George karlafatis

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I’m not the type to bump old threads, but man wish this legacy would’ve came here. He’s projected to go 1st round in the Mock Drafts.

Yep. I knew his dad in school, his fraternity and my fraternity were neighbors. Saw him/hung out with him on a regular basis for a couple of years. Really good guy, he stayed in Engineering, I bolted to the School of Business.

Kid was all-academic Big Ten but it looks like he switched his major or didn't pursue the engineering aspirations- which I believe is even moarrr evidence that we didn't recruit him properly at all.

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Yeah, there were definitely some family/geographic reasons for staying in Indiana. But the whole "engineering" thing was overblown.

Put into another context...Matt Karlaftis, who was a PWO for football, went pretty far in life with an engineering education from "only" Miami. On the other hand, his son was a 5-star football recruit, so while engineering may have been the "family business", his life was not make-or-break on whether he gets into Purdue over Miami for Engineering.

And, as we can see, he didn't exactly stick with Engineering, he switched to Business like I did. Smart man.
West Lafayette's High school Defensive coordinator is my best friend. Miami recruited Karlafitis hard until it was obvious he was going to Purdue. His family had a huge role in getting him to stay home. We did our job here but just could not land him.

He wasn't leaving mom or the family to come south.

He could've gone anywhere and stayed home. Having lost his father in 2014, that'll change a family.

Glad to see he is doing big things.
West Lafayette's High school Defensive coordinator is my best friend. Miami recruited Karlafitis hard until it was obvious he was going to Purdue. His family had a huge role in getting him to stay home. We did our job here but just could not land him.

I've tried to explain this to people. Look, I can't stand Manny either, but it's not like he just "gave up". While it is true that Mario might have had some extra ammo ("I used to play football with your dad"), people are ignoring the real reasons why the kid picked Syracuse. It wasn't Engineering and it wasn't "Manny gave up". It was him wanting to keep the family together, after previously living overseas for years and then later losing his father.

Let's not overthink this one by blaming Manny too much or acting like Mario would have produced a different outcome.
West Lafayette's High school Defensive coordinator is my best friend. Miami recruited Karlafitis hard until it was obvious he was going to Purdue. His family had a huge role in getting him to stay home. We did our job here but just could not land him.
Yep. Some of these know-it-all fake name drop posts are funny. His dad got his PHD from Purdue and they were part of the Purdue community. Purdue actually had a much stronger legacy edge over him than Miami did. It's not complicated. They are boilermakers. It worked out for him. I will wish him well.
West Lafayette's High school Defensive coordinator is my best friend. Miami recruited Karlafitis hard until it was obvious he was going to Purdue. His family had a huge role in getting him to stay home. We did our job here but just could not land him.
I don't doubt any of that. I think an elite recruiter like Mario would have a shot of getting past that hurdle though
Yep. Some of these know-it-all fake name drop posts are funny. His dad got his PHD from Purdue and they were part of the Purdue community. Purdue actually had a much stronger legacy edge over him than Miami did. It's not complicated. They are boilermakers. It worked out for him. I will wish him well.

Matt got his undergrad (1993) and masters (1994) degrees at Miami. He did get his PhD at Purdue in 1996, but then he moved to Greece in 1998 for a teaching position, where the family lived for nearly two decades, and where all three kids were born and raised. The Karlaftis family only moved to West Lafayette after Matt died in 2014, because Amy Karlaftis grew up in West Lafayette.

Purdue did not have a "much stronger legacy edge over him than Miami did", particularly since Matt was a double-alum at UM and a record-setting athlete. The edge that Purdue had was geography/family proximity.

It's pretty obvious from George's own words, his father raised him to follow Miami games (not Purdue games), but his surviving family wanted him to go to one of three schools IN INDIANA.

"Miami is where I want to go," Karalftis told 247Sports' Tom Loy at check-in for the U.S. Army National Combine in San Antonio on Thursday. "My family wants me to got to either Purdue, Indiana or Notre Dame, but I want to go to Miami. Growing up I always watched Miami games with my dad. That's really where I want to go. If they offered me, I would commit there in a heart beat."
I don't doubt any of that. I think an elite recruiter like Mario would have a shot of getting past that hurdle though

If Mario would have been at Miami and succeeded in this recruitment, I suspect it would have turned on his being a former teammate of Matt's.
If Mario would have been at Miami and succeeded in this recruitment, I suspect it would have turned on his being a former teammate of Matt's.

Exactly. I remember watching an interview on Canesport with Mario when he was the TE coach. You could tell the dude oozed charisma back then. He would have used that connection and also won over mom/family as well. Remember when Tyler Horn's mom used to post and she said her and her friends were infatuated with Mario?
Matt got his undergrad (1993) and masters (1994) degrees at Miami. He did get his PhD at Purdue in 1996, but then he moved to Greece in 1998 for a teaching position, where the family lived for nearly two decades, and where all three kids were born and raised. The Karlaftis family only moved to West Lafayette after Matt died in 2014, because Amy Karlaftis grew up in West Lafayette.

Purdue did not have a "much stronger legacy edge over him than Miami did", particularly since Matt was a double-alum at UM and a record-setting athlete. The edge that Purdue had was geography/family proximity.

It's pretty obvious from George's own words, his father raised him to follow Miami games (not Purdue games), but his surviving family wanted him to go to one of three schools IN INDIANA.

"Miami is where I want to go," Karalftis told 247Sports' Tom Loy at check-in for the U.S. Army National Combine in San Antonio on Thursday. "My family wants me to got to either Purdue, Indiana or Notre Dame, but I want to go to Miami. Growing up I always watched Miami games with my dad. That's really where I want to go. If they offered me, I would commit there in a heart beat."

Did not read...

...for the 10000th time you thick-headed loner, per me, per the mods, per the admins... don't reply to me. Don't read my posts. don't think of me. As I do you. Pretend I died. You can't sit here. I think you're a really "off," lonely, attention-starved and strange individual and want nothing to do with you.
Did not read...

...for the 10000th time you thick-headed loner, per me, per the mods, per the admins... don't reply to me. Don't read my posts. don't think of me. As I do you. Pretend I died. You can't sit here. I think you're a really "off," lonely, attention-starved and strange individual and want nothing to do with you.

Get your facts straight and then nobody needs to correct your misstatements.

Everyone on this board is free to correct factual misstatements.

Have a lovely day.
Get your facts straight and then nobody needs to correct your misstatements.

Everyone on this board is free to correct factual misstatements.

Have a lovely day.

Wow. If you're wondering why your life turned out the way it did, to the point where you've anointed yourself the "board fact-checker" on an anonymous internet website where you spend 80% of your waking life telling us why you're so much smarter than we are and how you're such a better Cane and all the silly names you need to drop from the 80's, it's that reply. I get it, this is the one "place" in the world where people can't simply walk away from your or not return your calls or texts. As long as you don't break a ton of rules, no one can avoid you, and you get to vomit out your 10,000 word lectures without having to acknowledge that maybe 4% of the people here even skim them. Don't get that confused with being liked. People literally DM each other asking WTF your problem is. But congrats, you got your wish for today, you got some attention from me and used up some of my valuable time. Just stay away from me like the mods asked you to, loser.
Wow. If you're wondering why your life turned out the way it did, to the point where you've anointed yourself the "board fact-checker" on an anonymous internet website where you spend 80% of your waking life telling us why you're so much smarter than we are and how you're such a better Cane and all the silly names you need to drop from the 80's, it's that reply. I get it, this is the one "place" in the world where people can't simply walk away from your or not return your calls or texts. As long as you don't break a ton of rules, no one can avoid you, and you get to vomit out your 10,000 word lectures without having to acknowledge that maybe 4% of the people here even read them. Don't get that confused with being liked. People literally DM each other asking WTF your problem is. But congrats, you got your wish for today, you got some attention from me and used up some of my valuable time. Just stay away from me like the mods asked you to, loser.

Nobody personally attacked you. You were just wrong.

You complain about people attacking you, but that's exactly your schtick. You attack some posters and suck up to others. No big deal, your schtick is your schtick.

You are offended by being fact-checked, but at the same time, you waded in to act as if you know more than anyone else about the Karlaftis "Boilermaker legacy" being so much stronger than the Miami connection. But you don't actually know that. You just acted like you did. On the other hand, I posted an actual quote from George Karlaftis about how his father raised him on Miami football.

It's funny to watch you complain about the EXACT THINGS that you yourself do. Like when you were busy name-dropping Kevin Patrick in another thread and citing your "friendship" while you belittled @SWFLHurricane for being "loyal" to UM by saying that Patrick would do well at UM. Meanwhile, @SWFLHurricane has a relative who coached defense at Miami, so maybe, just maybe, the actual opinions of former Miami coaches as to Patrick's coaching abilities might mean a little bit more than you "knowing" Kevin Patrick as an undergrad.

In the end, outside of your baseless personal comments about me, you cannot articulate a single BOARD-RELATED reason for having any sort of personal animus towards me. That's on you. So let's just do what we do best. I'll focus on the facts and history and people related to UM, and you can scour the internet 24-7 so that you can be the first to post random tweets and stories related to UM.

Again, have a lovely day.
Exactly. I remember watching an interview on Canesport with Mario when he was the TE coach. You could tell the dude oozed charisma back then. He would have used that connection and also won over mom/family as well. Remember when Tyler Horn's mom used to post and she said her and her friends were infatuated with Mario?

He still would've stuck with Purdue. Families that lose a parent and even sibling, they come together and are afraid of moving away from those who are left. I know, my Wife had a similar situation and I've wanted to move for 7 years.
He still would've stuck with Purdue. Families that lose a parent and even sibling, they come together and are afraid of moving away from those who are left. I know, my Wife had a similar situation and I've wanted to move for 7 years.

Probably a good chance he does. But Mario would have at least made them a lot more comfortable to at least discuss it
This is why some ppl can't stand you, @Cryptical Envelopment

You take back handed shots at ppl then when someone calls you out on it, you start to Karen. That's the **** I'm talking about.

Whether you like it or not. Downvote, don't give a ****. But quit being a **** fake maude Karen.

This is why some ppl can't stand you, @Cryptical Envelopment

You take back handed shots at ppl then when someone calls you out on it, you start to Karen. That's the **** I'm talking about.

Whether you like it or not. Downvote, don't give a ****. But quit being a **** fake maude Karen.

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Why bump this BS
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