MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

There’s no way FSU and Clemson just withdraw from the conference without an agreed upon settlement with ACC. Bigten and SEC don’t want to engage a school before the divorce is finalized

Looks like UNC isn't doing anything soon ... Judge in NC just issued a restraining order PROHIBITING THE UNC BOT to have closed meetings to discuss UNC financials, athletic budgets, etc., pending a hearing later in the month. The State politics are going to hamstring any efforts UNC wants to initiate to get out.
Looks like UNC isn't doing anything soon ... Judge in NC just issued a restraining order PROHIBITING THE UNC BOT to have closed meetings to discuss UNC financials, athletic budgets, etc., pending a hearing later in the month. The State politics are going to hamstring any efforts UNC wants to initiate to get out.

UNC BOT is not on the same page. Some want out while others feel an obligation to the ACC. Then there’s some accusing UNC’s Bubba Cunningham of not being transparent about the AD’s deficit, while others are accusing members of the BOT of having selective memory as the deficit was projected during & after the pandemic.

So it appears UNC ain’t moving fwd w/ any suits looking to leave to the ACC.
Fellas calm the **** down! All this back and forth y'all sound like *****ing wives. Private University = Miami moving in silence. We may not hear the noise but they aren't sitting on their hands like morons. Money talks and that's all that matters. ACC dumpster fire we ain't hanging around, Big12 pshhh that **** hole ain't even in the picture. We will be in the BIGTEN just have some patience.
Exactly! This is understated! Private Universities don't have air everything they are doing.
Looks like UNC isn't doing anything soon ... Judge in NC just issued a restraining order PROHIBITING THE UNC BOT to have closed meetings to discuss UNC financials, athletic budgets, etc., pending a hearing later in the month. The State politics are going to hamstring any efforts UNC wants to initiate to get out.


Yo, this Dookie goober who filed for the purpose of getting a TRO ain't stopping ****.

"ESPN would be insane to decline its ACC option"

Sure thing buddy.

ESPN could've put a monkey wrench in the FSU/Clemson departure plan by already signing off on its media rights extension for 2027-2036

So why hasn't it happened?

Maybe ESPN's leadership is just fine with the ACC going down the crapper
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FSU original lawsuit states PLEASE RETROACTIVELY date August 2023. If they win, I don’t think ACC August 2024 DEADLINES matter anymore.
That is if THEY WIN THE LAW SUIT ... no way any law suit will be settled in court by this Summer. From all of the comments from the FSU side they might just take the position that they DO leave with media rights and bail before June 30. Then ... fight any ACC action in court.

Yo, this Dookie goober ain't stopping ****.

"ESPN would be insane to decline its ACC option"

Sure thing buddy.

ESPN could've put a monkey wrench in the FSU/Clemson departure plan by already signing off on its media rights extension for 2027-2036

So why hasn't it happened?

Maybe ESPN's leadership is just fine with the ACC going down the crapper
Especially when ESPN ALREADY declined the option in January 2021 ... and now ... with law suits and the prospect of FSU / Clemson leaving (and others) they would extend when the prime media value is leaving? That guy is the hack attorney with his law degree from some directional school that blocked half of Canesinsight members. Tool. Went to Duke Divinity school. So he will pray on it.

Yo, this Dookie goober who filed for a TRO ain't stopping ****.

"ESPN would be insane to decline its ACC option"

Sure thing buddy.

ESPN could've put a monkey wrench in the FSU/Clemson departure plan by already signing off on its media rights extension for 2027-2036

So why hasn't it happened?

Maybe ESPN's leadership is just fine with the ACC going down the crapper
McKenzie IS THE ONE WHO FILED THE COMPLAINT, he has a daughter attending UNC. And the judge issued the restraining order. This is getting insane. Private individuals on the sidelines are filing complaints??? WTF??
McKenzie IS THE ONE WHO FILED THE COMPLAINT, he has a daughter attending UNC. And the judge issued the restraining order. This is getting insane. Private individuals on the sidelines are filing complaints??? WTF??

We mentioned in here a lot that the state of North Carolina is a crap show in terms of politics and how it relates to its ACC schools potentially leaving.

Fuq em, they deserve it

Yo, this Dookie goober who filed for the purpose of getting a TRO ain't stopping ****.

"ESPN would be insane to decline its ACC option"

Sure thing buddy.

ESPN could've put a monkey wrench in the FSU/Clemson departure plan by already signing off on its media rights extension for 2027-2036

So why hasn't it happened?

Maybe ESPN's leadership is just fine with the ACC going down the crapper

Ah, yes, it's the same gaping ****** who blocked me on Twatter when I had the unmitigated gall to respond to some of his more ridiculous Twats.

Yo, this Dookie goober who filed for the purpose of getting a TRO ain't stopping ****.

"ESPN would be insane to decline its ACC option"

Sure thing buddy.

ESPN could've put a monkey wrench in the FSU/Clemson departure plan by already signing off on its media rights extension for 2027-2036

So why hasn't it happened?

Maybe ESPN's leadership is just fine with the ACC going down the crapper
He is obviously a blundering idiot. The top level programs are worth much more to ESPN in another conference playing much higher quality games drawing drastically higher ratings.
No need to wonder any longer if Feb. 1, 2025 is indeed fish or cut bait time for ESPN and extension of the ACC media rights contract.

From the North Carolina site on 247:

"We're obviously very much aware of the conference realignment dynamics," UNC president Lee Robets said. "There's just a lot in flux. We have litigation pending against the ACC by two member schools. The ESPN television contract has a renewal period coming up in February of next year."

Tick, tick tick ...
Is this guy legit?

"or could even take another FL team."

Good point. If Fox is truly pulling the strings with Big 10 expansion, is it totally outside the realm of possibility that they would push for a state school in a large metropolitan area with the highest enrollment in the entire state of Florida?
Fox owns their own TV stations in Tampa and Orlando as well