2025 Elijah Griffin 5* DT from Savannah, GA

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Jordan and the bulls would've swept the 90's in titles if he didn't retire...and there wouldn't even be a debate for goat Jordan 8 straight titles
It's simple. All you have to do is watch the Jordan documentary and it shows you just how much better he was than everybody. I saw both live since being a season ticket holder for the HEAT and Jordan was just a better overall player. He did everything. He didn't miss game winning shots.

Boggles my mind, especially for a fanbase that lives in the past and was once what UGA currently is.

Everyone rooted for our downfall, why in the world would anyone want the rich to get richer? Especially a program that borders Florida…
Well as sour grapes as it sounds, I can’t stand what Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. got away with in last decade plus pre-NIL.

Of course Saban was a great coach, arguably Smart too…but the level of booster “activity” that they had an apparent blueprint to for years to ensure they were too 3-5 in recruiting each and every year for years was like nothing in history.

I will never listen to the “well, every school does it”…etc…while that may be true, that is like saying every other school was incompetent in cheating. The level of booster/donor activity…

So the lucky last big paying conglomerate pre-NIL? Georgia. They rode in on full steam along with the obvious NIL power to go with it. Easy to root against that when we and many other schools did not have such a cakewalk.
Me: Coming in here expecting to see news about Elijah Griffin

The thread: Basketball, Lebron, Jordan, Brady, Mahomes

Excited Game Show GIF by ABC Network
Not canes

Don’t care
Well as sour grapes as it sounds, I can’t stand what Alabama, Georgia, Ohio State, Clemson, etc. got away with in last decade plus pre-NIL.

Of course Saban was a great coach, arguably Smart too…but the level of booster “activity” that they had an apparent blueprint to for years to ensure they were too 3-5 in recruiting each and every year for years was like nothing in history.

I will never listen to the “well, every school does it”…etc…while that may be true, that is like saying every other school was incompetent in cheating. The level of booster/donor activity…

So the lucky last big paying conglomerate pre-NIL? Georgia. They rode in on full steam along with the obvious NIL power to go with it. Easy to root against that when we and many other schools did not have such a cakewalk.
UGA hired Smart as well to figure out wtf Bama was doing so KB could adapt their ways to Bamas. That’s why UGA took off…..and once Oregon saw what Mario was doing they hired Lanning so they won’t ever go back to their cheap recruiting ways. All part of that Saban tree, some of that tree wasn’t good at all though. You have to pick the right ones. I believe even without NIL (this is my opinion) Mario does the same thing on the trail with the university backing him. Firing all the non football people and cleaning house and making it a football program.
I grew up watching Mike. At the two guard Mike didn't have much competition to go against look at who he went up against in the finals at the sg position. Kobe for example had Vince Carter ai t Mac Ray Allen Brandon Roy d Wade James harden if you want to just throw in wings LeBron KD Paul George Paul Pierce ginobili melo. MJ never won against stacked teams. Kobe won against stacked teams. Spurs Celtics. Teams with three or more hofers is a stacked team.
All-time 80s and 90s shooting guards
Nick Anderson
Steve Smith
Dragen Papavic
Byron Scott
Rex Chapman
John Straks
Jimmy Jackson
Hersey Hawkins
Kendall Gill
Dan Majerle
Other than Dumars all these player never won anything because MJ shut that **** down!!
You're judged by Championships not scoring titles. Jordan would probably have 7 if he didn't take off to play baseball.
I believe the Bulls would have won 8 in a row. I will always be a Jordan guy.

But what Bron is doing at 39 years old is unprecedented. Compare how Jordan looked while playing for the Wizards at 36-37 to how Bron moves right now. There is no comparison.

For me, Jordan Russell and Bron are the 3 greatest of all time, with Kareem and Wilt right next to them.
That's the problem it can work for and against him! Longevity is padding his stats but if you do a year for year against Jordan he don't compare.and, lack of titles and finals losses will doom him in the end!
Yeah the entire argument comes down to which metric do you use to measure greatness. Which is why the argument lives, just as the Wilt v Russell argument was such a great one.
I believe the Bulls would have won 8 in a row. I will always be a Jordan guy.

But what Bron is doing at 39 years old is unprecedented. Compare how Jordan looked while playing for the Wizards at 36-37 to how Bron moves right now. There is no comparison.

For me, Jordan Russell and Bron are the 3 greatest of all time, with Kareem and Wilt right next to them.
Jordan would light up the league in this era. Back when he played if you came down the middle you were getting smashed. Now if you blow on a player it's a foul. There is very little defense played in today's game.
Jordan would light up the league in this era. Back when he played if you came down the middle you were getting smashed. Now if you blow on a player it's a foul. There is very little defense played in today's game.
I think Jordan could average close to 40 with the current rules. As it was he averaged 35-36 with all the physical play of the 80’s.
All-time 80s and 90s shooting guards
Nick Anderson
Steve Smith
Dragen Papavic
Byron Scott
Rex Chapman
John Straks
Jimmy Jackson
Hersey Hawkins
Kendall Gill
Dan Majerle
Other than Dumars all these player never won anything because MJ shut that **** down!!
Great list. As a Sixers fan, thanks for including Hersey Hawkins.
Quick question how can tom Brady be the best QB ever when a nice portion of his career he wasnt the best QB in the league
Man hate to have to defend Brady but Because during the portion that he was he won more superbowls than Peyton and Rodgers combined lol.

Peyton had 2 HOF WRs a nice amount of his career lol. What happened when Brady got Moss? 07 he had one of greatest seasons of all time, 08 he tore his ACL, then went on to win 4 more SBs lol. And in 02 he led league in TDs and in 05 he led league in Yards…

At the end of the day after you get the requisite all-pros, awards, all a qb is judged on is playoff success. And that’s where Brady blows everyone out of water… for now
Ah, the daily "If you don't think like me, you're an idiot" conversation. Today's episode...LeBron v Jordan...AGAIN, is brought to you by those who confuse their opinions with facts. Please like, share and subscribe today if you, like everyone else, think you're infallible and do not tolerate different opinions.
All-time 80s and 90s shooting guards
Nick Anderson
Steve Smith
Dragen Papavic
Byron Scott
Rex Chapman
John Straks
Jimmy Jackson
Hersey Hawkins
Kendall Gill
Dan Majerle
Other than Dumars all these player never won anything because MJ shut that **** down!!
Kobe didn't come into his own until 2000. Also all these guys are good but most of them are not hofers. All the guys I named are hofers and for the most part top 75 players. Dumars isn't better than most if not any of the guys I named. Same with Reggie and Mitch Richmond. Clyde is great also but I don't think he is better than most of my name drops. Jordan was great but he was before his time. He would thrive now but he would get his *** bust also. He ain't averaging 40 plus also. Teams will not allow him to get one on ones like he did in the triangle. They would double and get the ball out of his hands. You only had him and Clyde and Dominique who were Uber athletic back then now all these dude are Uber athletic ****. Also I don't think the bills would've won 8 in a row when they lose Horace they didn't have any size. When they got rodman they had three all NBA first team defenders on the same team. The bulls were the most talented team in the 90s and like I said they never went against a team more talented than them. Also if karl Malone knocked down a few free throws bulls might have lose one of those finals.
Man hate to have to defend Brady but Because during the portion that he was he won more superbowls than Peyton and Rodgers combined lol.

Peyton had 2 HOF WRs a nice amount of his career lol. What happened when Brady got Moss? 07 he had one of greatest seasons of all time, 08 he tore his ACL, then went on to win 4 more SBs lol. And in 02 he led league in TDs and in 05 he led league in Yards…

At the end of the day after you get the requisite all-pros, awards, all a qb is judged on is playoff success. And that’s where Brady blows everyone out of water… for now

In TrumpyCane's opinion he also really benefitted from some amazing defensive performances by his own team especially in AFC Championship games, believe only 1 team scored over 20 points in those games
Man hate to have to defend Brady but Because during the portion that he was he won more superbowls than Peyton and Rodgers combined lol.

Peyton had 2 HOF WRs a nice amount of his career lol. What happened when Brady got Moss? 07 he had one of greatest seasons of all time, 08 he tore his ACL, then went on to win 4 more SBs lol. And in 02 he led league in TDs and in 05 he led league in Yards…

At the end of the day after you get the requisite all-pros, awards, all a qb is judged on is playoff success. And that’s where Brady blows everyone out of water… for now
Football basketball baseball are all team sports. Highlighing team success doesn't mean mean anything in terms of individuals talent. Jeter has more world series than arod but he ain't better than arod. Yes Peyton played with Marvin and Reggie but he made them better I just gave you the fact that Indy lose Peyton for a season and the following season with the same team minus Peyton won one game. While Tom went down and they won 11 games and the next year won 10 with Tom. We can't overlook the cheating either. But there are more talented QBs than Tom and Peyton. I don't think Tom Brady is the goat NFL player or QB. As a matter of fact I ask people this question if you had an all time draft of all players to play in the NFL and you had the number one pick who would you pick if you don't pick tom then he isn't the goat or best at his position in your opinion.
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