DAILY DEBATE: What is a successful season to you?

10+ wins, at least a competitive showing in the ACC Championship, and a bowl win. A playoff appearance also bumps up any season accomplishments.

What is a successful season to you?

Less tangible (but no less important signs of progress) ...

1. Coach and play like a smart, focused and hungry TEAM

2. Establish consistency from game to game, series to series and eventually play to play (realistically probably still 1-2 seasons away from that standard)

3. Staff recruiting its tail off
1. Win 10+ games
2. Win the ACC/make the playoff

If neither of those things happen, you cannot say the season was successful. It’s not. It’s a disappointment.

If one of the two happen, we have to feel like we’re on the right track.

If both happen, it’s a success and anything beyond that is icing on the cake.

We gotta beat both those teams from up here. Period.
We should be favored in every game we play. We have a really good roster (one tier below the elite teams). We have a nice blend of proven vets and young talent guys pushing for snaps. For the first time in forever we have legit depth. In CFB the QB will make or break the season and I believe Cam Ward is poised for an excellent season.

Everything is in place to win this year. Our roster and schedule say if not this year then when? Minimum of 10 regular season wins. Anything less would be a major disappointment.
Lowest id go on wins is 9 but if it comes with uf and fsu dubs. Regardless we should run the table but we say that every year.
9 wins minimum. Win the acc

IMO....9 wins with this team and THAT schedule would be a disappointment. Nine wins probably doesn't win the ACC or get you into the playoffs either.

9 wins means Mario finds a way to lose THREE games on THAT schedule.

Sorry, the expectations should be higher this year. It's not going to be every year we have a QB like Cam Ward.
With this team, win the ACC.

I actually think Clemson will be pretty **** good this year, and if they have a great season i'd be ok with a 10 win season, close loss in the ACC championship game with a nice bowl win following. But really, it's time to win this pathetic conference already, we have more talent than anyone at the moment.
It seems like there’s so much more riding on this year than 10 wins and an ACC championship birth. It feels like future conference alignment is on the line. It seems like future apparel brand is on the line. To be successful means to have a playoff birth and win atleast a round.
1. Win 10+ games
2. Win the ACC/make the playoff

If neither of those things happen, you cannot say the season was successful. It’s not. It’s a disappointment.

If one of the two happen, we have to feel like we’re on the right track.

If both happen, it’s a success and anything beyond that is icing on the cake.

Only caveat would be making the playoff is paramount to me. Highest value achievement of the 3 (10+, ACCCG, Playoff).
Winning #6. This is Miami, that's the standard.
The Sandlot Wow GIF