Tears Gator Tears

Man even their fans knew they were cooked. Pregame there was some buzz around the stadium, but not much trash talking at all. The buzz was clearly limited to simply the start of CFB. After the long run some fans around us starting chirping but they quickly stfu when we marched right back down the field before half. Coach O was in the stands as well. As far as the tailgate?

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Coach O was definitely there. Was nice enough to take a pic with our kiddos
They can't really believe that Lane is going to leave Ole Miss for UF after week 1.
There was a time friend when porsters believed Jon Gruden was coming to Miami.

So, yes, Gaytor Nation (at least some) can, and do, really believe.

Never discount humanity's capacity for stupidity.
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As much as I'd love to see that, it never happens that way unless the coach is willing to just end his career in coaching forever. If a coach attempts to take a program down with him/her they'll never get hired again.
Yup, there's a possibility (I'm not a lawyer) that I'd imagine if a coach goes down this path, they could potentially forgo (again, not a lawyer) their buyout money from their contract if they really want to go down that road. There are countless coaches that have been done dirty, but in the end, the coach accepts the buyout and moves on. CFB is a dirty business and there are no clean hands. Being a whistleblower after it's proven you suck, doesn't work out well in the long term.