2024 DL Kamarion Franklin 2.0 (commits to Ole Miss)


That's not the story all these dudes were saying a couple months ago. "Insiders" were all talking about easily a top 10 class this cycle. Finally I heard Dunno say this week that the class will finish outside the top 10. Meanwhile the fans that were saying that months earlier were called "mopers". Starting to seem like alot of these dudes are just pushing propaganda for the program. Making things seem better than what reality presents.
The big issue is there seems to be a lot of naïveté in how they are approaching recruiting. You know the five star DL will be a battle and we’re going to have to go above and beyond given our record last year and not having a proven track record of multiple high NFL draft picks at the position. But if we don’t have the funds or willingness to pay the suck tax then why are we wasting our resources? It’s fine and well to shoot high but you need to be realistic too.

That and there seems to be an entire inability to read recruits and the room.

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