MEGA Frenk Out - Who Next?

Thank you

I can’t even reply to the porsters defending her because “she cared more about athletics than Frenk ever did.” That is called a straw man argument. Shalala should rot in ****. The photo of her with Nevin at the bowling alley is her legacy in my mind. She cared about nothing except for money.

Frenk is just a clueless dolt hired because of race.
I don’t like what he did but the guy was at Harvard and whatever your political views which don’t belong on this forum or thread, he wasn’t hired because of race so gtfoh with your ****. Bad hire? Don’t disagree but not for the reasons weak minded people think. Yeah I said it.

I don’t like what he did but the guy was at Harvard and whatever your political views which don’t belong on this forum or thread, he wasn’t hired because of race so gtfoh with your ****. Bad hire? Don’t disagree but not for the reasons weak minded people think. Yeah I said it.
Ok. Feel better about yourself now?
Not sure I’m feeling the anger you packed into that comment but ok. Sorry I touched a nerve.
He's Gone. Just got announced as Chancellor of UCLA. Hopefully the next president makes our move to the P2 more of a priority.
It was plenty of a priority for Frank as well. Don't assume that just cause it's not being spoke about publicly that we were just sitting in the shadows doing nothing. That is grossly inaccurate.
So I'm not 100% opposed to going the non-academic route. Needs to be someone very good.
Tbh, I'd lean even further towards the non-academic route. It's obvious why academics should be inserted here, but given how much "BS" a president has to deal with at a university these days...
no president really gives a **** about athletics. its such a small part of an overall university and they really dont rely on athletics for their major funding
i would not make such a generalized comment about that topic.

that's not an attack, but, just because it seems that way on a surface level area does not mean that it is.

every (good) president understands that he best way of advertisement and selling is having a product that is good and is exposed for being good. and your university is that product.

i can see it with small football programs where chances of winning are small. but for bigger programs like us, where you're directly connected to a billion-dollar-business, you'd be a fool not to care about that kind of exposure.

and even with all the comments about frenk not caring, the moment the university got his **** kicked in on national TV, he started caring. because bad PR
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It was plenty of a priority for Frank as well. Don't assume that just cause it's not being spoke about publicly that we were just sitting in the shadows doing nothing. That is grossly inaccurate.

To me, the difference is passion.

I know that Frenk wanted athletics to be a priority, but as he himself said, as a marketing tool for the university. He didn't LOVE athletics enough to oversee what Beta Blake was doing, and he let too many years pass without shaking things up.

I'll give Frenk credit for EVENTUALLY appointing a couple of guys who cared more, but I really do not believe that athletics was ever a PASSION with Frenk, the way that it is for some other university presidents.

Just my 2 cents.
To me, the difference is passion.

I know that Frenk wanted athletics to be a priority, but as he himself said, as a marketing tool for the university. He didn't LOVE athletics enough to oversee what Beta Blake was doing, and he let too many years pass without shaking things up.

I'll give Frenk credit for EVENTUALLY appointing a couple of guys who cared more, but I really do not believe that athletics was ever a PASSION with Frenk, the way that it is for some other university presidents.

Just my 2 cents.
I think Fabio should be Miami's next President.

Checks the boxes. I am not wrong here.

I don’t like what he did but the guy was at Harvard and whatever your political views which don’t belong on this forum or thread, he wasn’t hired because of race so gtfoh with your ****. Bad hire? Don’t disagree but not for the reasons weak minded people think. Yeah I said it.
I would look at what he actually did in his career before throwing out Harvard (which isn’t what it used to be) as some sort of impenetrable defense against criticism. He is a career academian, aka bureaucrat.

I don’t see how my political views have anything to do with my comments about Frenk. I said nothing political. I said he was hired because of race (subsequently corrected to ethnicity). I should have included “and because he had Harvard on his resume with a background in healthcare.” When the university sent out an email and tweets touting the first Latino university president, how is one NOT to think that ethnicity was a factor???

I might be an a-hole, but I’m not weak minded. Weak minded would’ve included a foh. :)

Have a nice day @Ispyin
Tbh, I'd lean even further towards the non-academic route. It's obvious why academics should be inserted here, but given how much "BS" a president has to deal with at a university these days...
I defer to true academics and people who work in education like @Wake_Cane but I can at least see a reasonable argument about a CEO type when on some level at this point Miami is now a hospital system with a university attached to it. I just want someone who can walk and chew gum at the same time- run athletics right which means football and baseball titles here, expand sports and get out of the ACC and not to the big 12- along with growing academics, from research to more opportunities to compensate for those that can't afford the crazy price but deserve a chance to attend to building the endowment and fixing the rankings decline, no matter what the reason.

other than that I'm chill lol
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I would look at what he actually did in his career before throwing out Harvard (which isn’t what it used to be) as some sort of impenetrable defense against criticism. He is a career academian, aka bureaucrat.

I don’t see how my political views have anything to do with my comments about Frenk. I said nothing political. I said he was hired because of race (subsequently corrected to ethnicity). I should have included “and because he had Harvard on his resume with a background in healthcare.” When the university sent out an email and tweets touting the first Latino university president, how is one NOT to think that ethnicity was a factor???

I might be an a-hole, but I’m not weak minded. Weak minded would’ve included a foh. :)

Have a nice day @Ispyin

Look, there is a difference between HIRING someone based solely on a demographic factor and NOTING someone's demographics on an introductory press release.

I firmly believe that Julio Frenk was hired based on his medical bona fides. And if the UCLA insiders are to be believed, this guy INTERVIEWS GOOD.

We can leave the race/ethnicity discussion behind and just acknowledge that limp-fish Julio Frenk seems to LIGHT UP when a job interview is on the line.
Look, there is a difference between HIRING someone based solely on a demographic factor and NOTING someone's demographics on an introductory press release.

I firmly believe that Julio Frenk was hired based on his medical bona fides. And if the UCLA insiders are to be believed, this guy INTERVIEWS GOOD.

We can leave the race/ethnicity discussion behind and just acknowledge that limp-fish Julio Frenk seems to LIGHT UP when a job interview is on the line.
Frenk = Former Mexican Minister of Health = UCLA = not hard to see the opticos aqui, meng.

¿Ya ves lo que digo gringos?

I guess it would be better if I said, ya feel me holmes...ya know what Im sayn ese!!??

Orale vato!!!

@Rellyrell help me out here
Look, there is a difference between HIRING someone based solely on a demographic factor and NOTING someone's demographics on an introductory press release.

I firmly believe that Julio Frenk was hired based on his medical bona fides. And if the UCLA insiders are to be believed, this guy INTERVIEWS GOOD.

We can leave the race/ethnicity discussion behind and just acknowledge that limp-fish Julio Frenk seems to LIGHT UP when a job interview is on the line.
That's the nuance I'm talking about. Aside from the word "solely" which I don't believe I used, I agree. I would change NOTING to PROMOTING, but who cares....I think we've (I've) beaten this dead horse enough. Thank you for articulating it better than I did.
Frenk = Former Mexican Minister of Health = UCLA = not hard to see the opticos aqui, meng.

¿Ya ves lo que digo gringos?

I guess it would be better if I said, ya feel me holmes...ya know what Im sayn ese!!??

Orale vato!!!

@Rellyrell help me out here
Mira, en LA, usamos vato, no usamos "meng." Lo está reservado por los Miamianos.