Of course I'm a canes fan, I'm just not bitter and I can understand where the kid is coming from
His best friend and main recruiter are at Tennesee. And honestly, the defensive coaching is probably better at Tennessee, especially his position coach. Given all that, I can certainly understand the kids decision
Don't worry, there are plenty of D1 athletes out there and we'll get ours. Should focus on kids who are a better fit
I call bullshyt. The kid had all of this time to figure it out. It's clear by his Twitter statements about Richt having offered his BFF while at Geogia but not at Miami that this was a revenge plot to stick it in Miami's face.
Anyone with a modicum of decency, character and integrity would have told our staff days ago that his heart wasn't here. He intentionally trolled us and maliciously lied and hurt many of the people that he built relationships with, including other recruits, their families, etc..
Quit defending the indefensible.
It's the kid's life, he can choose to go to school wherever he wants. Sucks that he didn't pick to come here, but so be it. No point in being jilted and butt hurt over it.
He's not the only CB we missed on this cycle. Maybe the problem isn't the teenage boy...maybe it's the adults in charge at Mismi who need to do a better job making Miami an attractive choice for recruits
It's absolutely his life and his choice.
What's objectionable is how he handled the situation.
If he was a man about it and did it correctly he would have decommited weeks ago when this all started.
That has nothing to do with the quality of coaches at UM vs ut. Shows more about his quality as a man.
That may be so, but a teenage boy who doesn't understand the concept of commitment isn't exactly earth shattering. I'd say it's pretty normal.
Kid will grow up in his own time. Meanwhile, just my opinion but he is the one who has to live with his decision, not us.
Martinez got fired from GA because his unit under performed!
Mods, ban this troll John McCane. He talks sh*t every posting. He clearly is not a Cane. I hope someone beats Byrd's kneecaps with bats for disrespecting his home
Listen man, you gave a bogus reason for him doing what he did! Simple!
I really could care less why he did what he did, it is his decision because it is his life! The way he did it is where I have a problem, he knew he wasn't coming here a long time ago but played the game until the end and cost UM the chance to at least try to get someone else to take his spot!
I must have missed it...
What happened with the S&C thing with Byrd and Cager????????