to **** all over him? Why because he **** the bet at FIU and got fired for one bad year by Pete Garcia? Pete is a douche.

Sure the Quacks might regress some next year but so what? He is recruiting very strongly and should become the dominant team in their division.

Winning a major conference title matters a lot. This isn't some dude coaching in the Southland or Conference USA winning his conference.

We have done a lot worse.

It's my opinion.

However, I will Gladly admit I'm wrong if he proves to me he can win 10 games next year without a top 10 QB and several NFL prospects on O line.
Posters on here praying he fails so they can continue their fake hate for him because he left this sht show of a program. He obviously had his sights set on becoming a HC at a major P5 program. He did the right thing in going to Bama to learn from one of the best all time.

He would have won the Coastal this year and had Miami playing at a much higher caliber.
Relax. There's enough time for this anemic Utah offense to mount a comeback and lead to a 29 page thread on how much Cristobal sucks.
It’s funny how this board didn’t want Cristobal and wanted to see him coach @ Oregon first. But, when Manny Diaz was being interviewed, they wanted Manny immediately (without a HC resume) 😐

bc Diaz “was a savage” and Mario “left us high and dry”.

people care more about people they like than actually good coaches. see: Leach, Mike.

Mario being great right now probably makes certain BOT members SEETHE though bc we ended up with the Mayors Son thanks to Epstein Lemonis and their tranny stooge.
*** ******* the 5th ranked team with a good coach on national TV to win a P5 conference title. 20-6 his first two years. Back to back top 10 recruiting classes. CORCH

Only CIS, baby

Diaz was lauded bc he came up with the chain and his defenses beat up on the UVAs and Dukes.

Meanwhile, people are so butthurt about Mario choosing to learn from Saban instead of Folden, theyd rather have this FSU LOSER coach than an actually talented HC who is an actual Cane.
It’s funny how this board didn’t want Cristobal and wanted to see him coach @ Oregon first. But, when Manny Diaz was being interviewed, they wanted Manny immediately (without a HC resume) 😐
I don't remember anybody being happy about the diaz hire and he was given the job.
Mario is happy where he's at... he doesn't want to coach at this ****-hole. Butch will be our next dream coach at the prime age of 69.