Final Tyler Byrd update

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Byrd has committed to the following coaches:


Quite the trifecta

You don't give your year long commitment school OV visit an 8 out of 10 if you're not already waffling. I don't normally like to say bad things about recruits because they should go where they are happy and fit in but the dude played it out like a total diva douche. It was obvious that he was getting scared when signing day was approaching and couldn't be without his friend. That's fine but you don't go about it that way. A terrible way to disrespect this class and our coaches. It shows total weakness especially seeing his reaction and "excuses". Time will tell if he works out, will be interesting to see but usually guys who pull this kind of bs go by the wayside.

The bigger issue is that we were having to fawn over this guy like he was a god. Never should have been this razor thin at CB at the U, totally ridiculous.
Happens every year, oh well just part of recruiting. The whole process would be better if it hadn't developed into this huge money making industry, too much notoriety for some of these kids before they are mature enough to handle it.
Our coaches will learn from this and be ruthless next season
Of course I'm a canes fan, I'm just not bitter and I can understand where the kid is coming from

His best friend and main recruiter are at Tennesee. And honestly, the defensive coaching is probably better at Tennessee, especially his position coach. Given all that, I can certainly understand the kids decision

Don't worry, there are plenty of D1 athletes out there and we'll get ours. Should focus on kids who are a better fit

I call bullshyt. The kid had all of this time to figure it out. It's clear by his Twitter statements about Richt having offered his BFF while at Geogia but not at Miami that this was a revenge plot to stick it in Miami's face.

Anyone with a modicum of decency, character and integrity would have told our staff days ago that his heart wasn't here. He intentionally trolled us and maliciously lied and hurt many of the people that he built relationships with, including other recruits, their families, etc..

Quit defending the indefensible.

It's the kid's life, he can choose to go to school wherever he wants. Sucks that he didn't pick to come here, but so be it. No point in being jilted and butt hurt over it.

He's not the only CB we missed on this cycle. Maybe the problem isn't the teenage boy...maybe it's the adults in charge at Mismi who need to do a better job making Miami an attractive choice for recruits

It's absolutely his life and his choice.
What's objectionable is how he handled the situation.
If he was a man about it and did it correctly he would have decommited weeks ago when this all started.
That has nothing to do with the quality of coaches at UM vs ut. Shows more about his quality as a man.

That may be so, but a teenage boy who doesn't understand the concept of commitment isn't exactly earth shattering. I'd say it's pretty normal.

Kid will grow up in his own time. Meanwhile, just my opinion but he is the one who has to live with his decision, not us.

"teenage." he's a fart away from 20 years old. mark walton was over 2 full years younger than this ****head when he enrolled as a freshman last year.
I call bullshyt. The kid had all of this time to figure it out. It's clear by his Twitter statements about Richt having offered his BFF while at Geogia but not at Miami that this was a revenge plot to stick it in Miami's face.

Anyone with a modicum of decency, character and integrity would have told our staff days ago that his heart wasn't here. He intentionally trolled us and maliciously lied and hurt many of the people that he built relationships with, including other recruits, their families, etc..

Quit defending the indefensible.

It's the kid's life, he can choose to go to school wherever he wants. Sucks that he didn't pick to come here, but so be it. No point in being jilted and butt hurt over it.

He's not the only CB we missed on this cycle. Maybe the problem isn't the teenage boy...maybe it's the adults in charge at Mismi who need to do a better job making Miami an attractive choice for recruits

It's absolutely his life and his choice.
What's objectionable is how he handled the situation.
If he was a man about it and did it correctly he would have decommited weeks ago when this all started.
That has nothing to do with the quality of coaches at UM vs ut. Shows more about his quality as a man.

That may be so, but a teenage boy who doesn't understand the concept of commitment isn't exactly earth shattering. I'd say it's pretty normal.

Kid will grow up in his own time. Meanwhile, just my opinion but he is the one who has to live with his decision, not us.

"teenage." he's a fart away from 20 years old. mark walton was over 2 full years younger than this ****head when he enrolled as a freshman last year.

Denzel was like 21 when he was drafted... As a senior. This guy is going to be 20 as a freshman. lol
can we lock all these Byrd threads?? **** this kid getting more attention from us!!! Todays all about the future of our program and our new Canes
So we're going to talk about a kid who screwed us all day. He's probably still laughing at us.
2 years in a row we lose a commit cause they want to be with their girlfriends...
What's the deal with Byrd having beef with Cager and the S&C program? Today is the first I've heard of this.
Bird either played UM or handled the situation incredibly poorly. I am an evolved and enlightened man, I straightened my flawless spats and polished my monocle and pocket-watch before writing this post, and I will be rooting against him as hard as I can root against someone. I hope he has an abysmal career at UT.
I'm not going to trash a kid for making the decision they feel was best for them and Byrd was clearly our #1 option at CB, with that said I do question the kids character.

If you're going to commit to another school at least have the sack to let the previous staff know of your decision. There is no reason to be shady about things, inform them of your decision and move on. This kid comes in with all these excuses and it just makes him look soft.
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