Final Visit list this weekend (5/5)

This thread looks like fun.

Seems like we have a few posters that are ****ed because the rest of the board doesn’t listen to everything they post…

Which is probably good because one said TVD quit on Miami and the other was wetting himself when TVD was about to leave…and it would be really weird for a culture and character coach to hand the reigns to a quitter at a leadership position…

I’m now glancing in to see that we may be OK with some of the same talent as last year, when I was previously told that the talent last year was the problem…

Off-season mental gymnastics program is elite. Let’s hope this recruiting weekend matches it so we’re fuccin this Fall.
JUCO WR Shemar Kirk will be committing May 13th
star trek series GIF
Guys, you can’t be critical of Mario at all. If you do, you deserve to be tar & feathered. He’s never made a bad hire, bad coaching decision, or bad evaluation.

Leave him alone you bullies
Sometimes when you give people credit for having an ounce of intellect you're simply overstating the case... Plenty of things you could and should be critical of Mario & everyone else for. Does that mean when he corrects the issues you were critical of that lame pricks(not saying u of course)should simply harp on the past over and over and over and ignore any progress? Does it help to say the same exact line over and over or maybe simply say what you got to say and see how it goes from there...