Corn Elder Committed

If you're wondering about the competition he is playing its not horrible. It just isn't that great.

Pretty average competition but Ensworth is a powerhouse here in TN

How played better than 5 star Jalen Ramsey. Nice pickup if it is indeed true!
Looks like Dexter Mccluster. Raw athlete playing RB. Loosely carrying the ball all over the place and running like he doesn't want a single person to touch him.
Looks like Dexter Mccluster. Raw athlete playing RB. Loosely carrying the ball all over the place and running like he doesn't want a single person to touch him.

Noticed that as well - very Bryce Brown-esque...
Oh Lawd Al

So uh, how scary is this offense going to be?

Sandland and Walford
Elder, GusBus, and THE DUKE
Dorsett, Coley, Malcolm, and Scott...and Hurns...and Lockhart when he comes back
Monster Offensive Line to give the biggest arm in college football time to wing it

This is gonna be fun
It looks like he has 4.3 speed. In a year or two he could be the fastest man on the team. Really great way to end this recruiting class
I have a ton of stuff on corn.

If you have any more questions I can probably answer them.

Can he play corner? Barton Simmons from 247 (who absolutely loves him) says he is very physical on defense.
I heard that Ohio State wanted him for a Percy Harvin role inthe spread the only thing im surprised with is he fits a spread more so does that mean we are more likely for a spread now?

Urban Meyer tells that same line to every 5'9"-5'11" ATH that has speed and quickness. He also tells every 6'2"-6'5" Dual Threat QB that he envisions him in the Tebow role. Besides, how does OSU's plans for the kid have anything to do with the offense Miami will run? Answer:None.

The what wil his role be here? if you watch his tapes he looks better in the spread in space not just a regular pro that's all im saying just like UCLA, Auburn and Ga Tech none of them run a pro style offense and they been on him for the longest

He will be all over the field. You don't have to be in a spread offense to find space. Guys like this are used to create mismatches. You can line him up in the slot, the backfield, the Wildcat, end arounds, flanker sweeps, and in the return game. The pro style offense is multiple formations, not just I formation, running back powers and play action passes. Roscoe Parrish and Santana Moss are 2 guys that would've been great in a spread offense, but were also great in a pro offense because the coaches played to their strengths. Look at the plays run for Duke Johnson last year. He lined up behind a fullback and went power up the middle. He lined up single back in spread formations and ran inside and outside. He even lined up at WR or motioned out there from the running back spot. ****, they even went to 3 back pistol line up as well. This offense is designed to put your playmakers in position to make plays. I would say it is way more NE and Belicheck pro style, then it is traditional pro style like Jim Tressels 2002 OSU* offense. You play to your guys' strengths and take advantage of mismatches while getting it to your playmakers. Last years offense is closer to what a Miami offense should be(minus the inconsistency). I like the uptempo offense and taking advantage of all the athleticism on the field. I assume it will continue to be that no matter who Golden's OC is.