Four-star DL Kendall Jackson commits to Miami

I don’t get it.

They chased this dude up and and down the street since June 2022.

You got him and now you’re not going to take him in a class that has a bigger than I’m comfortable with scrub/moonshot %?

That’s like finally getting the girl you’ve trying to plow ready to ride the bologna pony…and you zip up and walk away!?
Columbus over everything.!

I don’t get the thought process. We shouldn’t be taking kids who aren’t as good as others simply because they went to Columbus and are good guys. If we were to do that why not McGahee given the obvious?
I don’t think this kid is terrible like people are making it out to be. It’s a developmental position. And relationships matter. You took the kid in may for many reasons. I don’t think you drop him because a kid is maybe more talented but refused to communicate to the staff about committing. Not everything is player A is better than player B so cut B to take A. It’s not because he went to Columbus. That matters and so do the connections to his coaches. But there’s traits there the staff likes. Especially from what I read the work ethic and effort.

We have plenty of talent in this room dropping him in the last few weeks after months of committment for Jackson ain’t it.
eh you drop the worse kid and tell him get better. idc where he goes to HS.
It’s not just because he went to Columbus. When Recruit A fails to communicate with you and does a commitment and such without your knowledge, you don’t drop recruit B because A is a bit more talented. Especially when you took a commitment form Recruit B for multiple reasons.