Curtis Porter hurt?

My wife was down for the count for 2 weeks tops. He should be back for the FSU VT stretch run at the very latest.
Depends on the type of appendectomy.
If he got an open appendectomy, he won't be able to do ANY physical activity for 6 weeks. If he got the laparoscopic procedure, he'll be good after a couple weeks.
Rashard Greene had his removed he was out for 1 week..but his didnt burst..he said he was at about 70-5% that first week but 2 weeks after that he was 100%..lets hope his didnt burst
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I would give it about six weeks. The problem with any kind of exercise after surgery is bleeding. Anything that raises your blood pressure, or raises the pressure of the blood against the walls of the veins, increases the probability of things busting open and bleeding at the surgical site. It needs enough time to heal so that doesn't happen.

They say after 4-6 weeks everything should be mended back together.

I'm not a doctor. Only reason I know this is because I'm having a bit of surgery myself next week and this is the advice my doctor gave me.
I would give it about six weeks. The problem with any kind of exercise after surgery is bleeding. Anything that raises your blood pressure, or raises the pressure of the blood against the walls of the veins, increases the probability of things busting open and bleeding at the surgical site. It needs enough time to heal so that doesn't happen.

They say after 4-6 weeks everything should be mended back together.

I'm not a doctor. Only reason I know this is because I'm having a bit of surgery myself next week and this is the advice my doctor gave me.

Yes but are you a 22 year old freak athlete?
The appendectomy recovery time is based on the age of a patient, his/her condition before surgery, complications occurring during surgery and other circumstances. Laparoscopic appendectomy recovery time is significantly shorter than the recovery time of open appendectomy. In the former, post operative pain may be for 12 hours, and hospitalization may be for a day. In the latter, post operative pain could last for 36 hours, while the patient may be hospitalized for up to 3 days.

The pace of recovery after an appendectomy is directly proportional to the patient's overall health. The time frame during which most care is to be given is usually between 10 and 28 days. Young children usually need care for a longer duration. Those who are 10 years and younger and may need three weeks to recover. Patients can expect to resume their normal activities about 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.

Cases in which the appendix has ruptured is very serious, and may call for longer surgery and extended recovery time. Good care during this period is of utmost importance and can result in a patient returning to normal life without having to make changes to their diet, exercise or lifestyle.
Hang on now.... we're talking about a 300 lbs defensive lineman. Most doctors would probably consider me to be in better physical condition than Curtis Porter.

Anyway it doesn't matter who you are, wounds take a few weeks to heal and you don't want to rush it. The last thing I wish on this kid is to try to come back too fast, and then he ends up with some internal bleeding or something or ends up tearing his stitches and ends up really in danger. I know that UM medical staff won't let that happen.

I would give it about six weeks. The problem with any kind of exercise after surgery is bleeding. Anything that raises your blood pressure, or raises the pressure of the blood against the walls of the veins, increases the probability of things busting open and bleeding at the surgical site. It needs enough time to heal so that doesn't happen.

They say after 4-6 weeks everything should be mended back together.

I'm not a doctor. Only reason I know this is because I'm having a bit of surgery myself next week and this is the advice my doctor gave me.

Yes but are you a 22 year old freak athlete?
My experience (appendix, hernia) is that it takes a minimum of 6 weeks before you WALK normal, so, hoping he gets back soon, realistically he might want to ask for a medical 'shirt.
W T F??? I had mine out and was feeling pretty good a few days later. Working out a week later. Could have done anything after two weeks. A redshirt would make him the biggest ***** in the history of the program (not including the players from the last few years).
My experience (appendix, hernia) is that it takes a minimum of 6 weeks before you WALK normal, so, hoping he gets back soon, realistically he might want to ask for a medical 'shirt.
W T F??? I had mine out and was feeling pretty good a few days later. Working out a week later. Could have done anything after two weeks. A redshirt would make him the biggest **** in the history of the program (not including the players from the last few years).

I think jevoasis situation isnt really a good comparison because of simple fact that he also had a hernia. Your experience is skewed with additional issues that makes it seem like a minimum of 6 weeks. It was posted as appendix and as long as they didnt have to break out the big knife he should be good to go a couple weeks after surgery
He'll miss the Boston College football game. That's it.

****, guys, we're not talking about an elderly diabetic with high blood pressure and ****theria.
This is different from a hernia. As long as they did it laparoscopically, he should be back within a few weeks. The incisions are small. If they had to do it open, that's different.
Is Porter's value and absence going to take on mythical proportions now that he's out of action for a bit? Let's relax on anointing him the next great DT here. Frankly, I like him as a player, but consider him an average player. He's a nice space eater, but that's about all I'll use to describe him.
Is Porter's value and absence going to take on mythical proportions now that he's out of action for a bit? Let's relax on anointing him the next great DT here. Frankly, I like him as a player, but consider him an average player. He's a nice space eater, but that's about all I'll use to describe him.

A lot of fans were hoping that he was going to develop into something more this season, he showed some signs last year that he can make plays for us, something we haven't had at DT in a long time
I hear you, but "showing signs" and being consistent about it are worlds apart. I haven't seen that from Porter. what I've seen is a guy who gets hurt, occasionally shows flashes, and is a hard worker in practice. Again, great to have on the team, but I don't believe he's a difference maker.
Had my Appendix burst at about the same age and was back on a field after 2-3 weeks. Was in real good shape at the time, and remember that the hardest part was the first week. Had laproscopic of course.
I would give it about six weeks. The problem with any kind of exercise after surgery is bleeding. Anything that raises your blood pressure, or raises the pressure of the blood against the walls of the veins, increases the probability of things busting open and bleeding at the surgical site. It needs enough time to heal so that doesn't happen.

They say after 4-6 weeks everything should be mended back together.

I'm not a doctor. Only reason I know this is because I'm having a bit of surgery myself next week and this is the advice my doctor gave me.

...and you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
It depends on if it ruptured or not and did they have to do an open or laparoscopic surgery. Best case, out a couple of weeks. If it was open, it would probably be longer than six weeks just because of the stress on a large incision.