MEGA Conference Realignment and lawsuits Megathread: Stories, Tales, Lies, and Exaggerations

Sunbelt here we come!!!

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A deeper dive:

My predicted rivals for Miami:

App State and Coastal Carolina...
is this like the 10th time you posted this? It doesn't work like saying beetlejuice 3x
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Crappy internet site probably posting fake news says Clemson and FSU going to announce move to B1G. Hopefully it is fake April Fools day news, because otherwise looks like we have the choice of a rivalry with Baylor in the Big 12 or a rivalry with Tulane in the ACC.
is this like the 10th time you posted this? It doesn't work like saying beetljuice 3x
It was my in-depth analysis...

the more "getting to know our new home" type of content.

ya gotta give the fans what they want baby...

I was going to do a deep dive on the Patriot League as a backup, but then I started grabbing the rags and gasoline and matches and seriously contemplating self-immolation at that point...
Crappy internet site probably posting fake news says Clemson and FSU going to announce move to B1G. Hopefully it is fake April Fools day news, because otherwise looks like we have the choice of a rivalry with Baylor in the Big 12 or a rivalry with Tulane in the ACC.
My worst fear. I’d rather go independent until the P2 break away in hopes they would start gobbling up a number of teams. I do believe UF and a couple other teams in the $EC do not want Miami because they’d like to use their conference for recruiting without us in the way. If you stay then you wind up in the same boat, locked into one of those crappy contracts again.
Crappy internet site probably posting fake news says Clemson and FSU going to announce move to B1G. Hopefully it is fake April Fools day news, because otherwise looks like we have the choice of a rivalry with Baylor in the Big 12 or a rivalry with Tulane in the ACC.
That was an April Fools post.
That was an April Fools post.

I assumed so. Still, if it does happen I think it does not bode well for us. I don't see UF letting UM into the SEC (although they might have less issue with us than FSU). If we did somehow get an invite, I have no problem with the SEC, in fact, it would be kinda fun to be the biggest heel in the SEC. We have some heat in the B1G, but nothing like what Southerners have for the U. We would be to the SEC what The Rock was to WWE.
I don't agree that filing a suit is a prerequisite to getting out (there's a lot of ways this can play out), but I agree with the rest. Like you stated, we have a lot to offer the B10, and as far as I know some back channelling (albeit I can't speak to anything super recent) has happened.

Why do you keep using that term "prerequisite". I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Regardless, in what world do you think that staying in the ACC and doing nothing leads to our freedom? I don't give two ***** for vague generalizations like "there's lots of ways this can play out". Not really.

If only "two" teams leave, and everyone else behaves like a *****, the ACC will still survive, contractually.

The tipping point has been reached. The ACC is a ******* chicken with its head cut off, and we need to put it out of its misery.

For the love of Christ, I can't understand how some people can advocate for being so passive and pusillanimous.
Not only may find the option void but I would say 99% probability even if is the NC judge who has been hearing the ACC suit. He was very focused on the point of the "vote to approve the ACC suit by members AFTER THE FACT", and the fact that the ACC conference president and administration were not abiding by the bylaws.

Completely true. There have been sooooo many specific factual situations where the ACC Commissioner and his minions have taken actions that have NOT been approved by the membership.

The ACC is supposed to be a vehicle that does what the member institutions want it to do. It shouldn't be a bunch of overpaid administrators taking unilateral actions that are predominantly oriented towards their own self-preservation and personal enrichment.
I'm still baffled why you guys seem convinced that the Big 10 is our only path and you seem to completely disregard or forget about the SEC.

Sure the Big 10 might be a good fit, but SEC was all the talk in the beginning for a reason IMO.

To use Gator termz, we are not a take for the SEC.

Much though I would prefer to have that option (at least for consideration), all intel that I've gathered says otherwise.
Who of Miami's key influencers are socially/politically connected with key influencers in BIG10 and/or SEC?

That's where the action is going to happen for our Canes to jump to P2.

W-L, media market, blah, blah, blah, etc. is all secondary (and kinda meh) for our Canes today...doesn't mean not a stock on the upswing for tomorrow though...

To answer your question, one of your not-so-beloved people is helping us in this particular endeavour.
I’m still baffled why you think this is more than a 10% chance despite tons of info, rumors, and history.

To be clear I’m fine with it but if you give me actual cash odds my money would not be going on that for so many reasons

What history? As I recall, Miami has a pretty long history with possibly joining the SEC. They did offer Miami in the 90's, and we flirted with them in the 80's, and in the 60's as well. But on the other hand, Miami has zero history with the Big 10. I don't think at any time in our history have we ever entertained an offer from them or tried to join that conference.

And what info? Some random jackass with a Twitter account and a blog post? I remember when you all latched on to that, it just surprises me that you've just continued to run with it as fact all these months later.

Maybe we do end up in the Big 10... but I haven't seen anything from anybody verified that would lead anyone to just assume that as a given over the SEC.

Here's a pretty good history lesson, if you're interested.

"The Hurricanes, who held their first varsity competition in 1927 and played in the Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Association from 1929 through 1941, attended SEC meetings in Gainesville, Fla., as early as 1938. At one point, school officials were pushing to replace Sewanee as the 13th team in the league. The Tigers, now in the Division III ranks, left the SEC in 1940.

By the late 1940s, Miami president Bowman F. Ashe had conversations with presidents at Kentucky and Florida about joining the league. SEC commissioner Bernie Moore met with Miami officials in 1949. But during a vote to expand on Dec. 10, 1949, Florida and Kentucky’s push to include Miami was shot down 7-3. Tennessee, Georgia and Vanderbilt supported Miami’s cause, Miami News columnist Morris McLemore wrote at the time.

By 1960, FSU, which brought back football in 1947, had joined the discussion on potential SEC expansion. But that same year, the SEC voted 8-3 to shut down Florida’s push to expand the league to 14 members with Miami and Florida State as candidates, according to the Associated Press. By 1965, Miami coach Charlie Tate was telling reporters the Hurricanes were no longer interested in SEC membership.

It wasn’t until 1989 reports surfaced that the SEC was interested in building a 16-team super league with independents Miami, Florida State and South Carolina and Texas, Texas A&M and Arkansas from the Southwest Conference as the primary targets. A year later, the SEC approved expansion, and (commissioner) Kramer went to work.

Miami chose to join the Big East instead. Miami wanted to help its basketball program and add some football schedule flexibility, which the Big East offered. And it was clear the SEC, which had for many years told Miami it wasn’t interested in adding them, had prioritized the Seminoles throughout the entire process. Kramer tried to downplay that in the media.

“Nobody is a second choice,” Kramer said at the time — after Arkansas had agreed to join the SEC but before the league pivoted to South Carolina as the second invitee. “We’ve only made one addition to the conference. As for other teams, Miami is an outstanding institution and has a lot to offer. I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t serious about Miami. But we haven’t set a timetable on anything. We will continue to move forward and talk with several schools.”
Scott said Miami discussed joining the SEC but felt a pull to play among other private schools in the Big East.

“I know these were words used — ‘We should have something in common with our conference opponents,’” Scott said. “Now, that doesn’t matter anymore. But back then, looking at Miami as a private institution, Vanderbilt might’ve been the only other one like us in the SEC. The other schools — for the most part — were rural, agricultural-based institutions. So we had those discussions: How does a student at the University of Miami relate to someone in Starkville, Mississippi? The thought was with the Big East there were more private institutions like us, and our alumni base, beyond South Florida, was New York, New Jersey and Chicago. Not Mississippi or Alabama.

“We felt like we didn’t fit.”

Miami eventually found its way to the ACC in 2004 under the leadership of athletic director Paul Dee and president Donna Shalala. The SEC didn’t expand again until it added Missouri and Texas A&M in 2012.

But Scott said Dee and SEC commissioner Mike Slive, who was in charge of the league from 2002 through 2015, maintained contact and always kicked around the idea of the Hurricanes eventually ending up in the SEC one day.

Slive had worked for Miami previously in the 1990s and Dee often referred to Slive as Miami’s general counsel.

Shalala, though, always had eyes for the ACC.

“I’d say there were plenty of calls coming our way as well as Paul making himself available to talk to Slive,” Scott said. “I thought then (in the early 2000s) was our chance to be in the SEC. Throw out the fact we don’t have too much in common with these schools."
To use Gator termz, we are not a take for the SEC.

Much though I would prefer to have that option (at least for consideration), all intel that I've gathered says otherwise.

I mean, that's speculation. And maybe we do end up in the Big 10, but the only thing I've ever heard from anyone who might know something is SEC... I never heard anything about the Big 10. Granted that was a little while ago and things do change. But our history of flirting with the SEC conference goes way way back.

Honestly, gun to my head, I would bet we go to the SEC over the Big 10. But I'm probably the only ************ saying that, alone on my hill waving my little flag. So it's all good. Either conference is good with me. I like the Big 10 for the matchups, but I like the SEC for recruiting and because I don't think the Big 10 will survive another decade. Eventually the P2 will become a P1, when they're done gutting all the other conferences they'll start gutting each other and the SEC wins that war, IMO.
If you have a new relationship already in the bag with Sydney Sweeney, you don’t give a ****.
Tonight Show GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
Bingo. Once path into the new conference (bigten) is clear, it opens the door for public announcement.

The other thing Miami is being very mindful of, is with the fsu/clemson suits and countersuits, they don’t wanna make their exit from acc unnecessarily messy

As much as some people wanna bash Rad, they are handling it the most strategically advantageous way possible
Despite taking the gentleman’s approach by Miami, ACC will always take a shot at us. The most recent example was an ACC lawyers didn’t even recognize us as a P5 team in the state of Florida.
If you want a clean divorce from your wife, you don’t live stream yourself calling her a c*** while spray painting her car.

You let the attorneys hash out the material details behind closed doors.
You've clearly never seen two E-3s get divorced then...

what you describe above is very tame and amatuerish creativity, no flair, no panache, no real "I'll show that ***** AND the entire base what I think of her..."
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I've got 2 little kids that take up 99% of my time, so I have zero idea what's going on in pop culture. I see this broad's name come up all the time now, and I gotta be honest, I don't understand it. What has she done to make her so popular? Is she a good actress? Is it a deal where she is actually good at her craft but just happens to hot as well?

I mean, yeah she's hot and has got big 'ol fake ****ies, but so do lots other women. Why did this one become so popular?