Cowherd calls out admin

**** shame Kirk and Colin, TWO GUYS WITH NO TIES TO THE U.... has more love and wants the U to win more than our own **** administration.
That's the part that grinds my gears.
Love the fact that the national media is continuing to call out the bs. I gotta wonder if someone behind the scenes is pulling string with some of these talk heads. I don’t remember them giving af when last coaching staffs were inept and failing.
You mean the same Cowherd that didn't even realize that Miami was a small private school until he came to campus in 2010? That Cowherd? If merely throwing money around is the true sign of caring about your program, then Miami will never, ever care. Amazing how easily led our fans are and how many poorly researched, ignorant options are given currency by those that should know better. Then again, I'm not shocked, a lot of people in our fanbase have little if any knowledge of how the University is managed, and are easy marks for mope ****.

I know it's shocking, but Miami will never spend like Alabama or even USC. That said, Miami can and should get far more bang for their buck than they currently are. That's the problem. The problem is that Miami doesn't have the athletic department leadership in place needed to maximize the revenue that is available. A forward thinking AD wouldn't hire Manny Diaz in the first place, much less pay Temple to do it. A competent AD would have had an interview process and not let the candidate's father sway him into making an egregious hire. That's the problem. For what Miami is paying Manny, they could have had someone like Bill Clark or a multitude of other, superior options. Miami didn't do that, they just made the easy, politically expedient hire, and it's come back to bite them in the ***.

Overspending for Mario Cristobal(Which is what idiots like Cowherd want, they need narratives to push, and I wouldn't be shocked if Colin spoke to someone near Mario and is trying to get this hype train going), doesn't mean Miami cares, it means that the people around the program are too gutless to do what needs to be done and just want to shut the fans and media up. That's an awful way to manage any organization. Miami can and should be able to land a good coach at a sensible salary, which then allows the University to spend to build a world class organization around said coach. Smart organizations MAXIMIZE what they have available, they don't just blow money for the sake of appearances.
He's right we don't care about football, our admin is nice and comfortable collecting acc checks while being a 6-6 team. A knock against USC though is the cost of living in that area. A 5 million dollar salary in lsu makes you a king, in LA that makes you an somewhat wealthy guy but not a king with a ton of luxuries.
Love the fact that the national media is continuing to call out the bs. I gotta wonder if someone behind the scenes is pulling string with some of these talk heads. I don’t remember them giving af when last coaching staffs were inept and failing.
Likely because, its becoming even more painfully obvious now with Blake going on a media tour bashing the current and still employed and paid HC and fellow coaching staff.
Its a case of, if Blake kept his mouth shut and same with the BoT including the President, no one would give a dam, but you open yourself to criticism when you open your mouth. Nothing wrong with shutting up head down and hard work, but that ain't a thing no more.
Love the fact that the national media is continuing to call out the bs. I gotta wonder if someone behind the scenes is pulling string with some of these talk heads. I don’t remember them giving af when last coaching staffs were inept and failing.

yes. the seeds were planted before the season and hit the fan after the msu game. communications picked up with herbstreit to convince him to speak up. he finally agreed and the floodgates opened. some of these guys like Colin are just piling on to get clicks and views. Maybe Barry is willing to divulge more on CIS one day.
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**** shame Kirk and Colin, TWO GUYS WITH NO TIES TO THE U.... has more love and wants the U to win more than our own **** administration.
That's the part that grinds my gears.
Collin has been begging for both us & SC to be back for yrs. And even though I don’t always agree w/ his takes, he’s dead on right now.
People keep talking about us never putting enough money in to be a true football powerhouse, but success in football attracts a lot more fans, eyeballs, tv deals, enrollment, merch sales, etc. So wouldn’t the return on investment be pretty good as well? I can’t imagine a scenario where we wouldn’t be making way more money than we currently are if we invested what it takes to become a powerhouse. **** our recruiting budget would still have half the teams beat because we wouldn’t have to fly anywhere. Most of the best players are in our back yard
People keep talking about us never putting enough money in to be a true football powerhouse, but success in football attracts a lot more fans, eyeballs, tv deals, enrollment, merch sales, etc. So wouldn’t the return on investment be pretty good as well? I can’t imagine a scenario where we wouldn’t be making way more money than we currently are if we invested what it takes to become a powerhouse. **** our recruiting budget would still have half the teams beat because we wouldn’t have to fly anywhere. Most of the best players are in our back yard

The admin, in all their wisdom, has lost themselves millions and millions of dollars by letting the program become mediocre. They would be swimming in cash if they weren't so cheap and arrogant post Coker.