As always it goes round and round in a circle jerk of social oblivion with you. Are you a shrink, by chance, Mahoney???
The whole point was that there is a difference between the way kids conduct themselves and are or should be treated correspondingly on the board, such as Jeudy vs. Holloman. As a local kid, especially, if the local school is chasing you and you don't want to go, tell them no and move on respectfully. Don't make a trolling clown show out of it. Henderson is playing games. He's been on campus more than anyone. He's gotten lots of love from the staff. He doesn't need to be a dbag to the hometown team.
The quotes are not being assigned correctly so I'll continue to post in bold to distinguish my thoughts...
You may not have children, but when grown men speak of someone's teenaged child in that manner (calling them "pieces of isht") it's despicable, IMO. The nature of the forum is no excuse as much as I would like to make it one, because to be honest, this type of forum only magnifies someone's true persona. From a social standpoint I certainly believe demographics play a role in the way these teenaged kids' behavior is being perceived, and the cowardly manner in which they are being discussed.
From one man to another, RVA, your weak justification for characterizing teenage kids as "pieces of isht" is shameful. Why don't you be the man and hold yourself to the standards that you think these kids aren't portraying or living up to. Real man to come on here and talk greasy about teenage kids when you don't have to own it and show your face.
Ok Dr. Mahoney, sometimes I'm too harsh but that said, now you're weaving your tale conveniently into a story skipping some of the facts. I didn't start the pieces of isht comment made, I believe by [MENTION=4841]The Franchise[/MENTION] but I did refer to those comments in my post as the factor explaining why they were being used and I did refer to some of these kids as acting like dbags. I'll stand by that... Some of them do act like dbags. And I have kids and when they act like little shîts, I straighten their shît out as does their mother... Ans, at least on my end, without the physical force used on me as a disciplinary measure when I was a kid, by the way, Dr. Mahoney.
Look at Holloman. He was raised to make a video a week ahead of Richt showing up there and then the Mom cancels the in-home when Richt is there... They're dbags. If that's "talking greasy" about kids in your opinion so be it... I think you're an enabler and all of this safe place enabling bullshît perpetuates these divas to not grow up and not learn responsibility.
nah, someone else's behavior is no justification for how you conduct yourself.. It's the essence of character, and I think you'd tell your kids that in a heartbeat.
I know the cowardly comments weren't yours to begin with, RVA, which is what makes it especially pathetic for you to justify and continue to defend them. This is the second such exchange of mine where you decided to inserted yourself without me directly addressing you; so since you decided to second that mess, I responded to you while also responding to the original cowards...
You know, I actually agree that pieces of isht isn't is not an appropriate term to use towards minors on here or anywhere and I'm wrong and ashamed for my role in perpetuating that at any level. I'm a better person than that.
I've inserted myself into your arguments because you insinuate everything is about race or class and it isn't. You did it in this argument raising "demographics." It's maddening when everything is made to be about that and I'm somewhat liberal.
Maybe some people have an agenda of race or class but not everyone. If Braxton Berrios was being recruited now and he pulled the shît Henderson or Holloman pull or pulled, do you think he'd get a pass because he's white?
What's especially blinding for you, Mahoney, is that in your intent to do right, and I have no doubt that you're a well-intentioned good person, you look beyond the simple merits of individuals and individual actions and focus on finding others to blame and excuses to use based on your social agenda.