Miami (Fla.) Columbus High School coach Chris Merritt tried his best to get CJ Henderson to announce a decision today or tomorrow morning before the school’s signing day ceremony.
Traditionally Columbus likes the ceremony to be about everyone, and not just the high profile student-athlete’s making their announcements.
But Henderson has stuck to his guns.
As of Tuesday afternoon it appears he’s going to ride this one out right until that noon signing day ceremony in the Columbus cafeteria.
Which school will he be dining at next year?
Stay tuned.
“I flat told him I’m off this roller coaster ride,” Merritt told at 3 p.m. Tuesday. “I told him whatever he gives me at 8 a.m. (when all Columbus signees are asked by the program to hand in their letters of intent) I’m faxing in.”
Merritt says - assuming Henderson gives him the letter to fax at 8 a.m. and doesn't take care of it himself after the signing ceremony - that he’ll keep Henderson’s secret for the next few hours afterward.
“It’s up to him when he announces,” Merritt said.
Merritt does offer this: “His decision has been flip-flopped four times in the last 10 days between Miami and Florida. Two times each.”
What keeps swaying Henderson?
“I wish I knew,” Merritt said.