Food for thought about our 19' class.

So nobody can talk football and speculate about anything until the season starts? Should the board just be shut down until game one? Why do you think this place exists? Serious question.

No saying :insert class/player: is :insert adjective: without any substance is not football talk. It is unsubstantiated conjecture .....which weve seen going on 15 years.

I love posters like you. Now read more and quote me less.
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So nobody can talk football and speculate about anything until the season starts? Should the board just be shut down until game one? Why do you think this place exists? Serious question.

Couldn’t agree more. The prove it on the field guys are the worst. Especially when there hasn’t been a game yet. So I guess we are just supposed to talk about past seasons or nothing at all until the season actually starts.
imagine this board about QB, OL, and Manny if we get LSUed again

Not too hard to imagine. Do you not remember last season? I took weeks off at a time from visiting the site because it was just too toxic. You would think Manny would get a little more leeway considering it’s the first coaching game of his career but he won’t.

None of this matters though bc we are going to get after the Gaytors.
Hard to make a judgement on an entire class until at least a few years down the line. People getting excited or depressed because of a recruiting ranking assigned to a bunch of guys who are yet to play a game. I'd like to see one of the recruiting sites like 247 or Rivals do a post-evaluation and grade classes on how they actually turned out 4-5 years later. I'm curious how different the rankings would be.
Not too hard to imagine. Do you not remember last season? I took weeks off at a time from visiting the site because it was just too toxic. You would think Manny would get a little more leeway considering it’s the first coaching game of his career but he won’t.

None of this matters though bc we are going to get after the Gaytors.

" You would think Manny would get a little more leeway...." 🤔...🤣

I seriously doubt it.

Manny has gotten everyone revved up with The New Miami thing and savior label has been placed on him by so many.

So expectations are off the scales now

Realism ( 1st year coach vs. a highly ranked team) has left the board & bldg long ago....along with Elvis

Let's all hope that he exceeds expectations
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These type of posts if it were on gator bait, rvacane would post in gator tears to make fun of

Look I love what Manny is doing.

Im delighted by what is taking of now.....

But if we go out and get skull****ed what then?

Having said all of this we are not losing to UF. Write that down. Lol.
Look I love what Manny is doing.

Im delighted by what is taking of now.....

But if we go out and get skull****ed what then?

Having said all of this we are not losing to UF. Write that down. Lol.

I feel ya man
to many are to quick to heap praise when it hasn't been earned yet
hopefully well look back in 4 years and say wow what a class but its too early for that kind of praise
What was perceived by many as a disastrous class could be a class full of studs ... sucks we missed a RB body ..

But I have huge hopes on these bodies we got at the trenches... OL and DL.. LBs could be special

Let’s wait and see

^^This.. hopefully the trenches has been upgraded with this class
I'm not trying to tell anybody how to feel or what they should or shouldn't talk/write about. But when people hype TFs up based entirely on what is reportedly going on in practice before a single game has been played, and proclaim TFs 1st rounds picks and better than 4-year starters, all they are doing is creating unreasonable expectations for the athlete (and the team). And when some of those athletes fail to immediately meet those unreasonable expectations, many of these same fans will be quick as **** to turn on the players/coaches/team. It happens every season.

You are placing the banana in your own tailpipe. That said, hopefully this 2019 class turns out to be a bunch of savage TFs and All-Americans.
Nope snowflake you are the queen who jumped on a guy for his observations. You are grounded punk.

I jumped on him by saying they should play one game before being annointed?


And Im the snowflake? You just throw cliche trigger words out for fun? Youre softer than charmin cupcake. Lol my god.