This isht is insane. CMR might not be the greatest HC or play caller who ever lived, but he's an awesome guy who is trying to do what's best for his players. He treats these maggots like gold and they **** on him and UM and run to piece of scat like McElteef or Satan. You really can't explain this stuff.
It's one thing to flit off to dance for the kkk in Gainesville or TusKKKaloosa. It's a whole other thing to engage in the scummy faqgitry these local cvnt faces do.
There's a simple explanation. They were raised like ****. This is why I love and appreciate guys like Bandy, Shaq, Steed, and Ahmmon. They act right. They're not disloyal ungrateful drama queen cvnts. They're real men who appreciate how valuable a UM offer is and how blessed and fortunate they are to receive it.
Like Ahmmon said, the guys who make the most drama about their recruitment are always the guys who get folded up the first day of practice.
nah, has nothing to do with his upbringing; maybe some of these young men have personality issues or a full-blown mental illness. What would you say about the brought-upsy of posters on this site who lash out and cast aspersions on teenagers who don't comport themselves in a manner desirable to said poster? Where's the brought-upsy here?
You often make stylistically acceptable posts that contain nothing but nonsense. This is one of them. You have a gift for saying stupid **** fairly eloquently.
If you're raised poorly you defecate in the face of a really fine man like Rick, who has done nothing but treat you well and with respect. It's pretty simple. If you're raised properly you understand respect and common decorum. Treat people who treat you well with respect. Simple stuff. You think someone raised properly invites a very busy HC to visit him knowing he was already committed elsewhere and then cancels at the last second after the HC already made the flight?
Responding and critiquing the boorish behavior of those who were raised horribly has nothing to do with the critic's upbringing other than proving that he was raised to know right from wrong and has a bitter distaste for disrespectful assh0les. I wouldn't expect you to grasp that though because you were dumb enough to ask the question thinking you had a gotcha moment.
Right. I'll repost what I just sent.
How do you know what the kid's thought process is? What about McFarland's or Smith's brought-upsy if they pick Miami? Are kids only "pieces of isht who weren't raised right" when they are from Miami and waiting to make a decision? So you're saying you don't want Henderson, McFarland, and Smith to sign here?
and with respect to your assertion that I "often make stylistically acceptable posts that contain nothing but nonsense", and "have a gift for saying stupid **** fairly eloquently." Allow me to give you a free psych lesson since you're such a generous jurist. This is a classic example of
Projection... Just read the drivel you wrote at the core of this post and the majority of your "boorish" commentary.