Tears Gator Tears


“Someone tell me who on the Avengers is really that powerful.”

My uncle just sold his Key Largo vacation home. It's a small lot on a canal that leads to the bay. The only structure was a double wide that has been there for 40 years and a small tiki hut. He got $435,000 for it. The buyer had to get financing for it and I'm going to assume that would be a considered a mortgage. I'm not in the banking industry by any means but I think you can get a mortgage for any property regardless of what type of home is on it.

If the double wide was on a foundation then yeah its real estate. Otherwise...someone would have to secure a mortgage for just the value of the land which is possible cause the land isn't going to drive off when the mortgagor decides to default leaving the bank with just a topless crawlspace.

At least thats my understanding.

Either way...fvck all these gaytor fans and their not mortgage mortgages
I had no idea! But you would still be hard pressed to find a normal person who would still call that a mortgage since a mortgage has to be for real estate or real property....which a not permanently affixed home is not.

If his double wide is actually on a foundation...its a mortgage. But let's be real here..he's a gaytor fan...so that's not what's happening lol

Yep it has to be affixed or on a foundation as some would say to be considered a mortgage. The ones that are not are usually lot loans.
If the double wide was on a foundation then yeah its real estate. Otherwise...someone would have to secure a mortgage for just the value of the land which is possible cause the land isn't going to drive off when the mortgagor decides to default leaving the bank with just a topless crawlspace.

At least thats my understanding.

Either way...fvck all these gaytor fans and their not mortgage mortgages
The value is 100% the property. I believe the double wide was appraised by the insurance company for 15 grand.
Ok gaytes, let me answer your questions.

Will Miami employ two tight end sets?
Yes. A lot. Our tight ends are two of our top playmakers.

Zion has gained a lot of weight since high school, how much of it is bad weight?
14% body fat. His new name is Mount Zion

Who on the defensive line should they be scared of?

Garvin's likely going to be a day 2 draft pick and is a potential All-American candidate. Hill's a ******* terror when he was at VT. But yeah, we have no one on our DL. Gaytor fans are funny.
LOL. That wasn't the guy. I should hit him up though. That would be an extra $100. It's like their fans know nothing about Miami. The things they say are so absurd. The thing earlier about us not having anyone on the D line???? What????