Ed Not Returning To LSU

Don’t disagree. Unfortunately Miami’s BOT doesn’t think about football like LSU does. I live close to Baton Rouge and been a canes fans since I was young. Remember watching the Nebraska game when they stopped 2 point conversion and was hooked ever since. Hopefully we can get back to those days.
I’m in Covington and my company does a lot of work in BR so I know a lot of people around the program.My company worked on the new athletic facilities and I met some people in the know.
I’ve been at this for 60+ years with the Canes so I’ve seen more than my share of stupidity that has gone on with this program over the years.Circumstances ( as I alluded to in another post) allowed Miami to reach historic levels albeit pretty much the way they do it nowadays…on the cheap during that 20 yr period.
Now everyone has copied and caught up to the advantage we had and unlike Miami they are willing to put the resources into their programs to keep the status quo….Miami is still trying to do it at 1980 prices …pennies on the dollars.
To me this hire of a coach and AD can revive this program or send it spiraling into the abyss…..id like to think they will do the right thing but unfortunately through the years I’ve seen nothing to make me think they will..
All we can do is hope someone with common sense and a little say so will take the lead here.Unfortunately I think the people taking the lead will send us into that spiral I mentioned.
Sure hope I’m wrong.
I Love how LSU did there firing of coach O…same way Georgia did CMR…Miami can’t even get this right…Wow..it tells U Miami don’t have a clue…Blake has NO BALLS..When U N a position of Power U make power moves..friends or Not..U have to GO..Blake I’m waiting..
Just read a story about a name for the LSU job I don’t think anyone imagined - Mel Tucker.
I Love how LSU did there firing of coach O…same way Georgia did CMR…Miami can’t even get this right…Wow..it tells U Miami don’t have a clue…Blake has NO BALLS..When U N a position of Power U make power moves..friends or Not..U have to GO..Blake I’m waiting..

They’re even talking about maybe jimbo is a potential candidate for lsu. Jimbo should interview just so he can get a monster contract extension from atm
They’re even talking about maybe jimbo is a potential candidate for lsu. Jimbo should interview just so he can get a monster contract extension from atm
They are a match made in slack jaw heaven. He just fits at LSU in my opinion. A&M move surprised me. Seemed like an odd place for Jimbo.
@Baba Yaga - special request, please!
Holy **** that’s gold. You are quickly approaching LSUfreek status
Don't know about that, that dude was gold. Read an article about him not too long ago about why he stopped doing the gifs. Started working in a nursing home and was around people he would get to know only to see them pass away and it took a toll on him. Said it put a lot of things in context and he had a tough time enjoying making the gifs anymore, or something along those lines.
He's not a first time DC. He was Lane Kiffins DC from 2010-2013 at USC, running a 4-3.

I stand corrected, I was only remembering him as DL/RC. I forgot they gave him a chance at DC for a bit. He had his DC responsibilities taken away from him while there though, right?