Ed Not Returning To LSU

Miami needs a real man at HC to un-do what Manny Diaz (D) has done to this program.

I say roll the dice and hire Orgeron.
Eddie was part of the previous staff. he was the dl coach under aranda (dave actually retaindd him).

Brady was the oa under sean Payton. He was the pass game coordinator and wr coach. He designed their entire passing o that took a monumental leap their nc year

Did he call plays under Sean Payton? Are you trying to say that you are so astute at football that you alone recognized that Joe Brady would turn Joe Burrow into a record setting QB? Even Sean Payton told Brady he was making a big career mistake going to LSU. Yet you knew when Brady was hired that he was the final piece to turn Burrow into a top draft pick and LSU into an offensive juggernaut. Well sir, I cannot begin to compete with that level of foresight and ability to recognize untapped coaching talent, so I tip my hat to you.

As for Orgeron, however you want to parse it, Aranda was not required to stay at LSU when was hired. Orgeron had to make a deliberate decision to retain him or not. That's nice that Aranda decided to keep O previously but that didn't obligate Orgeron when he was named HC. He smartly decided to make Aranda one of the highest paid coordinators to keep him. Hiring a coaching staff is kind of an important job for a HC.

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This is the difference between a school that cares about winning and us

If the school was gonna make moves they would have let out some smoke

We are stuck with manny
He ain’t going no where
These guys funnel loot through cancer charities to pay kids. Miami is sending out harshly worded letters that read like a drunk nine year old.

Fold it up. Some pencil pusher is looking for the néw coach at Miami, LSU is trying to clone Saban in a lab.
Calling it right now! New Miami Staph:

HC - Urban
OC - Gruden
DL - Orgeron
WR - Smith
Strength Coach - The racist from Iowa
Analyst - Art Briles
Kansas got LSU off the hook for Miles buyout when they hired him so what they owe is the 17 for O and Bob Shaw and a couple of his buddies will take care of that without blinking…
Don’t disagree. Unfortunately Miami’s BOT doesn’t think about football like LSU does. I live close to Baton Rouge and been a canes fans since I was young. Remember watching the Nebraska game when they stopped 2 point conversion and was hooked ever since. Hopefully we can get back to those days.
brsdy gets the Miami gig is my guess when Flores is fired
Flores.. the same guy who allowed his OC to call a Lashlee-esque call of a run from Shotgun on 4th and 1 when EVERYONE knew they were going to run??

Bring in someone who knows offense.
Yup....not only domestic violence...but was waxing people in bars left and right in Louisiana and Miami....

wax GIF

What type of waxing are we talking about?

tymberlee hill wax GIF by HULU
Negative.e. Fisher turned down lsu ti stay at fsu then.

Yes but if I’m correct he was looking for around 9 million a year. Yes as Cajuncane stated boosters would of easily paid that out, but at the time the state of Louisiana was going through budget cuts, and LSU was hit hard with those costing administration jobs. Again LSU trying to make their image look good decide to go cheaper option.
6-2, 9-4, 10-3, 15-0. That is steadily improving the team. Did he get lucky and win a championship? Sure, but as the saying goes Luck=preparation+opportunity. He built a solid team year by year then took a chance on a nobody named Joe Brady (when he hired him did you think- wow, now LSU is going to shatter offensive records? I doubt it). The team was prepared, Ed O had recruited well so the team had lots of talent, they were physically tough, he hired an elite DC (the one Richt wanted), and Joe Brady completed the puzzle.

As I said in another post, I am baffled by the "he caught lightning in a bottle" dismissal of his accomplishments at LSU. Lightning in a bottle is Larry Coker inheriting an elite team and not having to do a single thing to win a ring. Orgeron rebuilt that program. I don't understand why this is hard to accept. You can say he's a bad fit for lots of reasons, but I think its disingenuous to diminish what he managed to do at LSU.
Ed O did what he was paid millions of dollars to do. Hire assistants, recruit players, and win football games. Won an undefeated NC. He has obviously made serious mistakes outside of coaching football that cost him his job.

Fans posting he ‘got lucky’ simply don’t like the man, or think the HC has to be some Einstein drawing up football plays.
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