Official Fall PractiSe #1: Tuesday, August 1

I swear some of you wake up in the mornings and ask yourself, “what can I complain about today”
DB’s going for INT’s? Uh oh, the QB’s must suck
No rosters handed out? Uh oh, Mario needs the support of the local press.

Canes football isn’t changing the important things in your life one bit, win or lose.
Canes football won’t; help you get a job, pay your bills, improve your relationship with your significant others and kids, add to your personal finances (unless you gamble but I would suggest the stock market instead as the average ROI is much better), or do anything other than give you something to care about.
So CHILL OUT and enjoy life because it’s the only one you have.

Side-note, even though the Hindus believe in rebirth, since the next version of you does not know about past versions of you, does it even really matter?

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I swear some of you wake up in the mornings and ask yourself, “what can I complain about today”
DB’s going for INT’s? Uh oh, the QB’s must suck
No rosters handed out? Uh oh, Mario needs the support of the local press.

Canes football isn’t changing the important things in your life one bit, win or lose.
Canes football won’t; help you get a job, pay your bills, improve your relationship with your significant others and kids, add to your personal finances (unless you gamble but I would suggest the stock market instead as the average ROI is much better), or do anything other than give you something to care about.
So CHILL OUT and enjoy life because it’s the only one you have.

Side-note, even though the Hindus believe in rebirth, since the next version of you does not know about past versions of you, does it even really matter?
Amen. Half these people think the Kool Aid is being presented in a poisoned chalice.

I'd sure like to know if I was a devilishly handsome man with a sardonic with and a penchant for self-flagellation in a previous life.
I swear some of you wake up in the mornings and ask yourself, “what can I complain about today”
DB’s going for INT’s? Uh oh, the QB’s must suck
No rosters handed out? Uh oh, Mario needs the support of the local press.

Canes football isn’t changing the important things in your life one bit, win or lose.
Canes football won’t; help you get a job, pay your bills, improve your relationship with your significant others and kids, add to your personal finances (unless you gamble but I would suggest the stock market instead as the average ROI is much better), or do anything other than give you something to care about.
So CHILL OUT and enjoy life because it’s the only one you have.

Side-note, even though the Hindus believe in rebirth, since the next version of you does not know about past versions of you, does it even really matter?
This. I always say to myself I'm not here for a long time...I'm here for a good time.

My sports teams are secondary to me. Cheers.
Side-note, even though the Hindus believe in rebirth, since the next version of you does not know about past versions of you, does it even really matter?
Religions that believe in reincarnation also have a type of spiritual ladder. At the top of the ladder is absolute enlightenment or Nirvana, the bottom of the scale is usually reserved for lower life forms. The goal being to eventually reach enlightenment through multiple lifetimes of advancing your spirit. The better you are in your life, the better the being you're reincarnated to in your next life. Whereas if you're a piece of crap in your life, you'll be reincarnated as a lower form the next time around.

I know I'm oversimplifying the whole thing and I don't know the details very well so I'm sorry to any Hindus or Buddhists who might be reading my assertation.
Told a few of my friends that if Jacurri can really improve on short throw accuracy… college football will certainly hate Miami. I look at players like Hendon Hooker and Joe Milton and have more faith in a possible Jacurri Brown being a starting QB.
His progression over the next 12 months will tell us all we need to know about Dawson.

Milton couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn before Heupel got his hands on him.
Lake stating that Zion was still moving gingerly and looks like it's going to be a bit until he's back to normal. Oh boy.

Really need Rivers to at least be steady at LT if Zion still isn't back for the start of the season. 3 of the first 4 games being cupcakes allows us to ease Zion back in before ACC play. But that A&M game will be a big one for the OL if Zion isn't back.

Okunlola will have an opportunity to win the job.

If they’re even, the coaches might go with the Fr.
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Religions that believe in reincarnation also have a type of spiritual ladder. At the top of the ladder is absolute enlightenment or Nirvana, the bottom of the scale is usually reserved for lower life forms. The goal being to eventually reach enlightenment through multiple lifetimes of advancing your spirit. The better you are in your life, the better the being you're reincarnated to in your next life. Whereas if you're a piece of crap in your life, you'll be reincarnated as a lower form the next time around.

I know I'm oversimplifying the whole thing and I don't know the details very well so I'm sorry to any Hindus or Buddhists who might be reading my assertation.
Correct my Friend. My parents were/are (dad passed away) practicing Hindus. You pretty much nailed it. But even in the Hindu religion a person is unaware of their past lives so despite striving for Nirvana, they have no conscious recollection of anything before the current life. What some Hindus will do is extrapolate what their current condition must necessarily have meant for how they lived their previous life.
But even with that, since no animal other than humans consciously understands the concept of death, a ****roach does not know it lead a bad previous life and dropped farther away from Nirvana.

But we digress from Canes football, and on purpose. I would argue that a Hindu has more ability to impact how they are reincarnated than any of us have on Canes football. Now it all comes full circle.
Chris Graves hurt or not good enough to get in that top 6. He is one of the guys I thought would have already been starting by now.
Graves was a Manny Diaz recruit and based on the mass exodus that's occurred since early 2022, Cristobal doesn't see eye-to-eye with a lot of those blokes. Of the fewer than 25 remaining Diaz recruits, each of them seems to carry themselves a certain way that Mario respects and based on nothing more than a gut feeling and his neck tattoo, Graves may not have fit the mold of a Cane in this new era. Total speculation on my part.
I cant see how you can expect that in an offense predicated on the QB getting the ball out if his hand quickly.

In other offense I'd agree but moving Dawsons.

The pressure Is on Tex M&M not us
I hope so I'm sure the spring was very vanilla but looked like Bain, Moss and Kelly were doing whatever they wanted. If it wasn't a sack was going to be a guaranteed hit. Maybe that was also because TVD was taking to long to throw as well.