okay that's a fair pointWe all belong to the CIS Cult. People know us by our Orange and Green glasses. We get our weekly recruiting revelations from the Prophet DMoney. If you violate the administrative edicts, you get disfellowshipped from the innersanctum .
It's the Duggars oneNever heard of that one
Lol, not a cult. When people don’t agree or don’t understand then it’s crazy.
Im a JW, an Elder, and a regular pioneer
Im also a sports fanatic, a hip hop fan, a whiskey consumer, and @Paranos is one of my favorite posters.
We are regular people who try to apply Bible principles. You can go into any Kingdom Hall on a Sunday and see what it’s about. Don’t like it, walk out and nobody will bother you.
Somebody knocks on your door to share a scripture, say no thanks and close the door If it’s not your thing.
Check Cribby’s profile to see if there’s anything on Ward and stumble into a conversation on cults. Just an incredible website.
Been a member for two years now. Praise be.Cult of Cam Ward
This was so helpful. You never know what kind of impact you can have. I have a close friend who is considering this stuff with his family. I’m using all this infoAs a former elder, pioneer, HLC member, COBE, and in training to be a substitute Circuit Overseer, I can tell u the foundation of JWs is a cult. Its foundation comes from Adventist under William Miller who’s a notorious false prophet. The teachings of Nebuchadnezzar dream, the 2,520 teaching all come from The Adventist.
I can also tell u we’ve been indoctrinated to believe 607 BCE is a significant date in history that correlates to 1914.
1. 607 BCE is a made up date. The Governing Body knows this; they’ve changed dates around Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah to attempt to make this date valid. All archeological and secular history disproves this, but more importantly, even JWs own publications disproves this unknowingly. The Insight Book Vol 2 and The 1967 WT gives very detailed information about the lineage of Babylonian Kings. If ppl just simple did math, they would see it’s impossible for 607 BCE to be a valid date. If u just really read the scriptures, u will see 607 BCE is an invalid date.
2. The original last days timeline was:
-1799 Last Days Began (further evidence from The War of 1812 (the original World War)
-1874 Jesus “invisibly” took the throne
-Oct, 1914 The World will come to an end after the 40 year great harvest by Jesus to gather all consecrated followers of his
3. Deut. 18:20-22 talks about false prophets and how they would be identified, by speaking presumptuously in God’s name, and it not coming true. These are all the “spokespersons for God’s” dates:
-1878 (after Jesus took the throne in Spring of 1874, his earthly ministry as the Messiah for 3 1/2 yrs will have a greater Messianic fulfillment w/ the culmination of the world ending in 1878)
-Oct 1914 (The wandering for 40 years, will have a greater fulfillment of Jesus gathering all faithful followers heeding Russell’s message, with the climatic culmination of all faithful ones taken to heaven)
-1915 (After 1914, Russell said his math was incorrect, that God’s faithful stone, the pyramid of Giza, dimensions were slightly incorrect, and by math the end would culminate in Oct. 1915)
-1918 (Rutherford, convinced by Russell’s writings that the end was near)
-1925 (Millions now living will never die, Rutherford taught that 1925 is not his date, by clearly God’s date)
-1929 (Rutherford convinced innocent Bible Students that a mansion in San Diego, CA needed to purchase to welcome back Patriarch’s of old like Abraham, Isaac, Moses to conditions that were suitable to what they were accustomed to, and he would be there to welcome them back)
-1935 (The new teaching of an unbiblical foundation - The Great Crowd of Other Sheep. Why? B/c the religion had outgrown the original 144,000 teaching. Why? B/c the end was supposed to happen 10 yrs prior)
-1942 (In the publication “Children” Rutherford’s last words were the end would happen in mere months)
-1975 (The religion taught that kids didn’t need to pursue education, b/c the world wouldn’t be around for them to finish. Publishers were praised for selling homes, quitting jobs in various Kingdom Ministries b/c they were going to use to few remaining years to focus on God’s coming Kingdom. #Stayaliveto75)
-2000 (This generation will not pass away, 1984 WT. A promise of faithful ones who saw & understood the fulfillment of 1914 would not pass away b4 the end of this system; furthermore, many publications stated the preaching work would be finished by the end of the century (it was later revised online to read by the end of our time, only the hard copies can u see this)
These individuals claim to speak for God, yet they are not inspired or infallible. They claim u don’t need to see old literature, and to keep up w Jehovah’s Chariot, yet Jeffrey Winder just told ya’ll they look at old publications and pray over it, not the Bible. These individuals tell u they are not inspired, yet have published many times that obedience is paramount to ur relationship w/ God. These individuals tell u they are not inspired, yet will continuously reference their publications vs. the Bible itself.
I left in my teens, never got baptized but was giving talks at 8 on the TMS , pioneering and was viewed as the next it kid lol. But when I got older for ***** and giggles i did my own research and everything you’ve said here is straight facts. Btw Relly do you know why Jw’s made the change to know beards after Russels death?As a former elder, pioneer, HLC member, COBE, and in training to be a substitute Circuit Overseer, I can tell u the foundation of JWs is a cult. Its foundation comes from Adventist under William Miller who’s a notorious false prophet. The teachings of Nebuchadnezzar dream, the 2,520 teaching all come from The Adventist.
I can also tell u we’ve been indoctrinated to believe 607 BCE is a significant date in history that correlates to 1914.
1. 607 BCE is a made up date. The Governing Body knows this; they’ve changed dates around Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, Zedekiah to attempt to make this date valid. All archeological and secular history disproves this, but more importantly, even JWs own publications disproves this unknowingly. The Insight Book Vol 2 and The 1967 WT gives very detailed information about the lineage of Babylonian Kings. If ppl just simple did math, they would see it’s impossible for 607 BCE to be a valid date. If u just really read the scriptures, u will see 607 BCE is an invalid date.
2. The original last days timeline was:
-1799 Last Days Began (further evidence from The War of 1812 (the original World War)
-1874 Jesus “invisibly” took the throne
-Oct, 1914 The World will come to an end after the 40 year great harvest by Jesus to gather all consecrated followers of his
3. Deut. 18:20-22 talks about false prophets and how they would be identified, by speaking presumptuously in God’s name, and it not coming true. These are all the “spokespersons for God’s” dates:
-1878 (after Jesus took the throne in Spring of 1874, his earthly ministry as the Messiah for 3 1/2 yrs will have a greater Messianic fulfillment w/ the culmination of the world ending in 1878)
-Oct 1914 (The wandering for 40 years, will have a greater fulfillment of Jesus gathering all faithful followers heeding Russell’s message, with the climatic culmination of all faithful ones taken to heaven)
-1915 (After 1914, Russell said his math was incorrect, that God’s faithful stone, the pyramid of Giza, dimensions were slightly incorrect, and by math the end would culminate in Oct. 1915)
-1918 (Rutherford, convinced by Russell’s writings that the end was near)
-1925 (Millions now living will never die, Rutherford taught that 1925 is not his date, by clearly God’s date)
-1929 (Rutherford convinced innocent Bible Students that a mansion in San Diego, CA needed to purchase to welcome back Patriarch’s of old like Abraham, Isaac, Moses to conditions that were suitable to what they were accustomed to, and he would be there to welcome them back)
-1935 (The new teaching of an unbiblical foundation - The Great Crowd of Other Sheep. Why? B/c the religion had outgrown the original 144,000 teaching. Why? B/c the end was supposed to happen 10 yrs prior)
-1942 (In the publication “Children” Rutherford’s last words were the end would happen in mere months)
-1975 (The religion taught that kids didn’t need to pursue education, b/c the world wouldn’t be around for them to finish. Publishers were praised for selling homes, quitting jobs in various Kingdom Ministries b/c they were going to use to few remaining years to focus on God’s coming Kingdom. #Stayaliveto75)
-2000 (This generation will not pass away, 1984 WT. A promise of faithful ones who saw & understood the fulfillment of 1914 would not pass away b4 the end of this system; furthermore, many publications stated the preaching work would be finished by the end of the century (it was later revised online to read by the end of our time, only the hard copies can u see this)
These individuals claim to speak for God, yet they are not inspired or infallible. They claim u don’t need to see old literature, and to keep up w Jehovah’s Chariot, yet Jeffrey Winder just told ya’ll they look at old publications and pray over it, not the Bible. These individuals tell u they are not inspired, yet have published many times that obedience is paramount to ur relationship w/ God. These individuals tell u they are not inspired, yet will continuously reference their publications vs. the Bible itself.
This was so helpful. You never know what kind of impact you can have. I have a close friend who is considering this stuff with his family. I’m using all this info![]()
I left in my teens, never got baptized but was giving talks at 8 on the TMS , pioneering and was viewed as the next it kid lol. But when I got older for ***** and giggles i did my own research and everything you’ve said here is straight facts. Btw Relly do you know why Jw’s made the change to know beards after Russels death?
@Rellyrell are you ExJw critical thinker ? Lmao
WTF is that podcast? Can these dudes not get decent backgrounds? I mean, i am not sure the bed or microwave oven shot is speaking knowledge to me.
I was always told if you do your own research you were an apostate . That’s their answer for everything , you’re an apostate. It’s like the car dealership having complete control of the car fax and not allowing you to do or own research. If you believe your own bs you’d want people to fact check it and pick it apart.Nah, but ironically we know some of the same ppl. Seriously, imma reader bro, & God has blessed me w/ any outstanding memory. I literally just started reading, reading their own material. There’s a reason they don’t want or they hide from their own members old literature. U only get access to it as u move up the rankings and become more trusted. I just happened to be in a congregation filled w/ 90 year olds who had all these old books and magazines.
Blood, straight blasphemy. lol. Apostate literature is simply JW literature they no longer wanna claim to the public.
Love me some cult conspiracy maybe I’ll have to dive inCheck Cribby’s profile to see if there’s anything on Ward and stumble into a conversation on cults. Just an incredible website.
Lol, not a cult. When people don’t agree or don’t understand then it’s crazy.
Im a JW, an Elder, and a regular pioneer
Im also a sports fanatic, a hip hop fan, a whiskey consumer, and @Paranos is one of my favorite posters.
We are regular people who try to apply Bible principles. You can go into any Kingdom Hall on a Sunday and see what it’s about. Don’t like it, walk out and nobody will bother you.
Somebody knocks on your door to share a scripture, say no thanks and close the door If it’s not your thing.
They appear as nice ppl, and many are. They preach a lot of things that are in the Bible, and a **** ton that’s not. They will love bomb you to get u to join, but after u join, then u’ll learn their true messages:
1. Their leaders speak for God
2. U must not ? their leaders
3. No one can understand the Bible w/o them
4. Jesus is not to be worshipped, only to do obeisance to
5. Jesus is not the mediator for mankind, only for a few select JWs chosen to go to heaven
6. Ur relationship with God is dependent upon ur obedience to them
7. Only JWs will survive Armageddon and God will destroy all other religions and non-JWs
Of course none of this will be said or admitted, but it’s found throughout their “non-public” material, and their “Bible study aids” only promote a happy life, full of future promises….and once u’re hook, they’ll slowly teach the other points mentioned above either consciously or subconsciously.
That’s fantastic-What do you think about Pitino coaching at St.John’s think he can return them to national prominence?Thanks... We went to a St. John's game the other day. Great guy, turned out to be a real father figure for me.