Tears Gator Tears

I guess this makes the Gaytors muppets...

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Lol Northern’s the one with a fake *** shtick. She’s just mad cause her *** got turned out.


This is actually NOT what Leeds said. She merely pointed out that John Ruiz is spending the most in LEGAL NIL money. But, yeah, nice effort to equate Gaytor alums with Phil Knight.

Last time I checked, Phil Knight had still not spent ONE PENNY to fund Oregon's NIL...

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Hey, someone let Andrew know! Gator tears is gonna bring revenue to CIS. Somehow their fans are gonna stick it to us by getting Ad free subscriptions. Contributors deserve a cut imo
Northern Gator is funny. I love fake tough people who act brash on messege boards.
He does that and he’s not even a real tough guy - you can tell - he says the gayest **** at times and cries like a ***** sometimes - like when he whined about the Rock or NIL when it came out - to the point that his panic attacks on their board are a running joke there.