Tears Gator Tears

Not having it automatically quote the post and pull up the post right below it is poverty level. Instead of one swift motion, I have to come down to the bottom of the page, click on two buttons, and then go from there? Absurd.

To be fair, you’re being very intellectually dishonest here. You claim you only say it because everyone knows Miami fans are dumb. However, there is no national stereotype that the university of Miami is a bad, safety school. It’s not Kent state. It’s not Arizona state. It’s not ball state. So to say that people nationally would interpret “five rangz” as “the university of Miami is for dumb people” is absurd, and I know you know that. But it’s cool, you can keep white knighting and explain to the minorities that they are too stupid to not know that the term isn’t racist. You of course are way smarter
Your screen name...:pgdead:
The best way to answer your post is that we can be hypocritical, willing or not, because we can and have the Globo Gym "We're better than you, and we know it" mentality. You guys can point out the hypocrisy or point to your trophy case, but nobody but your own will listen or care. Now, is that fair? Absolutely not. But do I care? Absolutely not.

Lol @ the legal part, though.
I mean, you do kind of remind me of White Goodman. Whenever someone says something you know you can’t answer, you’re response is basically “cram it up your cramhole, LaFleur.”
Gators stink. Always have and will. Useless and worthless school along with the fanbase. Now let’s get back to the Gaytor tears…