Edwards and Henderson

CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

CJ is still in class...not still in THIS class. And Peter said Henderson leaning Miami as of latest intel this morning. Though things be shaky.

Wow totally read that wrong. But Pete did say "Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here."
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

CJ is still in class...not still in THIS class. And Peter said Henderson leaning Miami as of latest intel this morning. Though things be shaky.

Marrero likely knows better than anyone on here how CJ is looking for us.
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

CJ is still in class...not still in THIS class. And Peter said Henderson leaning Miami as of latest intel this morning. Though things be shaky.

Wow totally read that wrong. But Pete did say "Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here."

Show us where Pete said that. Not per his podcast of this morning.
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

CJ is still in class...not still in THIS class. And Peter said Henderson leaning Miami as of latest intel this morning. Though things be shaky.

Wow totally read that wrong. But Pete did say "Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here."

Show us where Pete said that. Not per his podcast of this morning.

2pm update
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

Pete never said Henderson is trending UF. Our staff is assuming Edwards is going to UF.

Pete at 2:10pm : Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here

Holy shît, Suarez. My bad then [MENTION=16030]Telituesday[/MENTION]. The trend changed from this morning.
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

Pete never said Henderson is trending UF. Our staff is assuming Edwards is going to UF.

Pete at 2:10pm : Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here

Follow by McElwain at 3:30 with the chomp chomp..???

I just touched base with those inside Brian Edwards' camp. They still say he's all over the place, but no final decision has been made despite what has been reported elsewhere. I continue to get the impression that mom wants him at Miami, but it seems as if he really likes the Gators. As one person put it he has 'a lot' to think about tonight which to me means that he has to make a decision about leaving home for UF or not. I hope to have a more later on in the day.
CJ is still in class, meeting is after school with the Columbus DC
Sticking with this even though Pete said its trending UF? Or did things change in 4 minutes (not trolling legit Q)?

Pete never said Henderson is trending UF. Our staff is assuming Edwards is going to UF.

Pete at 2:10pm : Henderson: Latest is trending in UF's favor here

Follow by McElwain at 3:30 with the chomp chomp..???

that was for Concliffe
Great. A dude name Taco will now be advising this kid

LOL. You go by KongDong. You're not allowed to pick on TACO's name.

doubt he's been called Taco in 30 years anyways. Shoulda kept that on the low probably

Puttin on the Ritz .. Fixed Taco_Puttin_on_the_Ritz.webp