Tears Gator Tears

Goldkamp was trying to confirm it but it seems that they think he’s out as they are talking about putting Big Mo #94 in, whoever that is. I’m looking for something concrete.

Thomas Goldkamp
  • (65229)
  • 101 months
5 hours agoVIP
BostonGator said...
I'll be so excited when TG chimes in with something like "Saw Conliffe on the field, looked like he was moving fine, not sure what that was all about" and all the jokers like you on this board can go sit in the dunce corner.
Unfortunately it sounds like this one is real. We're checking with one more source to be sure, but no reason to doubt the accuracy of Conliffe's posts at this point.

I want to make a joke about a UF player saying he wants to take it out on somebody and Dan's zero tolerance policy/what DBU really stands for, but that wouldn't be appropriate.

I appreciate your restraint...

...but I think UiF should put a BOLO out for Conliffe's girlfriend and have her escorted around campus by security for the rest of the semester. It's the smart play.
Crowder’s funny. I like that dude.

Several typical traits of the lizard on display in this video:

1. Delusion. This lizard believed he could make the jump, despite the fact he is slower, older, and fatter than he probably realizes.
2. Lack of athleticism. Not only did he not make the jump, but he took quite some time to recover, and appears as though he may have hurt himself.
3. Penchant for exaggeration/hyperbole. Claims he was "inches away," when it looks like he was about two feet away.
4. Swamp a$$. Literal swamp a$$. That's what he's got after that video.

This video is worth studying, but should not be applauded by Canes, unless doing so in mockery of the lizard.
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SOURCE: https://www.stateoftheu.com/2019/8/...mentary-offense-quarterback-expectations-more

Oh no he didn't. :rk5i6fxwjlgev5j6.jpg:
Our passing attack is going to be similar to what Alabama did. They just had an experience O line but we have the weapons for it, something Florida hasn't seen because they never have to go against Alabama. I think we will surprise some folks Saturday night. Go Canes! 24-14
My prediction score. 😀
Though i personally think that we will score 10 more points but i'm sticking to 24-14.