Tears Gator Tears

That's nice. But I tried to succeed, and I succeeded. You guys telling me this stuff is evidence. I mean, was I supposed to hope or expect to come in here and have you guys tell me I'm awesome and that you love my posts? No shot.
hercules GIF

And you still can't let it go.

harry potter rip alan rickman GIF

You had no response because I only posted facts. The Florida gators are the most inept and underachieving football team in history.

You could’ve at least had a witty rejoinder.

@RVACane … I’m through playing with this one. Send me a better one.

You had no response because everything I only posted facts. The Florida gators are the most inept and underachieving football team in history.

You could’ve at least had a witty rejoinder.

@RVACane … I’m through playing with this one. Send me a better one.

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Actually, I chose to give a one-word response to your lengthy post that you invested time in because I figured it would drive you crazy. It drove you crazy.
Actually, I chose to give a one-word response to your lengthy post that you invested time in because I figured it would drive you crazy. It drove you crazy.

It’s like we've always said, you guys just make stuff up and then pretend it’s true. You have no answer, so now I guess I’m crazy. I’m sitting here mildly chuckling at you... because you’re funny in sad and pathetic kind of way.

I hope for your clients you’re not a litigator, because a way with words - I’m afraid that’s not in your skill set.
Very appropriate. A gif of someone who used to be something better and is bitterly clinging to the idea that they're still attractive and oblivious to reality because they can't admit that their future holds nothing but decline.
That's a dark way to describe your fan base.
It’s like we've always said, you guys just make stuff up and then pretend it’s true. You have no answer, so now I guess I’m crazy. I’m sitting here mildly chuckling at you... because you’re funny in sad and pathetic kind of way.

I hope for your clients you’re not a litigator, because a way with words - I’m afraid that’s not in your skill set.
You're hung up on something from 3 hours ago and forget that I'm not here for any express purpose. You made an opinionated post, and instead of trying to refute it (which ain't gonna' ever be accepted as such on this board), I decided to rile you up. It worked. Thanks.
You did exactly what you always do - more quips than substance and you’ll die on a awful hill to make an illogical point. 😂
There's been almost no substance in this thread, so it's like you asked me to bake a cake with a pile of crap as the only ingredient.