Gattis Sucks Bro Super Megathread

Haha the ones that defended gattis early on now turned on him. Sometimes dude just sucks
No. But I’ve been saying he was bad all along and was met with resistance. Right? @Cribby
My guy we’ve been in the same camp since early in the season. You , Hoops and a few others were the only ones with me when I went full “ Scorched earth“. It was obvious to anyone that’s been around the game just a little bit.
Wow. Thrilling take.

Hope we get to read this again after FSU, Georgia Tech, Clemson and Pitt games.
I think people that were cheering on Gattis in September weren't privy to the same info. It's hard to say, o this guy sucks when all spring in summer you hear how in command of offense TVD is. Very few people mentioned anything about the slow pace and crowded route concepts. Most expected TVD to look great from game 1 so Gattis was allowed to go under the radar first month of the season. Then people pretended the playbook was being concealed when in reality their is no ****** playbook. Pretty clear to say Gattis sucks now that we have legitimate sample size.
And that’s fair.
gattis needs to go

but i'm concerned that he isn't our sole problem. 8 turnovers isn't gattis' fault, without that we win that game. 45 points given up to middle tennessee state? that's not gattis' fault

questionable decision making by cristobal and blown opportunity by players in the redzone against UNC (as well as giving up that 4th down play to unc)? not gattis' fault

i'm not sticking up for him as clearly I agree he needs to be gone, but I think it's easy for people to be hopeful and assume gattis is our only problem, he isn't sadly. we're ranked 45th in offensive yardage yet can't find the endzone and we keep finding new ways to lose
Two credible people telling me he won’t be fired. The plan was for this to be a one and done year but now that may change with this **** show.

As Cribby said, Gattis may leave on his own, which is possible.

Mario understands the issues but recognizes the holes we have on Offense and is willing to give him another chance.
Then Mario is an idiot
The worst part is that vs. UVA we had our healthiest line of the year, and used Brantley effectively in pass blocking.

Still couldn't score.
Brantley grinds my gears. I’ve been calling for him all year. He’s a different kind of guy with a intriguing skill set. He’s a Swiss Army knife that can do a lot well. None of it **** but it’s effective. From blocking inline as a te , in the backfield as a lead blocker , catching the ball and sneaky athletic when running. I’d use him like a poor man Powers at UGA. Even some carries here and there on a te end around. These coaches have no creativity.
gattis needs to go

but i'm concerned that he isn't our sole problem. 8 turnovers isn't gattis' fault, without that we win that game. 45 points given up to middle tennessee state? that's not gattis' fault

questionable decision making by cristobal and blown opportunity by players in the redzone against UNC (as well as giving up that 4th down play to unc)? not gattis' fault

i'm not sticking up for him as clearly I agree he needs to be gone, but I think it's easy for people to be hopeful and assume gattis is our only problem, he isn't sadly. we're ranked 45th in offensive yardage yet can't find the endzone and we keep finding new ways to lose
Think you have to get rid of Gattis, Ponce, and Addae. Need a modern offense obviously and need to finish out the class strong and bring in as many portal guys as possible. You also need to tell 10-20 players to move on.

There's a lot of fat to cut both with players and coaches.
Think you have to get rid of Gattis, Ponce, and Addae. Need a modern offense obviously and need to finish out the class strong and bring in as many portal guys as possible. You also need to tell 10-20 players to move on.

There's a lot of fat to cut both with players and coaches.
Fire all 3 into the sun.
Was the Broyles Award rigged last year?
All you need to know about that award is that Tony Elliott and Josh Shattis have both won it. If you watched that leather helmut game yesterday did anything either of those 2 did scream offensive genius? The offenses of those 2 teams were light years better under different coaches last year
I don’t think anybody is absolving the players from responsibility. However, replacing Gattis and installing a new scheme that stresses defenses with pace of play while stretching the field is a start.
Think you have or get rid of Gattis, Ponce, and Addae. Need a modern offense obviously and need to finish out the class strong and bring in as many portal guys as possible. You also need to tell 10-20 players to move on.

There's a lot of fat to cut both with players and coaches.
yeah I can see getting rid of ponce and gattis. I think it's a bit soon on addae, after all it's steele's scheme and the dude can recruit

but again it's just interesting to think how this would play out if we didn't have 8 turnovers against duke (we would win that game), we don't give up 45 to to middle tennessee(we would win that game), and our D stops UNC on 4th down (we would win that game).. we would be 7-1 with the 45th ranked offense and there would be minimal *****ing. all three of those thigns happening were not schematic problems nor related to gattis

again not sticking up for gattis, he needs to be on the first bus outta coral gables at the end of the year.

I'm just shedding light that we're more of a **** show than just gattis' play calling. mario needs to make better decisions, our DB room needs to be completely revamped, and we need a way better OL
gattis needs to go

but i'm concerned that he isn't our sole problem. 8 turnovers isn't gattis' fault, without that we win that game. 45 points given up to middle tennessee state? that's not gattis' fault

questionable decision making by cristobal and blown opportunity by players in the redzone against UNC (as well as giving up that 4th down play to unc)? not gattis' fault

i'm not sticking up for him as clearly I agree he needs to be gone, but I think it's easy for people to be hopeful and assume gattis is our only problem, he isn't sadly. we're ranked 45th in offensive yardage yet can't find the endzone and we keep finding new ways to lose

This is the problem with this forum. There can't be nuance. Its always the coaches first and everything else is a distant second, and everything else is absolved because the coach sux.

Gattis has not been good, but the discussion and analysis is far deeper than anyone wants to discuss here. They are too busy creating fan fiction of other timelines where we do not suck. Even the Gattis sux bros at the beginning of the season have warmed up to the team not being very good either. Both sides have realized thats its a blend, but want to argue if its 70/30, 30/70, 60/40, 40/60, 90/10, on how to dish out blame.

We won yesterday (in our annual dog fight with if yesterday was much different than anything in the past four seasons) and it seems only brother @KrazyCane was happy about it.
Literally no justification to bring this man back ….

He is what he is and we have an 8 game sample size. It’s not September anymore. His job is to do whatever necessary for us to score points. Idc about injuries, drops, Garcia not seeing the field, none of that ****. Dumb it down, adjust to what you have, scheme it up, do SOMETHING. 2 games with 0 TD’s in 2022 with 4 games left when you are getting paid $1.8 million dollars is a fireable offense. Idgaf what anyone says and you are wrong if you think otherwise. Those numbers are absolutely pitiful and he is committing highway robbery and should be ashamed of his got **** self for that bullsh*t product he continues to produce every Saturday.

“BuT gUyS aRe OpEn, tHeY jUsT ArEn’T fInDiNg theM”. Well he needs to do something where they can find them. That is no longer an excuse. What do we even practice? How long is that going to be an excuse? You are getting paid $1.8 million dollars. IT’S ON YOU IF YOU ARE CALLING PLAYS THAT THEY CANNOT EXECUTE AT THIS POINT!
I gave him September, but now there’s no defending anything. Unbelievably frustrating, no explosiveness whatsoever. Mario has to realize this and cut ties at the end of the season.

At least between a new OC and recruiting, December + the rest of the off-season will be fun.
This is the problem with this forum. There can't be nuance. Its always the coaches first and everything else is a distant second, and everything else is absolved because the coach sux.

Gattis has not been good, but the discussion and analysis is far deeper than anyone wants to discuss here. They are too busy creating fan fiction of other timelines where we do not suck. Even the Gattis sux bros at the beginning of the season have warmed up to the team not being very good either. Both sides have realized thats its a blend, but want to argue if its 70/30, 30/70, 60/40, 40/60, 90/10, on how to dish out blame.

We won yesterday (in our annual dog fight with if yesterday was much different than anything in the past four seasons) and it seems only brother @KrazyCane was happy about it.
what is fan fiction abotu what i said? gattis needs to go and we DID give up 45 points to middle tennessee state. does he coach defense? we DID have 8 turnovers, is that something the OC coaches players to do? coaches should be held responsible, i'm just pointing out how ridiciulously shallow the *****ing is on this board.

there's deeper problems than just OC
what is fan fiction abotu what i said? gattis needs to go and we DID give up 45 points to middle tennessee state. does he coach defense? we DID have 8 turnovers, is that something the OC coaches players to do? coaches should be held responsible, i'm just pointing out how ridiciulously shallow the *****ing is on this board.

there's deeper problems than just OC
I'm not saying you.

Many others on the forum are, however.
what is fan fiction abotu what i said? gattis needs to go and we DID give up 45 points to middle tennessee state. does he coach defense? we DID have 8 turnovers, is that something the OC coaches players to do? coaches should be held responsible, i'm just pointing out how ridiciulously shallow the *****ing is on this board.

there's deeper problems than just OC
No you’re right - you’ll just anger the crowd that believes the players deserve zero blame.

The fact of the matter is rational posters realize the talent deficiencies we have at key positions. It’s glaring at this point - way too many poor evaluations and highly-rated busts from previous recruiting classes. Mario and Zo have to fix it, and quickly.

However, the coaches (particularly Gattis) are doing absolutely nothing to alleviate this problem and create concepts that make it easier to get guys open and make plays. They’re a bigger problem - particularly on offense. Honestly, I feel as if Gattis has regressed since UNC, and UNC wasn’t even anything close to a good performance on offense. Maybe he’s checked out, but yesterday’s play-calling was the worst I’ve seen all year. Disgusting to watch. Ponce gotta go too - but that’s the one I’m concerned most about. That’s Mario’s boy.

On the other hand, thought Steele was great. He’s a bit hot and cold this year, but I’d give him another shot with a better roster next year.
Nobody brings up the RB coach but if Gattis goes, Ponce & the RB coach need to go too.
Nobody brings up the RB coach but if Gattis goes, Ponce & the RB coach need to go too.
Smith? I think he’s been fine. What’s he supposed to do behind an O-line who’s best blocker might be a true freshman, and a RB room that has a walk-on transfer taking 2nd team reps?

Knighton is a bust, Thad runs higher than Cheech and Chong, Chaney can’t stay healthy, Citizen hurt. RB room is cheeks.

Let’s see who we end up with recruiting wise.