Tears Gator Tears

Look, man, ignore the passive-aggressive d!cks on this board who take every opportunity to neg people while acting like they have been to absolutely every location on the planet and are the authorities on travel. And who also act like we were suggesting you take a long car trip to boot.

You mentioned Vegas. Vegas is quite a drive from Salt Lake too, and I obviously assumed you were taking connecting flights. And we also know that Vegas is known for one thing primarily. So I thought I'd give you an interesting combo-trip, one that gives you a chance to gamble, but see a more interesting geographic area than Las ******* Vegas. But it's up to you, whatever your priorities are. Enjoy the trip.

Yeah, this kind of thing has been happening a lot lately. A particular poster will go on a passive-aggressive criticism of someone, and then act like what he just said had NOTHING to do with that poster, it was just a random diatribe. Ridiculous stuff.

Later on, if you have specific questions, feel free to hit up Waterbury and myself with DMs, we are nice folks who are friendly and helpful. We're not arrogant pr!cks who are going to write your whole trip intinerary based on our own personal preferences.

Tahoe is nice but depends on whether he wants a geo trip or a party trip. two diff vibes.

Tahoe is nice but depends on whether he wants a geo trip or a party trip. two diff vibes.

Nobody said otherwise, which is why I suggested an option for Vegas (party trip), not Denver. Not to mention the fact that if he hasn't been to Tahoe, he may not realize that you can satisfy both urges, with the partying on the Nevada side and the geo-ing on the California side. @flagator86 is a bright guy, he understands these things.
Y'all getting away from shytting on my Gators. Get back to it darn it!!! lol

Facelpalm was for not remembering you play FSU every year and played at Miami in 2013.

Denver sucks unless you are there to see music (Red Rocks, etc) or get high. Vegas is Vegas, if that's what you're looking for, then rock out.

As for other options for your trip, ignore anyone trying to get you to go to Lake Tahoe (sorry fellas). Honestly, WTF? It's beautiful, and a great place to visit, but its gotta be 9 hours driving from the U of Utah through the brutal NV wastelands. Non-sensical rec. Save Tahoe for a NoCal trip. Trust me as I've driven from northern NV to the Bay Area before, and I love Tahoe. I mean, you could fly out of SLC into Reno and rent a car and drive and hour if you want more flights in your life, but there are so many incredible nearby places to visit that are just as spectacular (or more) that you can actually get to easier, with drives that are not only shorter but breathtaking, I don't get why you would want to leave the rockies and not explore more while you're there. You could spend years there exploring.

Look into Moab and Zion in Utah for incredible beauty (each 3-4 hrs from SLC or so), Park City/Brighton/Alta (literally 30 min up the mountain from SLC/UU!) for more of a fun vibe with lots to do, or Jackson, WY which would be a life-changing drive and visit, and also is about half as far away as Tahoe.
Nobody regrets a trip to Zion.
Back on topic:

of course we have one who isn't qualified for whatever reason. It's a paid article but 2022 signee Tony Livingston won't be enrolling. Not sure of the reason but sheesh

"Livingston’s late arrival is due to a couple reasons, Gators Online has learned. Despite signing early, he wasn’t able to graduate in time for the Summer B semester due to some class conflicts at his high school. Livingston is also currently recovering from recent shoulder surgery.

"Between his graduation holdup and injury setback, Gators Online has confirmed that Livingston will likely take a gray shirt this year. By delaying his enrollment until December, that would give him more time to recover from his surgery."
"Livingston’s late arrival is due to a couple reasons, Gators Online has learned. Despite signing early, he wasn’t able to graduate in time for the Summer B semester due to some class conflicts at his high school. Livingston is also currently recovering from recent shoulder surgery.

"Between his graduation holdup and injury setback, Gators Online has confirmed that Livingston will likely take a gray shirt this year. By delaying his enrollment until December, that would give him more time to recover from his surgery."

Why wouldn't they want him to rehab directly under their staff's supervision? Know I would.
"Livingston’s late arrival is due to a couple reasons, Gators Online has learned. Despite signing early, he wasn’t able to graduate in time for the Summer B semester due to some class conflicts at his high school. Livingston is also currently recovering from recent shoulder surgery.

"Between his graduation holdup and injury setback, Gators Online has confirmed that Livingston will likely take a gray shirt this year. By delaying his enrollment until December, that would give him more time to recover from his surgery."


Why wouldn't they want him to rehab directly under their staff's supervision? Know I would.

Saaaame thing i was thinking
Think you meant to write something else like "west of the Mississippi" maybe. They home and home with FSU every year, but other than that the last OOC road game was @ Miami is 2013 I think. Almost a decade, so you're practically right.

They actually have Texas (will be killed when Texas joins SEC), Colorado, ASU, Utah (loss coming at home this year!) and Cal home and home's scheduled over the next decade. Not exacting riveting matchups. Will be fun to watch them try to weasel out of half of them.
The gator hadn’t played a non conference game outside the state of Florida in like 30 years before that kickoff classic game against Michigan. Their non conference slate has pretty much always been FSU and two patsies they pay to take a beating in Gainesville.
"Livingston’s late arrival is due to a couple reasons, Gators Online has learned. Despite signing early, he wasn’t able to graduate in time for the Summer B semester due to some class conflicts at his high school. Livingston is also currently recovering from recent shoulder surgery.

"Between his graduation holdup and injury setback, Gators Online has confirmed that Livingston will likely take a gray shirt this year. By delaying his enrollment until December, that would give him more time to recover from his surgery."

I'm sure he will get world-class medical treatment from the King High School nurse...