Tears Gator Tears

I don't have an on or off switch. I've been the same persona in this thread the entire time.

You called me a pagan the other day anyway, so cool beans. You're right. I do know better than to do that. I also know better than to walk around Overtown.
Pagan is not a racial epithet, though.
Nor was it an insult. But enough about that, you're here answering our many gator questions, which you're doing a very poor job of, by the way.

I’ve got gator friends whining to me about the umps in their 9-4 loss to OU yesterday, hate to see it!
Upset? Triggered? Hmmmmm... ok. I politely listed what's real. As I predicted, it hurt. I get it. I get why instead of addressing a single irrefutable fact, you are calling me upset and posting a silly meme picture. Basic predicable response form someone who's been beat. When there is no way to win, lash out. There is nothing you can say that is going to make UF an elite school, and frankly there is nothing I can say to make it worse. It is what it is. Which is as I described. Enjoy your landlocked Florida life. Because you can't really leave and make a real living with your regional rural SEC state school degree. Which is probably best for you anyway. You're a guy who makes up racist screen names to fight with people on their college football message boards about how pathologically defensive you are about a regional rural university. You would get eaten alive in the show. Stay in your lane, where its safe.
Like your previous novel, I didn't read beyond the first couple lines once I saw that this was some lame rant. Keep all insults short and sweet. I don't care about you enough to read these diary entries.
Like your previous novel, I didn't read beyond the first couple lines once I saw that this was some lame rant. Keep all insults short and sweet. I don't care about you enough to read these diary entries.

One minute reading hard and no fun 4 UF person! Sorry for my 250 word “novel” lol. No wonder everyone breezes through UF.

Still deflecting and avoiding reality. More please. Your intellectual capitulation is sweet and delicious.
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I don't consider it a racial epitaph, and I am not touching George Floyd discussions or any of the rest of that. Big yikes.
Some people claim they don’t think the N word or the confederate battle flag are racist. But if these things have been used in racist ways towards certain parole and those people feel they’re racist words/symbols, then guess what? They’re racist! You don’t get to use them that way sometimes then claim that’s not what they are.

So rationalize all you want, but you label yourself. This isn’t about us, it’s about your choices.
Pagan is not a racial epithet, though.
Nor was it an insult. But enough about that, you're here answering our many gator questions, which you're doing a very poor job of, by the way.
I never said it was. That was in reference to the continual religious remarks.

"Very poor job" is subjective. What you consider "very poor", I consider magnificent. I'm giving you enough to draw this out 30 pages while getting to watch you suck each other's farts up close instead of from my own board, so I'm doing phenomenal work on my end.
I never said it was. That was in reference to the continual religious remarks.

"Very poor job" is subjective. What you consider "very poor", I consider magnificent. I'm giving you enough to draw this out 30 pages while getting to watch you suck each other's farts up close instead of from my own board, so I'm doing phenomenal work on my end.
This page was gonna increase 30+ pages with ot without you, so I'm not understanding this delusional magnificent job you're claiming.
But do you, boo. K? Thx.
Some people claim they don’t think the N word or the confederate battle flag are racist. But if these things have been used in racist ways towards certain parole and those people feel they’re racist words/symbols, then guess what? They’re racist! You don’t get to use them that way sometimes then claim that’s not what they are.

So rationalize all you want, but you label yourself. This isn’t about us, it’s about your choices.
Lol those are terrible comparisons. I also don't use the N word and don't like the Confederate flag.

Nah. Nah, it's about you.
sam winchester yawn GIF
This page was gonna increase 30+ pages with ot without you, so I'm not understanding this delusional magnificent job you're claiming.
But do you, boo. K? Thx.
You could've ignored or "band" me like that one guy demanded. Instead, you gave me attention. Why do you think I came over here? To make friends? To smoke a peace pipe? Nah. I came over here to be me, just on your board. 30 pages later, and most of you guys still can't even figure me out as a poster. Insults don't work on me. There's no question mark after "K" either. Be assertive.
You could've ignored or "band" me like that one guy demanded. Instead, you gave me attention. Why do you think I came over here? To make friends? To smoke a peace pipe? Nah. I came over here to be me, just on your board. 30 pages later, and most of you guys still can't even figure me out as a poster. Insults don't work on me. There's no question mark after "K" either. Be assertive.
See, this is where you twist and create your own narrative. You went back creating screenshots from our free public forum board (which is actually ranked 3rd in best CFB board forums on the internet) and talking big **** on your little paid-for board on 247, so we invited you. And to our (we'll, my) humor, you actually took the bait and showed up.

And my apologies for using the correct punctuation after a sentence,I didn't know using proper English was so frowned upon. But ok, since thou art "sO sMaRtEr ThAn EvErYoNe...

Okay, Powerpuff, find another schtick, you're definitely not smart.
See, this is where you twist and create your own narrative. You went back creating screenshots from our free public forum board (which is actually ranked 3rd in best CFB board forums on the internet) and talking big **** on your little paid-for board on 247, so we invited you. And to our (we'll, my) humor, you actually took the bait and showed up.

And my apologies for using the correct punctuation after a sentence,I didn't know using proper English was so frowned upon. But ok, since thou art "sO sMaRtEr ThAn EvErYoNe...

Okay, Powerpuff, find another schtick, you're definitely not smart.
I screenshotted your obsession, yes. You're obsessed with the University of Florida because it's better than yours and cry about it on the daily. It's okay to admit this. Denial is the first stage. Although, most people usually get to the second stage at some point in their lives, so you're all a tad behind.

As for the board's ranking, I don't believe it and am going to need proof--the source of said proof which I will immediately discredit because it says something positive about this board.

Are you acknowledging that "K" is a sentence?

I'm the smartest person alive. We've been over this already.
Gentlemen, I believe we've allowed ourselves to become sidetracked. An interloper has drawn us into a nonsense argument about racism, and that's a shame. This thread is supposed to be about unity and brotherhood. In that spirit, allow me to attempt to bring us back to our main purpose here...

They’re symbols racists like to claim are “historical” or “represent my heritage”. Point is, you and they are using bullsh*t arguments to mask your racism.
Cool, except that I'm not racist and am not masking anything. Cheers.