FIFYSomeone needs to put Mario's head on Arnolds body, and Billy Gaypier's head on Danny Devitos body...
FIFYSomeone needs to put Mario's head on Arnolds body, and Billy Gaypier's head on Danny Devitos body...
noFor those of you boys who know more X’s and O’s than me, is Billy a good enough game day coach to make up for his lack of recruiting?
Mario must’ve not been a fan of Napier at Bama. This is personal beyond an in state rivalry at this point.
Should almost be time to wrap those bad boys, no? What time should I come over? Are you a beer or whiskey guy?I’m up cause I just put 2 pork butts on the smoker lol
And Smith is Smiff.
For those of you boys who know more X’s and O’s than me, is Billy a good enough game day coach to make up for his lack of recruiting?
Fades in
TOC: hi I’m TOC. I’m a huge college fan.
Q: hi, I’m Quentin, I’m a fan of his rival team, and I own 3 chik fil a’s
TOC: when I read on a football message board that fan of my hated rival owner three chik fil a’s I just couldn’t believe it. And all his other info ended up wrong ad well
Q: one day, I saw toc enjoying some nuggs, and he had the biggest smile
TOC: my team had just easily beaten them for their most coveted recruit
Q: well, even though I was jealous, I couldn’t help but notice how much he’d been winning and I wanted it to continue for him
Toc: out of nowhere, q was handing me a delicious creamy peach milkshake.
Q: at chik fil a, we recognize winners and I hope someday I can be one too
*logo overlay$*
bruh homers will spin whatever they can they always do it
Right? I know these hillbillies are scared of the big city and all, but Miami is a world class cosmopolitan city that people from all areas of the world dream of visiting. Nope, Miami has nothing to offer whatsoeverHow delusional is this guy? Money is the only thing Miami can sell? It always astounds me how far in the sand some people shove their head to comfort themselves.
Florida has good academics and SEC. City/location ain’t close. Miami has good academics too, better coaching, better history… and talking about bad fans? Has he read his own board? And hasn’t won anything in two decades? When was the last time that dumpster fire won anything? These kids were maybe 4-5 years old when UF won their last championship no?
On top of all that their program is circling the toilet bowl as we speak.
Their fall will continue to be glorious especially since they are broke and can’t pay their way out of irrelevance.
This gif needs the Mario and little billy treatment @RVACaneSo many gators have their heads in a hole…. “Oh it’s about the money”…Blah Blah Blah…. It’s always been about the money, and up until a couple years ago, it’s been $EC teams shielded by the NCAA reaping the benefits.
Once again…thank you Manny
Manny is like Chris Berman during NFL draft coverage from back in the day. As the commish is walking to announce the pick, “Let’s see what the Patriots do here, could they be selecting a huge nose tackle from the University of Miami?!”
****, my man used 'staph' and they haven't even coached a game yet!! lolololol those boys are in full meltdown mode. Let me know when one of them shows up with my avatar. **** keeps going Mario I'm gonna have to change it again.