As I said, my greatest fear is that Diaz ***** around, starts playing the underclassmen and win the Coastal.
Very possible. You can rest assured, whatever the worst case scenario is for Miami, that will be the one that materializes.
My God!!!! As bad as we are, we should still curb stomp both UNC and FSU. Shut down UNC's one goto WR and keep Howell from running. Keep Travis in the pocket. Take away those things and neither team can score.
But our lbs are too dumb and confused to contain any qb and our dline is to busy getting up field away from the play
Dillyham calling circles around Carolina DC
Nah. We said the same last year and in 2019 and we controlled the game the whole way. That’s about the only game Manny coached teams show up for.

Lol, no one said that last year. And even if they did, last year is last year and we are a much worse team.
FSU QB impersonating Charlie Ward @ UNC..
This kid looks impressive. ...or is it that UNC is do do on defense?
Next week looking easier for Manny and the Canes.