Tears Gator Tears

It's apparently a "character issue". I looked this up in the FSU/FU recruiting playbook, Appendix B., Definitions: Character Issue: The moral deficiency characterized by a recruit choosing another program. By definition, this defect only surfaces pursuant to the recruit's decision, and as such should not be considered a failure or deficiency on the part of the recruiting staff, but actually an indicator of recruiting prowess and moral superiority.
E.g: "After serving the recruit mayo and mac at his final meal, the recruiting staff did not follow up with him for a month because he was a lock, only for him to commit to the school's rival. The staff were relieved that this character issue came to light early in the process, and moved on to other targets who were willing to sign NDAs regarding the macaroni."
"Final Meal", I guess he saw it as a death sentence. It makes sense, Canesville is not far from Raiford.

Those cagey gators, always thinking ahead.
I dont know why the gator tears bring me so much more joy than anything else on this board.
It’s the easiest way to rationalize it all. The alternative is giving credit to a rival they hate and admitting we are better than them at this point.
You underestimate them if you think they don’t have at least 5 more lines of “reasoning” to explain things if “bags” falls apart.
Well if the Gators need some good news ... Phil Steele came out with his PRESEASON TOP 40 Football Ranking:

-#1 and 2 = Bama and OSU
-Miami = #12
-UF = #32
-FSU .... didn't make the top 40 list!!

So ... they did "beat" FSU at something.
espn did one last week where they had Bama 1, Ohio 2, Jawja 3rd and had us 9th. I forget where the two ugly sisters were ranked