MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Miami to the B10 along with FSU + ND with a scheduling arrangement like they have with the ACC ... gives us BOTH FSU and ND, along with the old Nebraska and Penn State games. Would be a home run ... then add USC.

If I were the Big Ten, I would be a hard "NO" on any formal scheduling arrangement or partial membership agreement with Notre Dame. Yes, it might make financial sense to a degree, but you have to weigh that against the toxicity that it would cause.

Look at the ACC. Part of the reason this conference is such a ****hole is because Notre Dame throws its weight around and gets its way in conference decision-making, while not really having any vested interest in whether the conference prospers or not. They call the shots and they don't suffer the consequences for anything because their bread is buttered by NBC.

It's a toxic arrangement and frankly, the Big Ten doesn't need it. I would tell them you can join the conference as a full member any time, but we're not interested in partial memberships at any level. You're in or out, we're good either way.
Total enrollment is like 45k split between undergrad and grad like 45-55 respectively give or take.

It’s just that at best they might be the 4the best draw tv ratings in their own market unless they are having a great season and even then can’t touch the school in Athens

Well how about that. Never knew.
Miami to the B10 along with FSU + ND with a scheduling arrangement like they have with the ACC ... gives us BOTH FSU and ND, along with the old Nebraska and Penn State games. Would be a home run ... then add USC.
Absolutely. Many possibilities out there.
If I were the Big Ten, I would be a hard "NO" on any formal scheduling arrangement or partial membership agreement with Notre Dame. Yes, it might make financial sense to a degree, but you have to weigh that against the toxicity that it would cause.

Look at the ACC. Part of the reason this conference is such a ****hole is because Notre Dame throws its weight around and gets its way in conference decision-making, while not really having any vested interest in whether the conference prospers or not. They call the shots and they don't suffer the consequences for anything because their bread is buttered by NBC.

It's a toxic arrangement and frankly, the Big Ten doesn't need it. I would tell them you can join the conference as a full member any time, but we're not interested in partial memberships at any level. You're in or out, we're good either way.
Disagree ... a scheduling agreement with Nd / B10 would be a start in the right direction and once the CFP regulations become tighter ... as they will ... a conference affiliation with the P2 is going to be an outright requirement ... then they can join. It's a win / win. If they choose to join NOW along with FSU ... then Miami is sucking hind *** as they say and will have to wait until "the next wave". Better for Miami with ND independent for another few years.
What are you're ultimate high level end result predictions for $/time as of today @TheOriginalCane @Ispyin @Hurracanes etc
The HUGE unknown at this time is the actual degree to which the MEDIA PARTNERS ... FOX / ESPN etc ... are involved in actually shaping the new conference make up reality. THEY are the drivers of realignment and it was commented clearly by several individuals that there would be no major changes on any nature announced until AFTER the CFP negotiations and new contract was finalized.

Like Josh Pate mentioned two weeks ago in a podcast he did on future realignment " EVERYTHING IS BEING DISCUSSED, many possibilities are on the table, and the changes will be seismic". So what is coming down the pike in the near future will not be a traditional "USC to the B10" type of change, it is highly likely that a lot of it will be the result of MEDIA PARTNER horse trading. They have the power to facilitate that ... the ACC can be blown up as far a conference affiliation for the 24 season, the media partners can agree to a broadcast format to cover all scheduled games, and during the course of the season schools that have P2 potential ... make / get P2 commitments ... some head to the B12 ... and some might remain in a restructured ACC of sorts, backfilling with some G5 programs.

We are really entering uncharted waters and there are hints all over the place that this could happen prior to the 2024 season. Wild and speculative? Yes. Feasible? Quien Sabe.
Disagree ... a scheduling agreement with Nd / B10 would be a start in the right direction and once the CFP regulations become tighter ... as they will ... a conference affiliation with the P2 is going to be an outright requirement ... then they can join. It's a win / win. If they choose to join NOW along with FSU ... then Miami is sucking hind *** as they say and will have to wait until "the next wave". Better for Miami with ND independent for another few years.

Why do you think the CFP regulations will become tighter and require conference affiliation? People seem to bend over backwards for Notre Dame, I don't see anything that would force that to change. If anything, these latest CFP discussions made it EASIER to stay independent for ND because they got all sorts of carve-outs.
Can we start an "National Independent Conference" with ND, Stanford, USC, Duke and any others.
Set a standard annual handout with 8 game intraconference game commitment.... and allow each school negotiate their own broadcast/streaming rights with whomever they want.

I wonder if you could go back and do this realignment all over, knowing what we know now, if the schools that went to the SEC/BIG10, or are going, would have just started their own conference.

Notre Dame
Honestly, I didn’t really think about it, though I know what you’re saying because I’m just so ******* sick of every single topic and desire to feed the outrage machine happening that I try to ignore it when I come here - except though when somebody else like earlier in this thread, interjects it. Then I just won’t leave it alone.

we could certainly go into a whole dissertation about what you’re saying in a completely different way than some might think I might go but let’s stay on topic and just say that there is essentially no difference between ESPN & fox - they’re just out to make money which is actually their job and fiduciary responsibility to shareholders - regardless of what anybody personally feels about them. And as part of that job, they have audiences that they cater to - but it doesn’t have to be consistent across channels or business units.
I agree. I just find it funny when the *****ing, moaning and groaning, complaining and outrage comes with an asterisk. Its always justified..
*unless its the other side doing it.
Total enrollment is like 45k split between undergrad and grad like 45-55 respectively give or take.

It’s just that at best they might be the 4the best draw tv ratings in their own market unless they are having a great season and even then can’t touch the school in Athens
That is a **** ton of Engineers.
Oh **** off, you whine and complain every time there is an ACCURATE assessment of "the south", where I have lived for over 50 years. You always try to act like I'm some carpetbagger, but I'm not.

We did not "turn down" the SEC. We were given an impossible time-frame to make a decision, and the SEC knew it. That's why they were able to pivot to South Carolina so quickly (the next ******* day), they knew Miami couldn't give an answer within their timeframe.

"Turned down". Hilarious.

"You're still waiting for my predictions to come true". Sure. And when they do, you'll disappear. But I see you got a couple of upvotes from a pair of Miami-hating dip****s, so GOOD FOR YOU.

There's a lot of projection thrown from you in that post much like that **** coming from that dog's *** in your avatar. Which that's a perfect one for you because most of the stuff you post is dog****.

Regardless of where you lived you can still have terrible **** opinions. Which exactly is what your so called assessment is. I've lived in multiple places over my 45 years with a good portion also being in "the south" so I know first hand the **** stereotype narrative you're repeating to try and paint a whole ******* region in a bad light. In addition, it has nothing to do why the SEC doesn't have us on top of their expansion list.

I'll be here regardless of your predictions coming true or not. Been here longer than your *** so not concerned. I won't hold my breath though as it's already not looking good with your *** scrambling and back tracking. Regardless I hope you're right honestly because I just want what's best for Miami.

I'm not concerned with upvotes. Maybe they just like someone calling your *** out for the nonsense you post sometimes.
Am I the only one who finds it hilarious that if fans want to watch the SEC, which is comprised of southern states, they have to go to Disney owned ESPN. And to watch the B1G, which covers the northeast and west coast, they have to go to Fox?

But none of those schools is Miami, with 5 national titles and 9 title appearences in the last 40 years. Stanford is a phenomenal school, but the Big Ten already passed on them once.

Duke (IF IF IF football continues to improve). - well I have to take a shot here, it's too much of a layup. They hired Manny Diaz, so we can guarantee that their football will NOT continue to improve. We have experience here, we know. I pity Duke.

I have to keep reminding people outside of the Miami sphere that if they're 40 years old, Miami has played in fully a QUARTER of every national championship ever played in their lifetime. **** near, anyway. We've earned to be in that conversation with the Alabamas, Oklahomas, Nebraskas and Notre Dames of the world as a true blue blood dynasty program.

Luckily for us, while the majority of message board and twitter idiots are under 30, the vast majority of TV execs, conference commissioners, university presidents, and bigwigs around college football are over 40 and "The U" brand pulls a lot of weight with them. The people who matter are over 40, and they remember seeing a lot of Miami in championship games.


On your first paragraph, I would just add that the Big 10 wanted Stanford/Cal, and Fox told them to take Washington/Oregon.
Is it really? Then I learned something today, I always thought it was private. It looks so small.


Growing up, a bunch of my friends' dads worked for Martin Marietta in Orlando, and were GaTech alums. GaTech was on my short list of schools to apply to (I started at UM as an Engineering student before flipping to Business).

I'd also say that when UCF was "FTU" (Florida Tech), it was much smaller. Now it's the second largest (by enrollment) university in the country.
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What are you're ultimate high level end result predictions for $/time as of today @TheOriginalCane @Ispyin @Hurracanes etc

If we EVER get off our asses and file our own lawsuit as a prelude to exit negotiatons, then I'd expect a number somewhere between $50M and $100M. And I think Miami would be happy to pay that, so long as there was nothing additional on the GOR "double penalties".

I have been told that there might be some Fox "interest-free-loan" money available, as there apparently was with the Pacific northwest schools. But that would just be facilitation money.

However, if we get the Magnificent Seven/Elite Eight moving in the same direction at the same time, it might break the ACC for good, and then we pay nothing. At least in exit fees. I'm sure there would be some costs associated with winding down the ACC, but it would be muclh less than $100M.
If I were the Big Ten, I would be a hard "NO" on any formal scheduling arrangement or partial membership agreement with Notre Dame. Yes, it might make financial sense to a degree, but you have to weigh that against the toxicity that it would cause.

Look at the ACC. Part of the reason this conference is such a ****hole is because Notre Dame throws its weight around and gets its way in conference decision-making, while not really having any vested interest in whether the conference prospers or not. They call the shots and they don't suffer the consequences for anything because their bread is buttered by NBC.

It's a toxic arrangement and frankly, the Big Ten doesn't need it. I would tell them you can join the conference as a full member any time, but we're not interested in partial memberships at any level. You're in or out, we're good either way.

Not to argue "pro" or "con", but the reason I believe the Big 10 would "accept" a scheduling arrangement with ND is because there are fewer and fewer conferences, and it would give them "the inside track" on getting ND to join if/when the future changes enough to necessitate ND to join a conference.

Having said that, I find it hard to believe that ND would ever join the SEC.

But I still think that the Big 10 wants to signal its intent to ND about "whenever you guys are ready, we're here for you".

Also, ND is the ONLY remaining available school that will NEVER be dilutive. I don't care if the Big 10 had 32 members, they would definitely benefit by making ND the 33rd member.
Why do you think the CFP regulations will become tighter and require conference affiliation? People seem to bend over backwards for Notre Dame, I don't see anything that would force that to change. If anything, these latest CFP discussions made it EASIER to stay independent for ND because they got all sorts of carve-outs.
There have been many speculative comments made on where the CFP and conference affiliations are potentially headed ... being divorced from the NCAA ... a totally new "conference" structure with the equivalent of the NFC / AFC at the college level, also including athletes as employees, new, well thought out regulations, and even collective bargaining. If that happens there would then be a CFP for that "conference" and most likely a second one for what essentially would be "the others G5 level".

Is this "good" for what we have known as "college sports"?, no, it is a purely money driven structure designed to enable the networks to schedule almost exclusively BIG TIME matchups for national viewing that will bring more eyes to the channel, increase the value of commercial time $$. The ones laying out these potential changes aren't "football fans" they are media programming specialists. The risk is that we lose a lot of what made college football such a powerful vehicle ... passion, following a team, pageantry, tradition, love of a program and the game.
There's a lot of projection thrown from you in that post much like that **** coming from that dog's *** in your avatar. Which that's a perfect one for you because most of the stuff you post is dog****.

Regardless of where you lived you can still have terrible **** opinions. Which exactly is what your so called assessment is. I've lived in multiple places over my 45 years with a good portion also being in "the south" so I know first hand the **** stereotype narrative you're repeating to try and paint a whole ******* region in a bad light. In addition, it has nothing to do why the SEC doesn't have us on top of their expansion list.

I'll be here regardless of your predictions coming true or not. Been here longer than your *** so not concerned. I won't hold my breath though as it's already not looking good with your *** scrambling and back tracking. Regardless I hope you're right honestly because I just want what's best for Miami.

I'm not concerned with upvotes. Maybe they just like someone calling your *** out for the nonsense you post sometimes.

Holy ****, you are hilarious.

Sooo...your join-date is ONE MONTH before mine in 2011? What a dopey argument. I'm sure that will come in handy when CIS decides to start doing layoffs by seniority.

I don't give a rat's *** what you think about my "opinions". As I made clear from my posts, I've actually heard those things expressed IN CONVERSATIONS with high-dollar alums and donors of various SEC programs.

So go cry somewhere else. I always find it amusing when whiners such as yourself feel compelled to stand up for the feelings and sensitivities of Southern white-folk. Because, you know, they've had it so tough for the last few hundred years.

I realize that know-nothings such as yourself are going to characterize years worth of postings about conference realignments as "predictions". And that when the facts and circumstances change, those of us in the know will be accused of "scrambling" and "back tracking" when we post updated info. It doesn't bother me that much, because I know where I get my information and how.

But ungrateful know-nothings such as yourself should just leave CIS to be fans on the "Miami fan Facebook page". In that way, you can feel free to discuss all the latest published newspaper articles from insightful hacks like Barry Jackson and Susan Miller Degnan, and you don't have to be bothered by up-to-the-minute information from those of us with UM degrees and UM friends and UM knowledge.

Yeah. We're "scrambling" and "back tracking". It couldn't possibly be the case that the situation is fast-moving and ever-changing, and certain of us care about having accurate information out there in the public discourse.

No, that would be too easy. We are really just psychics who make "predictions" and then "scramble" and "back track".

But, hey, thanks for your 13+ years on CIS, where you have leeched off of everyone else's information while calling them names and (falsely) acting like you are better than everyone because you "keep it real".
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What are you're ultimate high level end result predictions for $/time as of today @TheOriginalCane @Ispyin @Hurracanes etc
Though the road has had twists and turns, I'm still riding and dying with what I have said/heard/alluded to a year ago (and tbh two years ago but we weren't discussing it here much and I wasn't going to say anything at that point anyway as it was just piecemeal): B1G by 2026/2027 and I will say it costs $150-$175M or less depending on court rulings, votes to destroy conference, horse-trading etc. Could be 100% share down to 50% share ala oregon/uw for first contract but it's irrelevant to us day to day for a couple years.

When do we know for sure? That's a moving target tbh IMO. Worst case Feb1 2025 if I had to call a last date purely tied to ESPN issue. But I just think the momentum conference wide is too strong now for this to get dragged out- if it goes past that date then I'd bet FSU still isn't officially out because court fight and potential $ risk is still going on/too high. Tend to doubt it. I'm praying for dissolution option to be viable by june 30 but I'm optimistically skeptical on getting 8 on board for that.

(and because it's Miami and we are always writing the next documentary, the irony of the person who helped neglect and hurt the program - though not out of the hate some think - in Donna Shalala has a possible redemption arc in the form of the money thrown off from the U health system after years of pain and her connections in the B1G which she is using helping to save what was almost destroyed)

Could I be wrong and contacts off and Handsome get to drink tea? Sure- possible and I'll take the L publicly. (What I won't do is tolerate trolls who think this is all direct line tic tac toe with an infant level **** who lose their mind when even those in total awareness have been surprised at some developments and YES those have taken place. Do you see me making recruit predictions? No. Why- because I have no ******* information (unless purely accidental) on that nor any professional experience in that area. Want to discard what I say- have at it - free country and all but if you just want announced facts for your fragile would, read the herald and susan deegan- not sure why you come here in the off season.)

Do I think I'll be wrong despite the optics frustrations currently with AD? Nah, I'm going to be ready not for sipping tea but for receipt dunking.

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