DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

Unless Cormani plans on being a walkon for 2 whole years it isn’t going to be nowhere near $50k. Cost of full tuition and board for an instate student is $23,530 for an entire year and he’s likely to be put on scholarship in the spring. Going out on a limb and assuming he doesn’t qualify for bright futures or any other aid it’s not going to cost him more than $11-12k of his NIL money to attend which I’m sure their star ***** collective will gladly cover. Now if he was doing this at Miami it would cost $50k.
Food, room and board, books, fees etc.. you also have to remember that he’s transferring from out of state. Idk if he’s eligible for in state tuition considering he’s been living in Colorado. Im sure the athletics dorms are more $$ than the old freshman dorms.
I’m sure, wink wink, he was told that he’d get granted a scholarship sooner rather than later. But I just don’t see smooth sailing the rest of the way with this player.

Siap since this thread getting a lot of replies

Didn’t NCAA just recently say anyone that had to sit out recently gets that year back??

Does that have anything to do with someone in his camp thinking he could leave and play in Fall??
What restriction prevents it? It’s happening right now. AFAIK BYU has a whole NIL setup to pay walk on tuitions.

Someone responded below. He explained it. Paying walk ons at BYU is different then adding kids with tons of scholarships and NILing them. Butch got players into Miami on track scholarships and that was 86ed immediately. This is not gonna be the norm.
I want him to play for UM. Hypothetically Barrow could challenge the NCAA and SEC transfer rules in court. Based on what has happened the last few months, he would win swiftly and easily. The NCAA has lost every other lawsuit on this issue. They were called a "cartel" by a Supreme Court Justice. Treating student athletes and students differently is no longer working according to the court system until collective bargaining happens. Bookmark the thread. You'll see.
And you best believe the ncaa has been notified about Mizzou like Tulane did Miami and UF before that last year.
It'll be interesting to see if the response is anything more than lip service. Part of me is thinking Mizzou is in teh $ec so nothing will happen.. but then part of me thinks they could become sacrificial because they aren't a $ec blue blood and they're sneaking up the rankings a little bit.
Someone responded below. He explained it. Paying walk ons at BYU is different then adding kids with tons of scholarships and NILing them. Butch got players into Miami on track scholarships and that was 86ed immediately. This is not gonna be the norm.

Wouldn’t a walk on to walk on transfer circumvent this? The Butch situation doesn’t hold any weight nowadays. The NCAA is reeling.
I think the way the walk on situations are going of they are normally a scholarship type player they are probably going to be on scholarship by the fall.
Unless Cormani plans on being a walkon for 2 whole years it isn’t going to be nowhere near $50k. Cost of full tuition and board for an instate student is $23,530 for an entire year and he’s likely to be put on scholarship in the spring. Going out on a limb and assuming he doesn’t qualify for bright futures or any other aid it’s not going to cost him more than $11-12k of his NIL money to attend which I’m sure their star ***** collective will gladly cover. Now if he was doing this at Miami it would cost $50k.
The lowest level qualification for Bright Futures when I was in HS was a 970 SAT (yes, you read that correctly). I don't know if that's still the (laughably low) standard for some level of BF money (which was almost certainly pennies for 970).

Back in the day, the standards were basically having demonstrated an intellect mildly superior to that of a goldfish.
Food, room and board, books, fees etc.. you also have to remember that he’s transferring from out of state. Idk if he’s eligible for in state tuition considering he’s been living in Colorado. Im sure the athletics dorms are more $$ than the old freshman dorms.
I’m sure, wink wink, he was told that he’d get granted a scholarship sooner rather than later. But I just don’t see smooth sailing the rest of the way with this player.

Im going to go out on a limb and say he’s a Florida resident as is his mom and will qualify for in state tuition. The $23530 includes everything and is even inflated to include “transportation” and “miscellaneous” cost. I was being generous when I said it would cost him $11-12k a semester as it likely won’t cost him more than $10k.

As far as it being “smooth sailing the rest of the way” I agree, I don’t think this was the right move for him but it’s not costing the Turds collective very much to find out.
If he stays how does that sit with the team ? Gonna keep somebody that really doesn’t wanna be here 🤦‍♀️. Ncaa football is ruined now
Food, room and board, books, fees etc.. you also have to remember that he’s transferring from out of state. Idk if he’s eligible for in state tuition considering he’s been living in Colorado. Im sure the athletics dorms are more $$ than the old freshman dorms.
I’m sure, wink wink, he was told that he’d get granted a scholarship sooner rather than later. But I just don’t see smooth sailing the rest of the way with this player.
He would’ve had to actively do things to lose his residency in Florida. And honestly you gotta be dumb to do those things. Get a new drivers license, re register your car, or anything like that. Especially when you consider he’d change from a state like Florida to Colorado. There are only negatives to that. His mom can also file him as a dependent on her taxes.
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So, just to be clear.....

Nothing here is clear yet??
James Franco Reaction GIF
If he stays how does that sit with the team ? Gonna keep somebody that really doesn’t wanna be here 🤦‍♀️. Ncaa football is ruined now
Depends if he plays hard and is better than the guy he's keeping out of the line up or not I guess.