Tears Gator Tears

A close relative of mine owned subdivisions out there, including by Ocala, also acting as the bank, doing the installment payment deals on the lots for the mobile home lots. It was literally like $2-500 down and $50 per month for 10 years or so.
I live like 20 minutes from Ocala in Dunnellon. I can believe the mobile home lots thing, lmfao.

I live like 20 minutes from Ocala in Dunnellon. I can believe the mobile home lots thing, lmfao.
I’ve seen it first hand when I was younger as it was my father’s land.... there in Levy County and other counties. As a kid who grew up in what I’d say today was a bubble in Miami Beach, it was important to my father that I understand the world better than the narrow confines I grew up surrounded by.
These are all great points. What is not as well known is that the banks in most SEC towns (Gainesville, Tuscaloosa, Starkville, etc.) have become experts in the growing field of micro-mortgages. With the rise of all of these tiny houses (and Tiny House TV shows), as well as the existing market for "traditional tiny homes" (mobile homes), several half-wit Southern bankers/SEC-booster-types have created a new financial instrument market to service the fast growing (within the SEC footprint) demand for micro-mortgages.

I mean, come on, who expects the typical Bubba/SEC-fan to have forty thousand, or even forty-two thousand in cash when it comes time to seal the deal on his dream double-wide? Those big Yankee-banks (run by northeastern liberal elites) don't care about the little people in southern flyover country. But now you can feel secure that there is a "hometown bank" that will write a mortgage on a "portable" home, and you can feel even better knowing that the profits of the bank will likely be funneled back into the (SEC) community in the form of a payment to a 5-star recruit's family.

What could be better?

This is accurate. I work for a bank based in SEC country and that region writes a whole lot of small mortgages and lot loans
Gator board melting. Thought they were getting Kelvin Joseph this whole time and he didn’t even qualify.

Note that the OP is Blake Turderman. They’re holding onto dear life that their “board insider” has a better source that says KJ has been cleared academically.

Edit: MOAR!

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Got to say Mullen really is a prefect fit for the Gators. Only cares about class rankings and not if they make it in or do anything. Will trash talk no matter how bad. Then also only cares about things that happened 50 years ago because deep down they know doesn't have a good team and hasn't done anything in the past 50 years. That his wife badmouthed the fans and had/has to go to Orlando to buy groceries just makes it that much better.
These are all great points. What is not as well known is that the banks in most SEC towns (Gainesville, Tuscaloosa, Starkville, etc.) have become experts in the growing field of micro-mortgages. With the rise of all of these tiny houses (and Tiny House TV shows), as well as the existing market for "traditional tiny homes" (mobile homes), several half-wit Southern bankers/SEC-booster-types have created a new financial instrument market to service the fast growing (within the SEC footprint) demand for micro-mortgages.

I mean, come on, who expects the typical Bubba/SEC-fan to have forty thousand, or even forty-two thousand in cash when it comes time to seal the deal on his dream double-wide? Those big Yankee-banks (run by northeastern liberal elites) don't care about the little people in southern flyover country. But now you can feel secure that there is a "hometown bank" that will write a mortgage on a "portable" home, and you can feel even better knowing that the profits of the bank will likely be funneled back into the (SEC) community in the form of a payment to a 5-star recruit's family.

What could be better?
I had no idea! But you would still be hard pressed to find a normal person who would still call that a mortgage since a mortgage has to be for real estate or real property....which a not permanently affixed home is not.

If his double wide is actually on a foundation...its a mortgage. But let's be real here..he's a gaytor fan...so that's not what's happening lol
The funny thing is, they have recruited pretty well going all the way back to the Muschump years. They've consistently been in that 10-15 range that may not be hyper elite but is pretty **** good. It's just that Muschump, and McTeef were so bad, they still had 4 win seasons despite pulling in good classes yearly. I think that's why they're so obsessed with recruiting rankings. They think they need to have a top 3 class every year just to avoid going 4-8.
That last comment is my favorite by far, they admit they are ACTUALLY scared to come play us at our house. They clown us for not having our own campus stadium and yet our home field advantage is so strong that they don't want any part of coming down.

Gators are so soft man
They are, bar none, the absolute worst fanbase in college football. I've never experienced a more arrogant, nasty group of fans than when they came down to Miami in 2013. There was a Gator, sober even, who tried to start a fight with a 14-year old a row in front of me. Obviously, the kid's dad confronted him and the guy started shi*ting bricks, eventually said the kid looked older, as an excuse for talking trash.

I've had friends from multiple fan bases, even people I've to meet at away games, that all echo the same sentiments.
I had no idea! But you would still be hard pressed to find a normal person who would still call that a mortgage since a mortgage has to be for real estate or real property....which a not permanently affixed home is not.

If his double wide is actually on a foundation...its a mortgage. But let's be real here..he's a gaytor fan...so that's not what's happening lol
My uncle just sold his Key Largo vacation home. It's a small lot on a canal that leads to the bay. The only structure was a double wide that has been there for 40 years and a small tiki hut. He got $435,000 for it. The buyer had to get financing for it and I'm going to assume that would be a considered a mortgage. I'm not in the banking industry by any means but I think you can get a mortgage for any property regardless of what type of home is on it.
I had no idea! But you would still be hard pressed to find a normal person who would still call that a mortgage since a mortgage has to be for real estate or real property....which a not permanently affixed home is not.

If his double wide is actually on a foundation...its a mortgage. But let's be real here..he's a gaytor fan...so that's not what's happening lol

By the way, my posting was intended to be sarcastic.

It seems to have backfired.

This is what happens when your (seemingly crazy) jokes are too close to reality.