Tears Gator Tears

someone tell me he doesn't look like the young Forrest Gump... ****.View attachment 174124
Is this him on the left below?


Gators flipped 110th best QB from Central Michigan today. Would love to see the delusion going on there right now. I am sure they are saying he is the next Trask. I was under the impression that they let Evers go because they were going after 5 star QBs not boarder line 2 stars.

UF has SIX guys in their class that would each be the worst commitment in the Miami class. They would have EIGHT if you take Jaden Harris out of our class.

UF has FIVE commits that are ranked outside the top 1000 players. Not a typo. That's 1/3rd of their class. And 60% of those guys (3/5) aren't in the top 1500. FYI Miami has ZERO outside the top 950.

Miami has only one player outside the top 350 (90% in top 350). UF has NINE outside the top 350 (only 40% in top 350).

Miami's 2nd worst commitment (Horton, who is a 4-star) is ranked higher than EIGHT of UF's commitments.

Miami has EIGHT commitments with a 90 or better score. Which is twice as many as UF's FOUR. And we have 5 less players in our class.

So 80% of Miami's class has a 90+ score, while less than 27% of UF's class is 90+.

UF has the 13th best class in the SEC right now, even after their recent commitments. They are only ahead of Vanderbilt. They are even behind the MISS ST class which is over 90% 3-star or lower.

So since Hedwig's hiring, they've moved up exactly zero spots in the SEC rankings.

I honestly think there are four kids total in UF's class that Mario would take. Maybe only 3, even. Definitely not more than 5. Again, out of 15. So only 20-33% of UF's class is Mario caliber.

Buenos nachos.

gator stroll GIF
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Gators also got commitment today from lowly 3 star QB .Napier really digging deep on those evals so far.

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But but but Big Dīck Billy is supposed to be this killer tecruiter.

Didn’t think it could be possible, but this guy is a worse recruiter than Mullet.

This is just a horrifically bad sign for the future of their program, and I love it. And I’m also gonna love reading all the comments trying to justify this disaster of a recruiting class.
But but but Big Dīck Billy is supposed to be this killer tecruiter.

Didn’t think it could be possible, but this guy is a worse recruiter than Mullet.

This is just a horrifically bad sign for the future of their program, and I love it. And I’m also gonna love reading all the comments trying to justify this disaster of a recruiting class.

It's insane. They have built up this Gaypier myth based on, what, hiring one position coach that contacted Miami first, before we had a head coach, and closing on a couple of 4-star recruits late?

The Gaytor (w)reckoning is coming, and I don't think they are ready for it. Classes full of 3-star "Gaypier Specials" and a Not-So-Greatest coaching staff in the country.

Gaytor Brandz, y'all...Gaytor Standardz, y'all...

Can I start writing the Gaypier post-mortem article now? I'll keep it in a safe place for a couple of years...
Gators also got commitment today from lowly 3 star QB .Napier really digging deep on those evals so far.

Yes, he's rated 809 spot below our lowest ranked commit.
Gators flipped 110th best QB from Central Michigan today. Would love to see the delusion going on there right now. I am sure they are saying he is the next Trask. I was under the impression that they let Evers go because they were going after 5 star QBs not boarder line 2 stars.

Willgriergoat avatar
Posted on 3 hrs, , User Since 78 months ago, User Post Count: 18734
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We’ve started recruiting the “Trask” position