Tears Gator Tears

Slingblade gets a sliver of hope to save his job with the Mertz injury. Lagway NEEEDS to show out this weekend and slowly takes over the starting job by midseason.

Will be his only hope
IDK man they are in a tough spot. If they fire him they have that HUGE buyout. Also do not forget that Sasse resigned and they are being investigated for improper use of school funds and Fuchs is back as the interim president. Fuchs is not planning on staying long, he is just a stopgap since Sasse resigned abruptly and they need to get someone new.

Fuchs hired Strickland the AD and Billy. Will he really fire Billy and Strickland and hire someone knew knowing he is gone and likely saddling the next guy with whomever he chooses? Or does he try to not make waves and just keep everything somewhat status quo? Doubtful Fuchs can raise the booster base to buyout Billy and open the checkbook for a big name coach in the offseason, **** I doubt Fuchs even wants to go through another coach search.
IDK man they are in a tough spot. If they fire him they have that HUGE buyout. Also do not forget that Sasse resigned and they are being investigated for improper use of school funds and Fuchs is back as the interim president. Fuchs is not planning on staying long, he is just a stopgap since Sasse resigned abruptly and they need to get someone new.

Fuchs hired Strickland the AD and Billy. Will he really fire Billy and Strickland and hire someone knew knowing he is gone and likely saddling the next guy with whomever he chooses? Or does he try to not make waves and just keep everything somewhat status quo? Doubtful Fuchs can raise the booster base to buyout Billy and open the checkbook for a big name coach in the offseason, **** I doubt Fuchs even wants to go through another coach search.
This really hits the nail on the head. The Interim President would have to fire an AD and HC that he hired. Hire new ones and then get out of Dodge. I think he is unlikely to do that and burden the new President with his newest choices..........................
This really hits the nail on the head. The Interim President would have to fire an AD and HC that he hired. Hire new ones and then get out of Dodge. I think he is unlikely to do that and burden the new President with his newest choices..........................
I would wonder if he even has the power to do it or is he only allowed to basically keep the lights on in the interim,. If someone is an interim manager they usually are not given authority to just hire and fire people at will. Now their board may get to the point where they say Napier and the AD have to go but it will not be the interim President likely making that decision.
This really hits the nail on the head. The Interim President would have to fire an AD and HC that he hired. Hire new ones and then get out of Dodge. I think he is unlikely to do that and burden the new President with his newest choices..........................


I have to admit, I was super bummed out when he flipped to Colorado from us back in the day, but boy oh boy, did we dodge a bullet there! It’s as clear as day, The kid just doesn’t have what it takes.
Yea the speed of the game is too much for him. If he ain’t seeing the field there and DS let him walk he’s basic. DS wouldn’t let an elite corner leave his team. I was mad when he flipped cause I thought he was a shut down top ten pick. Boy was I wrong and glad to be wrong on this one. I wonder post game handshake if any of the players dabbed him up or just walked right by his ***.
IDK man they are in a tough spot. If they fire him they have that HUGE buyout. Also do not forget that Sasse resigned and they are being investigated for improper use of school funds and Fuchs is back as the interim president. Fuchs is not planning on staying long, he is just a stopgap since Sasse resigned abruptly and they need to get someone new.

Fuchs hired Strickland the AD and Billy. Will he really fire Billy and Strickland and hire someone knew knowing he is gone and likely saddling the next guy with whomever he chooses? Or does he try to not make waves and just keep everything somewhat status quo? Doubtful Fuchs can raise the booster base to buyout Billy and open the checkbook for a big name coach in the offseason, **** I doubt Fuchs even wants to go through another coach search.
I don’t think an interim is going to fire/hire the highest paid state employee. That’s the kinda think that is left for the actual prez.