Tears Gator Tears

@TheOriginalCane ima troll you know. I'm dumb and I don't know what recruiting is. Yes exactly. You decide to send paragraphs of insults simply because Gator fans were saying they bodied us for this guy, which I aint care about or said. But sure, we aint recruiting him. Then I asked how can we not be recruiting him but he taking a OV. So either ima troll, a Gator, dumb or the kid lying

We have not recruited this guy for seven months. If we have lost out on higher-rated guys and are NOW STARTING TO RECRUIT HIM, I don't give a ****e. It doesn't make you retroactively correct.

You are a clown who knows nothing, and you will always be a clown who knows nothing.

The Gaytors did not "steal" him from us, because we were not even making any recruiting effort over the past 7 months. On the other hand, we could steal him from the Gaytors IF WE WANT TO DO SO.

Continue to post like a moron, though, it's your right to do so.
I mean, even if you don't recognize Miami in the photo that they used for the edit, you would have to realize that Gainesville doesn't have a beach. Anywhere. It's landlocked. And no, some trash beach on a lake doesn't count as a beach.
I mean, even if you don't recognize Miami in the photo that they used for the edit, you would have to realize that Gainesville doesn't have a beach. Anywhere. It's landlocked. And no, some trash beach on a lake doesn't count as a beach.
Gotta be a cow pond within spitting distance of campus though