I did not distort any baseline. He said his belief is the decision is purely about money, not making the fans happy or perception [presumably meaning the perception of joining a weaker conference]. He says his “sources” would know if UM has an invitation to the P2. Then he says UM hasn’t made a decision and reiterates this will be about money.
You would have to be a special kind of stupid to not understand that he’s implying that Big 12 may be offering a competitive financial package and that he thinks UM doesn’t care if fans feel the Big 12 sucks- if it is offering more money, then Flo thinks UM will pick the Big 12. The only way I can explain how the Big 12 could offer more money is if the B1G isn’t offering full shares. If you have a problem with that, then write Flo and tell him you know more than him.
And as
@TooColdToHold posted,
now Josh Pate is hinting that the Big12 is looking to make a power move and will take a run at Miami. He said exactly what I said- the Big 12 commissioner is the best in the P5. Don’t underestimate him.
I tend to agree that 50% shares in the B1G are still better than full shares in the Big 12. But if the B1G offers less than 50% or the Big 12 somehow offers UM more than full shares , my super controversial opinion is that it’s a tougher choice. This playing out pretty much like I said it would weeks ago.