You skewed the stats by saying the 70% of the people working at fast food are over 20. But that only leaves out ages 16-19 which is 30%. You neglected to say that 81% of the people working at fast food are less than 30 years old... which was my point... that it's young people working at fast food and not old peeps. And on top of that, the average age of fast food workers is 24
Again, I'm not demeaning working at fast food. If you are young whipper snapper (like I was when I worked at BK when I was 17-20 or whatever it was) and you work hard, that is noble. If you are a 60 or 70 or 80 year old working hard at McD's... I respect that too. We obviously need fast food workers in this country... so I have no problem with them. I respect every law abiding citizen in the US that works hard. But a lot of the people that work fast food, are not working hard. And not only do I see it with their laziness with my own eyes, but the fact that you see fast food worker turn over at high rates... you know they are dealing with a certain percentage that they have to fire for not doing their job. But working at a fast food joint has never been the job you go to, to pay your rent/mortgage. Making it a place to get a "living wage" is a good way to make fast food expensive and less people wanting or willing to buy it.