Tears Gator Tears

A hard steely stare with no comment usually gets them to slink back to wherever they came from.
Just look at goofy gaytards like this:


Would of been nice to beat them last year. Getting really tired of their incoherent bull****.

Manny needs to win big this year. If we lose to UAB. Fire up the planes.
Not going to happen. I guarantee it. Just got the word from my prophecy guy.
1/4 of GaTech grads are millionaires...nuff said.

Amen. I am one of them. First generation Cuban in US, had nothing to start with, worked incredibly hard in the restaurant business since 13 yrs old, and “got out” of Ga Tech with a BS in nuclear engineering. I went on to get an MBA elsewhere and today my children are reaping the benefits ... and for generations to come. Praise God!
I hate the code words UF and their fans use. Our team is “classless“ and a bad representation but can’t name a single player that got in trouble with the law under Manny.

Our recruits are thugs unless they flip and then they are good character guys.

I know these recruits have no reason to be reading this crap but I wish their parents / handlers knew how these schools support base really feel about them as a person.... they think a lot of us are classless thugs unless they go to school there.

man I can’t wait play them again. F*UCK UF!
Two things that stood out in those gator quotes. One the vailed racism (there is nothing about miami you would want your kids to emulate) and two the blatant football ignorance (king isn’t a good passer). I have no words for these fools.

Can you sense in the comments how worried they are about us even though they say they are not.

One of the comments said it with Miami being a consistent Top 15 team would cause problems for them.


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