Cribby got the smoke.

They’re legit good people. They think they’re saving peoples life by doing what Jesus prophesized going door to door preaching. They just don’t know they’re in a cult.
Major cult. I deal with JWs, Mormons, and Muslims on a consistent basis.
They’re legit good people. They think they’re saving peoples life by doing what Jesus prophesized going door to door preaching. They just don’t know they’re in a cult.
Like most stereotypes, most are. They have their fair share of dirt bags. My daughters blood father is a J Dub and, since the day I took his ***** 9+ years ago has not so much as sent her (his daughter, not my lady) a card. He however, was excommunicated from the Church faster than John Wick after whacking dudes inside the hotel for low character moves like that. It has honestly been a blessing, as I have raised her from almost day one with no difficult questions.
They got it easy now lol. The amount of miles my mom put on her cars regular pioneering was insane. Even crazier was the money she donated to bethel and the Kindgom Hall. She literally bought new chairs for our congregation smh.
I’m a regular pioneer right now. I put more miles on my car getting down to Miami to watch these canes get beat than I do on the preaching work.
As someone who never really had experiences with JW's growing up, what exactly was the point of the knocking at doors? What are they hoping to accomplish? Genuinely curious.

Aight, imma take @Cribby in this. Imma try not to be long winded, but I am a bit of a historian as to this religion, which is y I bounced.

The JWs tend to cherry-pick scriptures for rules, doctrines, etc. to give the appearance that what they are doing is biblical, while either willfully ignoring full context, or being completely ignorant of full context. (Both are true as this religion frowns upon Bible scholars while championing itself as God’s only spokes people on earth, having zero theology background).

The religion actually started as a book publishing company. Their founder, who was not only a false prophet, but a self appointed fulfillment of a scriptural parable turned prophecy (only by JW’s theology) was in love w his own writings. Back in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, the JWs formerly known as Bible Students were tasked to be door to door salesmen for his books. The 2nd leader, took it a step further by adding a scriptural connotation for this activity, so it gave them a sense of following Jesus’ disciples. However, there were many articles written in earlier times in which JWs today have zero access to that literally says “We’re here to sale books, not to preach; if individuals want a sermon they can come to our meetings.”

Many JWs have no idea why they are called “publishers” “pioneers” etc. b/c none of these terms are found in the Bible; it’s b/c back in the day sales ppl went from door to door like the vacuum guy, the encyclopedia guy, the magazine subscription guy, etc.

JW leadership also said their members had to do certain quotas to be considered righteous in God’s eyes, and that the “hours they gave to His ministry” were required by him (Again, nothing scriptural). Since 1990, the courts ruled that taxes had to be paid on these things, so the JWs from 1990 have been slowly reducing their ministry requirements every 5 years. To make up for the loss of publishing revenue, they turned to something more sinister: Have congregation members pay for real-estate and they take full control of all real estate properties free of charge.

They now have billions of dollars of world wide real estate, from either donations, free labor, or simply seizing Kingdom Halls bought and paid for by congregants. They no longer have a need of door to door; they simply peddle their message through their website, and have their members just sit there under the guise they are doing this for God. They rather parents bring up the next group of JWs b/c it’s easier and less time consuming vs. searching for vulnerable ppl through their prior practice of book selling.

It’s why JWs will slowly take u to their publications and their version of the Bible b/c it’s foundation is book publishing, but it’s now evolving into a real estate conglomerate.

That’s literally the PG-condensed version w/o getting to grimey and super detailed in it.
Aight, imma take @Cribby in this. Imma try not to be long winded, but I am a bit of a historian as to this religion, which is y I bounced.

The JWs tend to cherry-pick scriptures for rules, doctrines, etc. to give the appearance that what they are doing is biblical, while either willfully ignoring full context, or being completely ignorant of full context. (Both are true as this religion frowns upon Bible scholars while championing itself as God’s only spokes people on earth, having zero theology background).

The religion actually started as a book publishing company. Their founder, who was not only a false prophet, but a self appointed fulfillment of a scriptural parable turned prophecy (only by JW’s theology) was in love w his own writings. Back in the late 1800’s, early 1900’s, the JWs formerly known as Bible Students were tasked to be door to door salesmen for his books. The 2nd leader, took it a step further by adding a scriptural connotation for this activity, so it gave them a sense of following Jesus’ disciples. However, there were many articles written in earlier times in which JWs today have zero access to that literally says “We’re here to sale books, not to preach; if individuals want a sermon they can come to our meetings.”

Many JWs have no idea why they are called “publishers” “pioneers” etc. b/c none of these terms are found in the Bible; it’s b/c back in the day sales ppl went from door to door like the vacuum guy, the encyclopedia guy, the magazine subscription guy, etc.

JW leadership also said their members had to do certain quotas to be considered righteous in God’s eyes, and that the “hours they gave to His ministry” were required by him (Again, nothing scriptural). Since 1990, the courts ruled that taxes had to be paid on these things, so the JWs from 1990 have been slowly reducing their ministry requirements every 5 years. To make up for the loss of publishing revenue, they turned to something more sinister: Have congregation members pay for real-estate and they take full control of all real estate properties free of charge.

They now have billions of dollars of world wide real estate, from either donations, free labor, or simply seizing Kingdom Halls bought and paid for by congregants. They no longer have a need of door to door; they simply peddle their message through their website, and have their members just sit there under the guise they are doing this for God. They rather parents bring up the next group of JWs b/c it’s easier and less time consuming vs. searching for vulnerable ppl through their prior practice of book selling.

It’s why JWs will slowly take u to their publications and their version of the Bible b/c it’s foundation is book publishing, but it’s now evolving into a real estate conglomerate.

That’s literally the PG-condensed version w/o getting to grimey and super detailed in it.
Note to self...... do not let JW's into house for any reason.

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office
Cribby got the smoke going in his avatar, plus the Rudy tweet. 🤔. Also, I speak for most on this board. Appreciate the info and all the backstory’s on the recruits. Did y’all read about the Blount’s turning off the lights and tv’s when FSU pulled up to their house for a visit. 😂😂😂. Go Canes

Haha **** that’s some mafia sh Mario doing he had snipers on the roof dog
Major cult. I deal with JWs, Mormons, and Muslims on a consistent basis.
Lol, not a cult. When people don’t agree or don’t understand then it’s crazy.

Im a JW, an Elder, and a regular pioneer

Im also a sports fanatic, a hip hop fan, a whiskey consumer, and @Paranos is one of my favorite posters.

We are regular people who try to apply Bible principles. You can go into any Kingdom Hall on a Sunday and see what it’s about. Don’t like it, walk out and nobody will bother you.

Somebody knocks on your door to share a scripture, say no thanks and close the door If it’s not your thing.
My wife was JW. Then this young stud entered the picture. Took me about one month to get her disfellowshipped. Elders were having none of it, lol.

Been with her since '96; didn't think I'd make it out the 90s; her pops wanted to kill me; first met him on New Years...

I went to Times Square to watch the ball drop with the fellas. Told them i was headed uptown to get some cat, bahaha....

She lived in a brownstone. Her neighbor saw me sneaking in, and called her dad. He was at work, and knew I was in his house.

Her mom found me hiding in the bedroom closet with a wife beater on, bahahaha.

Good times being chased around Harlem... Thought i'd die.
Keep Talking Idris Elba GIF
Lol, not a cult. When people don’t agree or don’t understand then it’s crazy.

Im a JW, an Elder, and a regular pioneer

Im also a sports fanatic, a hip hop fan, a whiskey consumer, and @Paranos is one of my favorite posters.

We are regular people who try to apply Bible principles. You can go into any Kingdom Hall on a Sunday and see what it’s about. Don’t like it, walk out and nobody will bother you.

Somebody knocks on your door to share a scripture, say no thanks and close the door If it’s not your thing.
Note to self...... do not let JW's into house for any reason.

Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office

They appear as nice ppl, and many are. They preach a lot of things that are in the Bible, and a **** ton that’s not. They will love bomb you to get u to join, but after u join, then u’ll learn their true messages:

1. Their leaders speak for God
2. U must not ? their leaders
3. No one can understand the Bible w/o them
4. Jesus is not to be worshipped, only to do obeisance to
5. Jesus is not the mediator for mankind, only for a few select JWs chosen to go to heaven
6. Ur relationship with God is dependent upon ur obedience to them
7. Only JWs will survive Armageddon and God will destroy all other religions and non-JWs

Of course none of this will be said or admitted, but it’s found throughout their “non-public” material, and their “Bible study aids” only promote a happy life, full of future promises….and once u’re hook, they’ll slowly teach the other points mentioned above either consciously or subconsciously.