Four-star DL Kendall Jackson commits to Miami

I don’t think this kid is terrible like people are making it out to be. It’s a developmental position. And relationships matter. You took the kid in may for many reasons. I don’t think you drop him because a kid is maybe more talented but refused to communicate to the staff about committing. Not everything is player A is better than player B so cut B to take A. It’s not because he went to Columbus. That matters and so do the connections to his coaches. But there’s traits there the staff likes. Especially from what I read the work ethic and effort.

We have plenty of talent in this room dropping him in the last few weeks after months of committment for Jackson ain’t it.
Im not saying drop him now. I think that’s an issue at this point. I’m saying they never should have taken him to begin with. They can find talented players who work hard and are good teammates. I think they took him in some major part because He’s at Columbus and I don’t think that should be as high a priority in evaluations. My opinion of course. Not complaining about the recruiting overall, not close.

So now @lindend needs to go back and fix all of those hit % in the Flo and Cribby threads??

Nope. I left the Flo whale commit as a push because I disagreed with his whale definition but was waiting for clarity. Well, we've got clarity!

Have we ever stripped a recruit of whale whale whale status?

If you're a whale, you're status can't be stripped. By definition, you physically can't push out a whale and in fact, lesser fish are pushed out of a whale's wake. If the staff/Jackson mutually agreed to part ways here, we've conclusively answered his whale status. He's a very good player, but no whale IMHO.

Said him and Blount were similar type players (athletic big edges who could end up inside eventually), so not surprising from that standpoint.
Interestingly enough, Flo originally said Blount better commit or the whale (aka Jackson) was going to take his slot. Again, we've conclusively answered who the whale is here and who got pushed out when the whale wanted in.
Im not saying drop him now. I think that’s an issue at this point. I’m saying they never should have taken him to begin with. They can find talented players who work hard and are good teammates. I think they took him in some major part because He’s at Columbus and I don’t think that should be as high a priority in evaluations. My opinion of course. Not complaining about the recruiting overall, not close.
Is it your opinion they only took him because he’s at Columbus or your knowledge. Big difference and impacts everything being said. Because again, if your a staff and you want a kid for many reasons, you don’t drop him in the 12th hour for someone who might be more a bit more talented but can’t even communicate about making a commitment. Just my opinion
I don’t get it.

They chased this dude up and and down the street since June 2022.

You got him and now you’re not going to take him in a class that has a bigger than I’m comfortable with scrub/moonshot %?

Could the A&M commitment be a sign that there's more going on besides who's the more talented player?
Maybe the staff feels as if Russel is more likely to stick around if he has to develop for a few years than Jackson.

Jackson might be the better recruit today but if he’s more of a wild card to transfer or ask for more nil then he’s worth in the short term I get going with a depth piece that’s more likely to be happy developing and being in Miami long term.
Nope. I left the Flo whale commit as a push because I disagreed with his whale definition but was waiting for clarity. Well, we've got clarity!

If you're a whale, you're status can't be stripped. By definition, you physically can't push out a whale and in fact, lesser fish are pushed out of a whale's wake. If the staff/Jackson mutually agreed to part ways here, we've conclusively answered his whale status. He's a very good player, but no whale IMHO.

Interestingly enough, Flo originally said Blount better commit or the whale (aka Jackson) was going to take his slot. Again, we've conclusively answered who the whale is here and who got pushed out when the whale wanted in.
Agreed. I’ll disqualify him but leave him there. We moved on and upgraded it appears.
Maybe the staff feels as if Russel is more likely to stick around if he has to develop for a few years than Jackson.

Jackson might be the better recruit today but if he’s more of a wild card to transfer or ask for more nil then he’s worth in the short term I get going with a depth piece that’s more likely to be happy developing and being in Miami long term.
Culture dude, that’ll appease the locals. He’ll be a good lockeroom presence, decent depth/ scout team. Come here get a degree and be a good guy for the team.
Cribby just be body slammin dudes, you got no shame bruh haha
Not trying to body slam anyone but to think a repost means anything when spots are this tight and a better player wants in. I’m pretty sure we’re currently at 65-66 spots. Do the math.
Is it your opinion they only took him because he’s at Columbus or your knowledge. Big difference and impacts everything being said. Because again, if your a staff and you want a kid for many reasons, you don’t drop him in the 12th hour for someone who might be more a bit more talented but can’t even communicate about making a commitment. Just my opinion
Only my opinion. That’s the conclusion I draw based on who they’ve targeted in this class and where he’s at school and all the “good team guy” stuff that came out. It feels like a payment to the high school

I wouldn’t drop him now. I would never have offered to begin with.