
gaytors according to what I have read they don't have much more space for dbs . Edwards will not get a commotable offer unless blades bailed . Henderson is unproven at all positions u figure he would be humble instead of making himself a target . Where ever he ends up if he's a bust he going to hear it acting like this .

Everyone I talk to says UF wants him on offense , rb or wr.
Just saying edwards is not a take right now . Henderson will end up a bust at Fl on the o side ball. I always like Henderson at wr at Miami .

It's funny to me how people get all bent out of shape over broken English recruits who play you guys, not coaches generally. The coaches, in most cases, know where recruits stand. The recruits are generally polite and have cordial relationships with whomever is recruiting them. The guys they play with are the reporters, which recruits at that age want to just answer so they'll go away, and fans who say all kinds of things about recruits with little to no inside information. Play into it gents, you're all fodder for the game.
Build that scumbag drama! Build it all the way to a ***qity crescendo, Hendo! Then take that ***** filled UM hat and shove it in a good man's face, who did nothing but treat you like gold and welcome you on campus 129 times, so you can go faqg off for the armpit of the KKK world in Gainesville.

Ponderous, man. Fcking ponderous.

This isht is insane. CMR might not be the greatest HC or play caller who ever lived, but he's an awesome guy who is trying to do what's best for his players. He treats these maggots like gold and they **** on him and UM and run to piece of scat like McElteef or Satan. You really can't explain this stuff.

Who in football do you consider to be a great HC or play-caller? Because Richt has a track record of performing at an very high level in both.
It's funny to me how people get all bent out of shape over broken English recruits who play you guys, not coaches generally. The coaches, in most cases, know where recruits stand. The recruits are generally polite and have cordial relationships with whomever is recruiting them. The guys they play with are the reporters, which recruits at that age want to just answer so they'll go away, and fans who say all kinds of things about recruits with little to no inside information. Play into it gents, you're all fodder for the game.

I generally agree, but... are they not to be considered people of value because of their English proficiency or circumstances under which they were raised?
The game playing is fcking ponderous. Fcking ponderous, man. It's tired at this point. I love guys like big Donaldson and loathe the maggots who want to play games with their recruitment.

Sometimes things just aren't as clear as we want them to be. In the end it just is what it is. Just my two cents but you might wanna reserve judgement till signing day on this one.
This isht is insane. CMR might not be the greatest HC or play caller who ever lived, but he's an awesome guy who is trying to do what's best for his players. He treats these maggots like gold and they **** on him and UM and run to piece of scat like McElteef or Satan. You really can't explain this stuff.

I don't wonder. They troll UM because they are dumb, pieces of isht who weren't raised right.

It's one thing to flit off to dance for the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa. It's a whole other thing to engage in the scummy faqgitry these local cvnt faces do.

There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.

Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.

has nothing to do with his upbringing; maybe some of these young men have personality issues or a full-blown mental illness. What would you say about the brought-upsy of some posters on this site who lash out and cast aspersions about teenagers who don't comport themselves in a manner desirable to said poster? Where's the brought-upsy here?

Has everything to do with how your how your brought up. If I was in their position & I was ****ting on the home town team my dad would have punched me in my mouth. Handle yourself like a grown man. If your not going to pick Miami at the very minimum be respectful of their offer.

How do you know what the kid's thought process is? What about McFarland's or Smith's brought-upsy if they pick Miami? Are kids only "pieces of isht who weren't raised right" when they are from Miami and waiting to make a decision? So you're saying you don't want Henderson, McFarland, and Smith to sign here?

BTW the board inappropriately attributed that filth above with "the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa" and "They were raised like ****." to me, somehow.. When it really came from another poster..

I think the pieces of isht factor comes more into play when they're disrespectful in the process. It doesn't apply to Jeudy the way it applies to Holloman, for instance, and Holloman isn't even local. Henderson comes off as clowning us and that will catch ire here.
[MENTION=1396]blackvern[/MENTION], from our dialogue yesterday on another thread this is where the veterans come in. This kid isn't coming. He's just trying to troll. Would love to have him, but he's all gator.

I was actually hopeful on this one untill Florida hired Randy as the Defensive Coordinator...if Randy wouldve been passed up on the job i think he might have came

Why were you hopeful the noles weren't really recruiting him

LOLOLOL OH SNAP!! A Vern is really an FSU fan joke!! LOLOLOL. What's next, a post about the number of pages in this thread, whooping cane PM, or DJ's ace?
This isht is insane. CMR might not be the greatest HC or play caller who ever lived, but he's an awesome guy who is trying to do what's best for his players. He treats these maggots like gold and they **** on him and UM and run to piece of scat like McElteef or Satan. You really can't explain this stuff.

It's one thing to flit off to dance for the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa. It's a whole other thing to engage in the scummy faqgitry these local cvnt faces do.

There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.

Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.

nah, has nothing to do with his upbringing; maybe some of these young men have personality issues or a full-blown mental illness. What would you say about the brought-upsy of posters on this site who lash out and cast aspersions on teenagers who don't comport themselves in a manner desirable to said poster? Where's the brought-upsy here?
You often make stylistically acceptable posts that contain nothing but nonsense. This is one of them. You have a gift for saying stupid **** fairly eloquently.

If you're raised poorly you defecate in the face of a really fine man like Rick, who has done nothing but treat you well and with respect. It's pretty simple. If you're raised properly you understand respect and common decorum. Treat people who treat you well with respect. Simple stuff. You think someone raised properly invites a very busy HC to visit him knowing he was already committed elsewhere and then cancels at the last second after the HC already made the flight?

Responding and critiquing the boorish behavior of those who were raised horribly has nothing to do with the critic's upbringing other than proving that he was raised to know right from wrong and has a bitter distaste for disrespectful assh0les. I wouldn't expect you to grasp that though because you were dumb enough to ask the question thinking you had a gotcha moment.

Right. I'll repost what I just sent.

How do you know what the kid's thought process is? What about McFarland's or Smith's brought-upsy if they pick Miami? Are kids only "pieces of isht who weren't raised right" when they are from Miami and waiting to make a decision? So you're saying you don't want Henderson, McFarland, and Smith to sign here?

and with respect to your assertion that I "often make stylistically acceptable posts that contain nothing but nonsense", and "have a gift for saying stupid **** fairly eloquently." Allow me to give you a free psych lesson since you're such a generous jurist. This is a classic example of Projection... Just read the drivel you wrote at the core of this post and the majority of your "boorish" commentary.

Seriously dude. If MacFarland and Smith do to Maryland and LSU what Holloman and Henderson and Harley did to Miami then they're pieces of isht too. Its not because they pick Miami that they get a pass, It's about what they do and since this is a Miami board we are focused on what they do to us not other programs.
It's funny to me how people get all bent out of shape over broken English recruits who play you guys, not coaches generally. The coaches, in most cases, know where recruits stand. The recruits are generally polite and have cordial relationships with whomever is recruiting them. The guys they play with are the reporters, which recruits at that age want to just answer so they'll go away, and fans who say all kinds of things about recruits with little to no inside information. Play into it gents, you're all fodder for the game.

I generally agree, but... are they not to be considered people of value because of their English proficiency or circumstances under which they were raised?

Nah, they're all good just in my book. Half the crap recruits post on social media is just them ******** with friends and recruits going elsewhere or even their same school. To top it off through, it isn't considered cool to speak correctly, gotta keep it 100 for that street cred. During the Army AA game, the running back who gave his verbal to ASU I believe, is probably considered soft by his teammates because of the way he talks. He has game and a brain, so do a lot of them....but most keep that stuff on the down low.
What does "commitable offer" mean?
One either has an offer or they don't.

It's kind of like the state of pregnancy.

My first instinct is to agree with you, but either he doesnt have an offer (probably the right answer), or his "offer" could be to walk-on, grayshirt, etc.

To clarify, according to all the recruiting sites as well as Brini himself, he has an offer.

The staff cooled on him during the summer and Pete says as of now he is not a take. So while they didn't officially rescind his offer, they would not accept his commitment.

Remember this. I'm going to give you a $2,000.00 legal class for free because I like you.

"Offer" is an element of contract law. If you have an offer, you can accept it and create a binding contract. If you have something that you can't accept, then you don't have an offer.

There are often conditions put on offers. If you don't abide by the conditions contained within the offer (e.g. "You must accept this offer by November 1, 2016"), then your acceptance is not binding on the person who made the offer.

A legal lesson from The Living Legend is always a treat.

But how do you explain Wright having an offer which he posted a picture of on his twitter and then when he tried to commit last month the coaches told him they wouldn't accept his commitment?

I don't believe coaches can put an expiration date on offers. Can they?
There must have been conditions attached to that offer.

Because you're a hungry student, I'll give you another tidbit on offers. You can revoke an offer before it gets accepted. Then it's gone. I can make you an offer today, and if I revoke it before you accept it then it's gone.
There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.

Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.

Yawn, raised like ****? There's plenty of murderers, rapists, etc who were raised right that didnt wind up doing the right things in life. There's stuff my parents taught me not to do growing up and did any way. Same with happen with my boy one day I'm sure as thats part of growing up.. Good RaH RaH stuff for the mental midgets though, but quit acting like teenagers always handle things appropriately or should even.

All of the recruits you mentioned did things the way they wanted to. They did and said things along the way none of us are privy to. AR flirted with Alabama all along the way, had legit interest. I'm sure there are some Bama fans who don't think he did it the right way.

Bandy was committed to OU. Don't play stupid, everyone has seen you roast people who gave us their verbal to only cast their lot with another team later. Since it worked out for us, he did it the right way. Stay consistent Francis.

Shaq, had Golden stayed, I believe he would've looked elsewhere. He loved Richt, his first offer,and what a blessing we got them both.

Steed shut it down early, good on him for deciding early. I wouldn't fault him if he wanted to take some late visits, but if he did you and the other emotionals would get in a tizzy.
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So many in this generation of kids in South Florida are totally fûcked up. No loyalty to home, no local pride, no sense of right and wrong, no understanding of how to handle themselves as citizens and men. Just absolute worthless human beings who are an injury away from being completely irrelevant in this world.

I disagree Kids are worthless. If you want to blame a generation it's my generation who's to blame. They didn't do their jobs as parents and this is what we got from it. It's a national thing not just in SF. I still love all kids, it's their parents who suck the big one.
I don't wonder. They troll UM because they are dumb, pieces of isht who weren't raised right.

It's one thing to flit off to dance for the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa. It's a whole other thing to engage in the scummy faqgitry these local cvnt faces do.

There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.

Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.

has nothing to do with his upbringing; maybe some of these young men have personality issues or a full-blown mental illness. What would you say about the brought-upsy of some posters on this site who lash out and cast aspersions about teenagers who don't comport themselves in a manner desirable to said poster? Where's the brought-upsy here?

Has everything to do with how your how your brought up. If I was in their position & I was ****ting on the home town team my dad would have punched me in my mouth. Handle yourself like a grown man. If your not going to pick Miami at the very minimum be respectful of their offer.

How do you know what the kid's thought process is? What about McFarland's or Smith's brought-upsy if they pick Miami? Are kids only "pieces of isht who weren't raised right" when they are from Miami and waiting to make a decision? So you're saying you don't want Henderson, McFarland, and Smith to sign here?

BTW the board inappropriately attributed that filth above with "the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa" and "They were raised like ****." to me, somehow.. When it really came from another poster..

I think the pieces of isht factor comes more into play when they're disrespectful in the process. It doesn't apply to Jeudy the way it applies to Holloman, for instance, and Holloman isn't even local. Henderson comes off as clowning us and that will catch ire here.[/QUOTE]

I disagree that it "comes off as clowning". People can respond however they want but casting aspersions on their brought-upsy or english proficiency have certain undertones, and speaks volumes of the caliber of posters on this site.
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It's one thing to flit off to dance for the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa. It's a whole other thing to engage in the scummy faqgitry these local cvnt faces do.

There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.

Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.

has nothing to do with his upbringing; maybe some of these young men have personality issues or a full-blown mental illness. What would you say about the brought-upsy of some posters on this site who lash out and cast aspersions about teenagers who don't comport themselves in a manner desirable to said poster? Where's the brought-upsy here?

Has everything to do with how your how your brought up. If I was in their position & I was ****ting on the home town team my dad would have punched me in my mouth. Handle yourself like a grown man. If your not going to pick Miami at the very minimum be respectful of their offer.

How do you know what the kid's thought process is? What about McFarland's or Smith's brought-upsy if they pick Miami? Are kids only "pieces of isht who weren't raised right" when they are from Miami and waiting to make a decision? So you're saying you don't want Henderson, McFarland, and Smith to sign here?

BTW the board inappropriately attributed that filth above with "the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa" and "They were raised like ****." to me, somehow.. When it really came from another poster..

I think the pieces of isht factor comes more into play when they're disrespectful in the process. It doesn't apply to Jeudy the way it applies to Holloman, for instance, and Holloman isn't even local. Henderson comes off as clowning us and that will catch ire here.

I disagree that it "comes off as clowning". People can respond however they want but casting aspersions on their brought-upsy or english proficiency have certain undertones, and speaks volumes of the caliber of poster on this site.[/QUOTE]

I'm not addressing their vocabulary. I wasn't necessarily addressing brought "upsy" as you call it but I suspect, as usual, you're turning it into a social issue and it's not. Money doesn't buy class.
So many in this generation of kids in South Florida are totally fûcked up. No loyalty to home, no local pride, no sense of right and wrong, no understanding of how to handle themselves as citizens and men. Just absolute worthless human beings who are an injury away from being completely irrelevant in this world.

I disagree Kids are worthless. If you want to blame a generation it's my generation who's to blame. They didn't do their jobs as parents and this is what we got from it. It's a national thing not just in SF. I still love all kids, it's their parents who suck the big one.

You're point is well taken. Maybe I'm too harsh on this one but it's maddening. The parents play a major role in raising the kids this way. It's not all in this generation, as I said, it's many. That said, these spoiled kids who I'm pointing out were pampered to the point where if they didn't have football, they'd be nowhere without the coping skills to deal like everyone else has to.