Tears Gator Tears


I didn’t think it was even possible to get a grade this low. Lmaoooo
Great points as always.

Its been said here countless times the same: "our" team just didn't execute and their team didn't beat "us".

Psychologically it transfers accountability from the brutal reality of "just not good enough" to "we'll get'em next time gang!".

Delulu and its incredibly corrosive and foolish for leaders not to see it.

Play Golden Miami vs Dabo Clemson x100. Know what happens? 90+ Dabo Ws on that fateful day that ultimately led our Hurricanes to yesterday. Same same Richt Miami vs Saban Bama or Orgeron LSU...and Richt knew it.

Play yesterday's Dabo Clemson vs Kirby Jawga x100. 90+ Dawgs mushroom stamp the Tigers and you get Tyler from Spartanburg going on another rant on Dabo's live call in show.

True Story: Dabo banned live call in because of it.

Santo Mario saw it in year 1 and year 2 and said, "I'm not going to only develop my way out of this mess...I need better platforms, I need better capabilities..."

I was one of the hardest on Manuela, but in retrospect, perhaps too harsh. The organization, it is now painfully obvious, was playing to just not get embarrassed in the ACC, not actually do what it takes to compete for today's National Championship.

I know we have a Golden Cane as co-owner of CIS now, perhaps he could do a podcast about what has truly changed behind the scenes from that era to this without getting himself into too much trouble.

Talk about a 30 for 30 right?

Miami now appears to have players across the roster that are just better than, or at least equal to, the man lining up across from him.

Is the gap closed? Probably not.

Is it closing?

Yes, and quickly.

Go Canes.
We are close. Mario needs two more years to develop his young pups and bring in two more Top 5 classes.

We still had to rely too heavily on the portal, but we should see our portal dipping reduce drastically over the next couple of years.

And that’s the beauty of it - Mario has some great young talent in place from the 23 and 24 classes. Give them another year to develop those guys and stack a couple more classes and we are set to compete with anyone.